One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 514 Thank you for your hard work! [Various requests]


The atmosphere opened a door.

Kalifa walked straight out of it.

These days, she has become very proficient with the Master of Menmenguo.

On this huge war house, any corner can come and go freely.

"Kalifa, next time you can say hello, it will startle people. Dilia patted her little heart exaggeratedly and complained.

I am very envious of Kalifa's Devil Fruit ability.

Even if you don't have to fight with the enemy, you can easily escape when hiding in a different space, or you can stay in it directly, and you can go wherever you want. How convenient is it to make fun of people?

"Diliya, just Jiang Mu!"

Kalifa, dressed in a beautiful black mesh dress and a sleek figure, smiled on her face and squeezed her cheek.

"I don't envy you, you can't just swim in the water!"

He patted Kalifa's hand, Shuiling's eyes rolled, and Dilia pouted and said deliberately.

"That's not necessarily true. What if D.. Vegapunk's research in this area makes a breakthrough in the future, is there a way for the capable person to directly contact the sea without becoming weak?"

Winsine next to her shook her head and said helplessly to her sister.

"You two girls, if you work halfway with Isabel, even if you want Logia's ability, I will be able to get it for you in the future!"

Iji patted Diliya on the head, a bit irritable.

Not afraid of not having talent, but not willing to work hard, Germa does not lack strong people like Smoky, he doesn't want them to become vases.

This pair of twin sisters was chosen by him personally, and the talent is actually not much worse than Isabel. However, growing up under his protection since childhood, the experience is not as bumpy as Isabel, far from working so hard.

Of course, in fact, even Bacara, who disliked cultivation the least among the several maids, had already devoted himself very seriously during cultivation, and was afraid of being disgusted by his highness because of not working hard enough.

The two sisters Winsine and Delia have worked hard enough during the day, and he can't expect everyone to wait for more time and energy to invest like Isabel. The talents of these two girls are higher than those of CP9 Kalifa, and their strength is not too far behind Kalifa.

"His Royal Highness, people are working very hard now. Every day I follow Sister Isabel's beautiful twin sister Winsnie to practice for a long time. She sells her sister decisively and retorts with some grievances: "Although I can't do it like Sister Isabel, but it can Don't confuse me with the little lazy cat Dilia!"

"Sister! It's not like that"

The pretty face was a little red, and Delia held her small fist and said dullly: "People work very hard, and Barcara is lazy than others."

Iji's daily stipulation for them is not very long, so in order to not let this highness down, Deliya feels that she is also working hard, training every day is very serious and dedicated, without any laziness and moisture.

Although my sister Winsnie practiced longer than her every day.

"Why don't you compare to Lord Smoky?"

Kalifa squeezed Deliya's curvy nose narrowly.

Baccarat can be said to be the laziest among them, except for Mrs. Smoky.

"Well, knowing that you work hard, don't pouting your mouth. Iji shook his head and smiled.

Holding this lovable girl, she patted the elastic round buttocks a few times.

The two sisters Winsine and Delia have not been prepared for Devil Fruit, which he considers "ordinary" in his own eyes, and it is not that he has expectations for these two girls.

He has never been a person who loves the new and dislikes the old. The two sisters were the first to follow him apart from Isabel, and their status in the mind is self-evident.


Di Liya smiled.

He made a grimace at Kalifa and his sister Winsnie, and vomited cute cloves, making them angry and helpless.

Their Royal Highness spoils this girl too much.


A black dust storm swept over the sea from afar.

In the surprised eyes of Reiju, Smoky and others, they became smaller and smaller, and gradually turned into a black figure, which flew directly to the bow of the war house.


"Sand crocodile?"

Robin, Reiju and others looked at the incoming person, it was Sand Crocodile Pod.

Iji, who was far away on the roof of the castle, also noticed the arrival of the other party, and was a little surprised.

"It looks like that boy Bod, has more control over Sand-Sand Fruit's ability, he is really surprised.

Under his guidance, Bode relied on his talents to develop and use Sand-Sand Fruit's ability, and he no longer knew how many streets he had left Crocodile.

"Master Reiju, Master Smoky"

Podli was saluting Reiju and Smoky, without the slightest arrogance.

In his mind, he is always Grizz and Pod of the Djerma Empire, not the "sand crocodile", one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Suo, Kalifa led it to the rooftop.

"Yes, you can see that you have never slackened in practice!"

Standing up and patted Pod on the shoulder, Iji rarely showed satisfaction: "Thanks for your hard work these years!"

………For flowers 0……

Even though it is impossible to directly determine how much the opponent's combat power is, Iji can still infer the approximate strength of Bode based on the aura of the judgement.

If it is on such favorable terrain as the desert and the land, Smoky may not be Pod’s opponent in a real fight.

Those capable of Logia still have a great advantage in a favorable terrain environment, especially Bode can turn the land into a desert that is beneficial to him at any time, and even can be manipulated as desired.

If it hadn't been for his own plan, Pod's talent was enough to rank in the top of Djerma, maybe even higher than Akin. Otherwise, he would not have been about to complete the Six-Type Master at the age of just sixteen, and even directly awakened the two-color Haki.

"For your majesty's hegemony, never dare to slack off!" Looking at the red figure in front of him, Bode was full of respect.


From beginning to end, the respect for Iji in my heart has never been reduced by half.

This His Royal Highness is simply on this sea. Looking at ancient and modern history, it may not be possible to find the second legend.

The same age as his original body, but at this age he already possesses extraordinary terrifying strength, and is recognized by the world as the "strongest"!

"Forbearance again, for two to three years at most. By that time, whether you have completed the original plan or not, you can return to your original body.

Iji gestured to sit down, smiled and said, "The ability of this Logia-Sand-Sand Fruit matches you very well! I believe that when the time comes, with your original talent, it will not be buried, let alone Those guys who joined halfway are bad"

He gave a promise.

This Logia, Sand-Sand Fruit, will still belong to Pod when the time comes and will not be taken away directly.

And to be honest, Pod has proven his talent.

At that time, the ability of Logia-Sand-Sand Fruit will be re-developed, and the Haki will be more effective, and it will not even take too long.

After all, he already has experience, and in Haki's practice, he has his own experience.

"When you return to your body, I will let Red Beard use his abilities to cooperate with you in high-intensity training and strengthen your own physique, so that you can make up for the five or six years that you have lost in the shortest time. As for being left behind!"

Pod's potential, loyalty and hard work, Iji is all in his eyes, of course, he will not let this subordinate who saddled himself be chilled.

"Your Majesty"

Pod's eyes were agitated and moist.

This majesty did not forget the self who was paying silently because his subordinates gathered a large number of strong men.


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