One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 512 Amazed Monet【Various requests】

On the field.

Stop holding the seastone whip sent here.

With sugar gritted his teeth and full of worry, he walked towards Monet who was constantly kicking the stakes to practice Tempest Kick.

"Hey, hello, isn't it like this, isn't she insisting?" Sanji exclaimed.

"Yehahaha, don't try to intervene. This is Iji's decision. If it is broken, even if it is missed, Ba Jin has no stand to protect you."

Shrugging, Yuji grinned from the side.

He didn't realize that his heart was changing subtly, and the missing emotion was enriching.

In fact, if you really want to find reasons or opportunities to bully Sanji, there are opportunities.

"If you want to fight, whatever!"

Monet, sweaty, noticed Horton's arrival, but just gritted his teeth and said coldly, and did not stop training.

Whether it was her or Sugar, both of them had already deeply understood that if there was no strong power, there would be no way of Master's own destiny.

The desire to become stronger has allowed them to persist from the beginning to the present.

"Listen, seastone has been replaced by me. If you want your sister to persevere and not be eliminated in the next more cruel training, just pretend to be a little bit like, don't let me use the real sea building.

The expressionless Horton lowered his voice abruptly, coldly.

Standing position, intentionally or unintentionally blocked the sight of Sugar, Sanji and others, and changed the seastone whip without moving.


With long green hair soaked in sweat on his face, Monet looked a little embarrassed, looking at Horton in shock.

I thought I had heard it wrong, when did this demon be so kind?

But Horton didn't want to explain too much to the other party, so he raised his whip and whipped it down abruptly.


Monet was shaking his head.

A shocking bloodstain appeared on the back, making the scalp numb, but it was actually a stain on the whip, which looked like blood.

"Don't blame me. If you blame it, blame your trash sister. You can't even complete this level of training ^" ”

Horton's cold and merciless voice reached the ears of Sugar, Sanji and others from the center of the training ground.

"Bang! Bang!..

"Ah, ah"

The sound of whipping, accompanied by Monet's disguised screams, kept coming.

In fact, Holden controlled the strength, even though it was a little bruised, but it was not really broken.

With Germa's special medicine, the swelling can be quickly recovered.

This insignificant pain was nothing to Monet, who had suffered even more painful flogging in the past.

"Sister, sorry

Sugar and tears mixed with sweat and dripped to the ground, clenching his teeth and holding on.

Try not to let the already exhausted, my hips and body muscles tremble, and I want to press my limp body on the ground.

The little face is full of grievances and guilt, which makes people feel a little distressed.

"What a bastard!"

Sanji couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"If you can't stand it, leave the training ground, but don't want to make trouble," Yuji frowned and said indifferently.

He didn't understand why it seemed that every time he wanted to teach Sanji, he hesitated so inexplicably.

This feeling made him a little troubled and irritable.

Just like now, if he wants to abuse Sanji, miss. Bajin and Weibull are not there at all, after all, it is impossible to follow them 24 hours a day.

When he wanted to take a shot, he became uninterested and uninterested.

On the contrary, he kept talking against this kid, which can make him feel inexplicably happy. When did he become such a "poisonous tongue"?


Sanji snorted coldly.

Throwing away the cigarette butts and walked straight out.

"Cut, that guy Horton, you can fool Sanji and that little girl with such bad acting skills." Yuji also got up and left, glanced at Horton who had stopped "punishing", and curled his lips in a low voice. .

With his eyesight, even if it was a bit far apart, how could he not notice that Horton was releasing the water.

After all, Iji wants to make sugar that really grow up, not sugar that needs to hate herself. Of course, it is impossible for this girl to really hate herself.

At the very least, before the sugar can't sustain the cruel training, Monet, as the older sister, will definitely be fine.

"Remember, next I will ask someone to separate the rooms of your two sisters and don't expose them in front of your sister. Before turning around and leaving, Horton reminded Monet.

"Hmph, I know, but don't expect me to be so grateful to you!"

Pretending to fall to the ground in pain, Monet, who was struggling, said in a cold voice.

She didn't understand why this guy suddenly became softhearted.

"You don't need to be grateful. I'm just following orders. The physical training phase will soon end. The next training will only be more cruel, even far more cruel than those students in the elite class of the military academy. Whether you can stick to it depends on you. !'

Without stopping, Horton responded indifferently.

With Monet's current strength, coupled with the ability of Logia-Snow-snow Fruit, it may not actually be weaker than him, but this is Germa, and the other party dare not do anything at all!

*. "Furthermore, how much your sister has changed in this period of time, I think you should be very clear that without power, the Master cannot control your life..."

Monet frowned, lost in thought.

Of course, she is very aware of the tremendous changes in granulated sugar during this period of time.

Although Tenten is practicing six poses and two-color Haki, the amount of training is far less than that of sugar trained under gravity.

And because it has the ability to heal the fruit to restore physical strength and injuries, except for the daily three meals, sugar has almost no interruption in training, and the real rest time is pitiful, which can relieve mental fatigue.

It seems that it is only a few months, but the actual (money) sugar has already completed the physical training that ordinary Djerma-level officers may not be able to do in a few years.

In this case, there are earth-shaking changes in both the individual's neural response ability and its own speed and strength. In that seemingly weak body, a deep foundation has been accumulated unknowingly, but the sugar has not discovered it.

If you wait for Granulated Sugar to undergo cruel combat training, and Master Six Forms and Haki, coupled with the ability of the Paramecia-childlike fruit, Monet can't imagine what this sister who needs his own protection during the day will grow into in the future. the height of.

But the prerequisite for all this is whether his sister can do it.

"Sugar, you must persevere. For you, my sister will work hard." Looking into the distance, it was a young figure who couldn't stop shaking, but still clenching his teeth, Monet had firmness in his eyes. Light.

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