One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 523 The goal is getting closer? [Various requests]

"Then go to Oro Sonia, read the steles, and then go back!"

When KING left anxiously, Iji looked at Robin who was beaming and spoke directly.

"It just so happens that I am also very curious, what exactly is recorded in the blank hundred years," Reiju said with a smile while holding a cup of hot coffee and sitting there gracefully.

She is really curious.

The World government tried desperately to cover up. Apart from not wanting the resurrection of Ancient Weapon, there should be other reasons.

Most of his wish is about to be fulfilled soon, and the mystery of history is likely to be revealed. Robin happily whispered: "I will introduce you to you then!"

The knot has been untied, and she has no rejection of Germa.

Perhaps for ordinary strong men and forces, knowing more may not be a good thing, but the Djerma Empire is different.

With a strong man like Iji sitting in town, the power under his command is also strong enough that even the World government dare not start a war easily.

Even if there is really some incredible information recorded in the historical text, what if Germa knows it?

"As for the BIG-MOM side, I will use this to trade directly when the time comes. I believe she will not refuse, because Kaido has collected two red historical text stone tablets after all."

817 Iji didn't actually have much interest in collecting these steles, but it was very clear that the information recorded on them was quite amazing, and it would definitely cause a huge wave of waves when they spread out. Since Robin was willing to take the initiative to share with everyone, he wouldn't mind listening.

The existence of the "national treasure" of Celestial Dragons, as well as the large number of robotic soldiers on it that surpassed the current era, gave him a lot of speculation.

After getting the historical text stone tablets and returning to North Blue, let Dr. Vegapunk transform the Kaido of the beasts.

The Four Emperors of New World, a beast Kaido has died, and Blackbeard is from Germa. Unless BIG-MOM and red-haired Shanks provoke him life and death, it is better to keep them first, so as not to follow the New World sea. With the weakening of the thief's power, the guys in the World government gave birth to something they shouldn't have.

Although I am not worried, it only adds to the trouble.

"Look at the guy Kaido, if he regenerates faster or has a tendency to wake up, wake me up immediately

Pointing to the training ground, people are specifically responsible for monitoring the regeneration speed of the organs and tissues in Kaido Kaido. Any abnormal situation should be directly reported to him at any time.

Grabbing a head, Sea Kings recovers the stamina that was lost in the confrontation with Kaido, the beast.

After greeting Reiju, Smoky and other women, Iji returned to his room and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Of course, Isabel and others did not interrupt their Highness to rest.

After all, the eight-day high-intensity battle consumes not only physical strength, but also a lot of energy.

Even though this highness has relieved the physical fatigue by virtue of the power of the monster species-vampire form, it is impossible to ignore the mental fatigue.

And this time.

Baron Dandan, who is returning to the Totto Land waters, is energizing with BIG-MOM.

"Mom, Kaido, Kaido, was beaten all over by Iji-sama, and lost consciousness. I don't know if he is still alive."

Iji's bloody figure that made people breathe flashed in his mind, and Baron Dandan, in awe, added: "This may be an opportunity!"

"Did the immortal body of Kaido be broken by that bastard?" Kata Kuri, who was sitting at the bottom of BIG-MOM far away on Cake Island, couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

Hundred Beasts How powerful is the monster Kaido, how could they not know?

After all, Kaido was caught by them when he challenged the BIG-MOM Pirates alone, but he couldn't kill the monster, even if BIG-MOM himself tried his best.

Charlotte- Linlin is holding the long sword conjured by Napoleon in the Pirate Hat, and it is difficult to leave such an astonishing mark on that defensive body.

Some, just (bhai) insignificant bloodstains, will soon heal directly.

"Mama Mama, that bastard boy, is really good at it" BIG-MOM smiled, but with strong fear and vigilance.

"Kata Kuri, you immediately gather the people, and Cracker and the others, attack the Beasts Pirates headquarters, the old lady does not believe that you can't get the historical stele" Charlotte- Linlin's eyes are blazing, full of eagerness and authenticity: ""If you can get the Kaido collection The two pieces of road sign text, then we have three pieces"

One Piece's goal is getting closer and closer to herself, so how can she not get excited?

"Yes, mother!"

Kata Kuri's face was serious.

"Don't worry, if the fellow Red Earl Ryder appears, the old lady will rush over!" The stele has been hidden by herself. The only people who know the specific location are Kata Kuri, and even the Homitz who is responsible for the transportation. It was cleared out to prevent the information from leaking out.

BIG-MOM is also not afraid of the old fellow Red Earl Ryder sneaking into this place to make trouble. What is great is that the loss is greater.

But if you get a red historical text stone tablet, what is a small loss?

It would be even better if he blocked the opponent on the way back and killed the old fellow Lederfield forever!

In a certain sea area.

The battleships marched slowly on the sea, and the skull flag symbolizing Beasts Pirates was fascinating.

Since Germa didn't deliberately publicize that Kaido was killed by Vinsmoke-Iji, KING certainly wouldn't be so stupid to publicize the death of Kaido.

After all, over the years, the forces Beasts Pirates have offended are unknown.

If the news of Kaido's death spreads, not only the Four Emperors will come to the door, but even those guys may pounce directly as if the wolves smell the fishy smell, and trouble will follow one after another.

But KING still couldn't believe Iji's words.

"How can such a powerful Kaido-sama be easily killed?"

Looking at those cadres who were not very worried about Kaido's defeat as in the past, KING looked stubborn and determined.

He was determined to wait a little longer.

If after a while, Master Kaido still has no news.

Then consider whether to join the demons of other forces!

Even the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, which had captains such as the Phoenix Marco, Diamond Joz, and Foil Vista, have been wiped out. KING will not be so stupid to think that they can keep the Four Emperors alone. The title.

He's not Jack the Drough, the muscular guy.

In particular, they have been targeted by monsters like BIG-MOM and Red Earl Ryder!


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