One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 508 I just want to live!


Night fell.

The stars flickered, leaving only the sound of waves.

The sea breeze is blowing, making people feel a little cool.

"Why would I think of standing alone on the roof and blowing the cold wind?" On the roof of the castle, Iji, who had just washed away the blood and sweat from today, changed into casual clothes and walked over.

Robin was a little dazed looking at the front standing there, staring at the sea blankly.

The upper body is wearing a dark blue waistcoat, and the lower part is a Scottish-style apron. The black hair is blowing in the wind, full of intellectual temperament.

"His Royal Highness

Robin recovered.

There is always an invisible sense of alienation in the top hat and gentle smile.

Iji frowned, staring at the beautiful face close at hand, and noticed the flash of distance in his blue-black eyes.

"To be honest, I really don't like your alienation attitude!"

He stared at Robin's eyes abruptly.

The deep gaze seemed to be a little angry, and it was as calm as an abyss, which made people feel uneasy inexplicably.

"No, Your Highness"

Shaking his head hurriedly, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

Robin at this moment is as embarrassed and nervous as being guessed at the main thing

What I recalled, the past experiences flashed through my mind scene by scene, with unnoticeable panic.

"Do you think you are not the same with Germa, or are you resisting for other reasons? I haven't said anything in these two days, but I can feel that your heart is full of entanglements, and you have been with other people from beginning to end. Maintaining an invisible sense of distance, can't hide from me"

His complexion became pale.

She never expected that Iji's observations were so subtle and sharp that even the secrets she hid in her heart would be exposed.

"You are really smart, but don't treat everyone as a fool, Robin

Just let go of the opponent, 800 Iji sat on the fence on the rooftop, looking at the turbulent dark sea, and did not continue to look at the flustered Robin.

"Maybe your disguise is very good during the day, even if Winsine, Delia, Kalifa and the girls can't detect it, but you can't hide from the superhuman Bacara, and the observant Isabel. , It’s just that they don’t want to say something is broken.”

"No, I never wanted to deceive their friendship! It's just "

"You don't need to explain so much, and you don't need to be overly nervous. If you have malice or other thoughts in your heart, you won't be standing here safe and sound.

Iji wasn't angry, so he patted the railing next to him and motioned for him to sit up.

He would not be naive to think that Robin would have solved his defenses simply by providing shelter.

From small to large, he has experienced all kinds of betrayal, all kinds of ugly faces, which are indelible traumas.

Moreover, from the time he brought the other party under his command, he did not pay much attention to Robin.

In this case, she naturally thinks that she is just a tool and chess piece used by Germa.

After all, it was like experiencing countless betrayals at the beginning, and then turning to the sand crocodile, and finally being forced to turn to the more powerful Germa.

Fear of losing, but not daring to own it again.

Even less dare to expose your fragile heart easily.

"Yes" Robin took a deep breath, with his back soaked in cold sweat, trying to calm himself down, he sat down beside Iji somewhat restrained.

Gradually sinking her mind, she found that Iji was not (bhai) angry, so she relaxed a little.

She did not think about betraying Djerma, but in her heart she just regarded Djerma as a new habitat, and worked accordingly, and did not fully integrate into it.

Nami is the only one who really opened her heart.

But if it hadn't been for Nami's accidental discovery of his identity when he was in East Blue that time, it would be impossible for the two to become good sisters so quickly.

After all, Robin still knows how sensitive his true identity is.

Let Nami know that it is not necessarily good for him or for himself.

"His Royal Highness, maybe Germa knows a lot about my experience."

With her teeth biting her lower lip, Robin turned his head to face Iji, his sincere eyes with anticipation: "But would you like to listen to my story?"

"If you don't want to, you won't be sitting here! Don't be nervous, relax

Reaching out and picking up the hair tossed by the sea breeze, his peaceful eyes didn't show the slightest impatience, and Iji offered comfort.

"Twenty years ago, when I was very young, because my father died young, I had no impression of him. As a scholar, my mother left me behind and went to sea with Ohara's archaeological team, and directly put me in foster care. At my uncle's house"

"Telling Lei hee hee taught me how to face life with a smile, and encouraged me to go out to sea to find a companion, the giant Vice Admiral Jaguar-D- Saul was frozen into an ice sculpture by Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral' Aokiji." The Buster Call was destroyed, and the refuge ship of the innocent people was ruthlessly sunk by Marine. However, after I was mercilessly killed my friend Saul, I suddenly felt softhearted.

Aokiji "Let it go and escape."

"I thought I was saved by a good-hearted person, but I woke up in the middle of the night, but I heard the other party hiding in the room and discussing to give me to Marine in exchange for a huge bounty... , Bounty hunters are also Marine and CIPHER-POLCP agents under the World government, all of them are constantly chasing me down, and occasionally they encounter people who are really kind to take me in.

But they were all killed mercilessly by those guys."

Those unbearable memories were uncovered again, making Robin tremble with his hands on his shoulders, his whole body trembling, tears soaking his eyes: "I don't know what I did wrong? Why do I have such a terrifying experience?"

Iji didn't know when, he had already embraced her.

No words of comfort were said, but the broad chest was so warm and safe that Robin subconsciously invaded.

"As I grew up, I began to run into the underground world, or joined some pirate groups, but every time the CIPHER-POLCP under the World government will come to my door quickly, those gangs, pirate groups are all Will be easily destroyed, and often escape ahead of time by relying on keen intuition"

Lifting his tearful eyes, looking straight at the handsome face close at hand, suddenly broke free from Iji's embrace and left the railing.

Standing there, looking at Iji who turned his head and looked at him calmly, his eyes didn't seem to be fluctuating, tears couldn't help overflowing and fading.

"Do you look down on me very much? You can laugh at me as much as you like."

Regardless of it, he gritted his silver teeth emotionally, and Jiesdili cried loudly: "Yes, I didn't tell those guys, I didn't tell them that I had been targeted by the World government, but I tried to use them to attract the attention of the World government. Strength so that you can escape from it

"I just want to live!"

"Why, what am I doing wrong? Why do they have to force me like that? Why don't I have the right to live? Why do I have to let them kill or arrest? Just because I know how to translate historical text? Because the possibility of my resurrection is limited to rumors, and I don’t even know whether it’s true or not. It’s buried in a corner of the world.

Don’t you know if Ancient Weapon is rotten? I’m really unwilling.”

For more than two decades, the pain hidden in my heart and the painful and suppressed emotions in the daily life have all exploded at this moment without reservation.

"Ming~~~Ming~~~, I have never thought of harming anyone, I just want to live well." Robin knelt on the ground helplessly, crying with his face covered in tears, dripping tears. Fade between the fingers.


At the top of the roof stairway, Isabel has appeared there for unknown time, staring at Robin who is kneeling and crying.

She naturally knew Robin's experience.

Moreover, her fate is similarly rough. If the princess of the former subjugated country hadn't been saved by Iji, she would not dare to imagine what kind of hell she might fall into.

But she was undoubtedly fortunate enough to meet that majesty.

Even though there is a bit of pity for the same illness, after all, I can't realize that the other party was forced to flee from a little girl as young as eight years old, and then to carry a huge bounty and the status of an Ohara scholar who is not tolerated by the World government. Faced with the dark side of human nature, experiencing betrayed by others time and time again, and then to the kind of absolute betrayal of others.

Hope and helpless!

I can't see the bright hope, no one around me is worthy of trust, and I don't dare to trust too much.

You can only rely on being vigilant at all times, constantly falsely taking refuge, and not hesitating to betray when you perceive a crisis, in exchange for the meager chance of survival, you can still be caught by the world government at any time, and you don't even know if you can survive to the next day. .

For this young Robin, what kind of pressure and pain was it?

I don't know, Robin, who usually looks so optimistic and elegant, has such a big knot in his heart.

If you change to someone else, you have already fallen into darkness completely, or gave up living.

"From today, you are no longer alone, remember!"

"Really, really?"

The crying sound is like a little girl's unconfident, but it also has the hope and desire from the heart.

"Of course!" The strong arms directly embraced the weak and helpless body, allowing it to lean in his arms, short and powerful.

A smile appeared on her beautiful pretty face, and Isabel smiled and left without stepping forward.

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