One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 506 That's not necessarily! [Various requests]


"Ming hoo hoo--"

Accompanied by the huge explosion, the extremely blazing heat wave continued to raging.

Franky, a reformer who was not far away, was directly lifted off by the aftermath of the explosion caused by the laser beam, but there was no major problem at all.

"Ah, ah"

"This... is too exaggerated!"

Sanji, Straw Hat Luffy, and Navigator Allen opened their mouths in a cold sweat at the same time.

All were shocked by Kizaru's amazing laser beam.

He let go of Allen the Navigator and motioned him to stay away.

"Even you, the Marine Marshal, have been dispatched?" Pluton Rayleigh couldn't help but wrinkle his brows. He who had been acquainted with the late master shipbuilder Tom of the Water City, of course knew about the ancient Weapon Pluton design.

Unlike others, he had already guessed the purpose of Celestial Dragons and World government when the water capital was besieged by the Forbidden Army.



Polusalino chuckled lightly, shining light all over, looking down from the tree above Rayleigh: "Can you please don't get in the way? Mr. Rayleigh

What I said before was repeated once again.

If the red hair waits for the Four Emperors, he can only guarantee that he will not lose at best.

But facing the already old Pluton Rayleigh, if the fight really goes on, the result of the battle need not be said.

It's just that if you kill or grab the right arm of the One Piece, the remnants of the Redhead One Piece and Roger One Piece will obviously not give up easily.

At present, the most important thing for the world government is to recuperate and regenerate. It does everything possible to accumulate strength, but it does not want to continue to cause such a large-scale war in such a short period of time.

"Sorry, I can't just sit back and watch!"

His face turned serious, Rayleigh still shook his head firmly.

Even in the face of the new Marine Marshal, he didn't mean to shrink at all.

"But it's a pity that you can't stop us." Kama Itachi's voice fell, and it turned into an invisible hurricane, rushing towards the sailor Franky.


The flaming sword light suddenly slashed over.

But the next moment, Pluton Rayleigh's complexion changed, and he hurriedly blocked.


With the light shining, the sound of gold and iron crossed the ears.

"Bang, Polusalino's violent kick at the speed of light suddenly shook Rayleigh's right hand numb, and the whole person stepped back and the ground cracked.


Rayleigh's face was heavy.

His abilities are limited, and it is impossible to stop Marshal Marine Kizaru, but at the same time he can continue to distract him and stop the agents of CP0.

Even at his peak, he may not be able to do it.

"Boom!!!", "Boom!!!"..

The violent collision was directly displayed on this small island.

One after another, sword aura and laser beams blasted the ground continuously and it was broken and broken, and even the huge and numbered roots of the trees were directly blasted off.

The violent air wave rolled away wildly, so that people couldn't open their eyes.

Kizaru knew very well that physical decline was Pluton Rayleigh's biggest weakness, and had no intention of giving the opponent time to rest, and directly suppressed the opponent with a violent offensive.

"Grab the Straw Hat Crew!"

"Except for the three of Straw Hat Luffy, Blackfoot Sanji, and Transformer Franky, the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates are dead or alive!"

Marine, who was searching in other peninsulas, received news, and kept coming over for reinforcements.

In a short period of time, the outer area has been surrounded by groups.

Intensive bullet rain continued to pour towards the people in straw hats.


Franky's palm and wrist suddenly separated, exposing the muzzle.

He kicked Alan the Voyager directly in front of him, and shot at the sickle Itachi who rushed towards him.

"boom "

Dozens of bullets couldn't help shooting at the sickle.

However, at the same time as he easily moved away, the sharp sickle of Sickle Itachi slammed.

The terrifying wind blade cut Franky's arm directly.

The whole person swept up at an astonishing speed.

A punch that covered Haki in an instant, hit his abdomen directly!

"Your journey is over!"

Looking directly at Franky, who was severely injured and hit on the ground, Kan Itachi spoke indifferently.


At this moment, a calm voice came without urgency: "That's not necessarily!"

A tall figure appeared silently behind it.

Not only did Kizaru's face change drastically, but the whole person swung his sickle and blasted out. Even Kizaru, who was confronting Rayleigh, couldn't help but sink.

"Bartholomew. Bear!"


The sharp sickle collided with the fleshy ball in the shape of a bear's palm and sank in.

In the next moment, a powerful force bounced back and flew the ugly-faced Scythe.

"You traitor, what do you want to do?"

Bartholomew-Bear just wanted to shoot and transform Franky, the figure of Jin Si rushed up like a lightning, and the fierce light-speed kick made Batholomew-Bear violently withdraw.

Polusalino, who decisively abandoned Pluton Rayleigh's opponent, directly caught Franky, who was unable to resist, and stared at Bartholomew who teleported to the straw hat Luffy's side. Xiong: "Sure enough, did the revolutionary army also pay attention?"

"Don't worry, I have sent away your crew safely, but the pirate ship was sunk by the warship...Batholomew and Xiong said lightly to Straw Hat Crew, and at the same time, the palms fell suddenly.

He previously rescued Zoro, Usopp, and Chopper from CP0.

Unfortunately, the Thousand Sunny, which had just fallen into the water, was sunk by the Marine artillery.


Luffy, the straw hat with wide eyes, before he could say anything, disappeared.

In the next moment, I turned into an afterimage again.

"Boom!", "Boom!

After two successive noises fell, Sanji and Navigator Allen were shot and flew out one after another.

"It looks like it's a bit troublesome..." Looking at Franky, who was caught by Kizaru, the indifferent gaze of Bartholomew-Xiong flashed a bit solemnly.

His abilities are indeed not weak, but he is not sure that he can grab someone from Marine Marshal Kizaru, even with Pluton Rayleigh.

Because not only is the Naval Headquarters capable Vice Admiral, but also a large number of Marine elite and CP0 agents are coming.

"Don't worry about me, it's impossible for the bastards of the World government to get the Pluton design drawings!"

Franky, who fell into the hands of Bolu 800 Salino, struggled hard, and shouted at both Rayleigh and Bear.

Seeing Straw Hat Luffy and others may have escaped safely, he didn't want to hurt others because of himself.

In Franky's view, the first half of the Grand Line is Marine's site after all. If it is dragged on, Pluton Rayleigh and others may be in danger.

Kizaru was indifferent and didn't care at all.

Whether it is possible to pry out Pluton's design drawings from this transformed population, that is the work of CP.

"Anyway, you have to work hard!"

Decisively signaled to Bartholomew-Bear, Pluton Rayleigh was about to continue rushing up.

Now that several other people have been rescued, it is impossible to give up the transformation of Franky and look directly at him being taken away by Marine.

"Don't want to succeed!"

Itachi and several CP0 agents rushed in and stopped in front of Polusalino.

They couldn't sit and watch these guys snatch Franky from Marine Marshal Kizaru.

Otherwise, only two people will lead to a complete failure of this mission.Where is the face of World government and Naval Headquarters?

"Mr. Rayleigh"

Fingertips glowed, aiming at Franky's head, Kizaru said in distress, "If you continue to be unwilling, I can only choose to kill!"

Both Rayleigh and Bartholomew-Bear had to stop their figures, looking at Polusalino somewhat uncertainly.

"There is an explanation above. Even if we can't get Pluton's drawings, we must not let other forces get it."

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