One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 526 Weapons and a hundred beasts! [Four more, various requests]

In front of the huge open square.

While Iji might have to assist D.. Vegapunk in transforming Kaido, Reiju simply led Robin, Nami and other women in this research base.

"This is the airship?" Robin and Nami, who came here for the first time, looked at the several airships of different sizes displayed in front of them in surprise.

They are all seeing this thing for the first time.

Women such as Winsine, Delia, and Kalifa had already seen these, and even rode them directly.

"This airship is 36 meters long and has a maximum diameter of 15 meters. With a pod, it is 29 meters high and can carry 8 people." A gray-bearded scientist directly introduced them: "The propeller is 9 meters in diameter. Several people rotate the propeller in turn. , So that it can generate tension and tow the airship forward at a speed of 10 kilometers per hour"

"These are not practical. They have been around 17 a long time ago, but because the sea climate is too bad, you may not be able to escape from storms at any time. No one dares to use it directly as a means of transportation... "

Following Iji for a long time, Isabel said directly to the airship designed earlier in Germa, who knew much better than Winsine and the others.

"Indeed, at 10 kilometers per hour, you can't avoid enemy slashes and shells." Robin nodded.

"What we are going to look at is not these expensive, and there are no practical obsolete items."

Reiju chuckled and pointed to a lonely airship placed in the center of the field, which is completely different from those fish-like airships. It looks like a single-winged falcon, a strange-looking machine: "It's this! "

"what is this?"

Nami leaned over and asked curiously, "It's kind of like a falcon!"

"This is a new type of aircraft developed by the scientific research team. With continuous improvement, both speed and flexibility far exceed those airships."

A scientist introduced, and said with some regret: "However, it is not currently possible to fly over long distances. If you want to use it in war, it is estimated that the warships can only be comprehensively modified, or even specially designed to carry them. Of warships!

"These are not problems. As long as your scientific research department can design a suitable warship as soon as possible, I can immediately order someone to build one for testing!" Reiju nodded.

Djerma attaches importance to science and technology even more than that of the World government, and has never neglected the development in this area.

"Master Reiju, do you need a demonstration?"

A pilot film crew who was already familiar with the plane, already wearing flight equipment, was waiting there, and saw Reiju, who was a royal family.

I was a little excited, full of respect and admiration.

"Yeah! I'm sorry to trouble you."

Reiju smiled and nodded.



The aircraft engine shook.

The spiral fans on both sides spun quickly.

Even though they had been far away under the cue of the scientists, the girls were still messed up.


The huge plane galloped toward the track ahead, and then flew high in the sky following the pilot's operation.


"It's flying!"

"The speed is so fast!"

Kalifa, Delia, Baccarat, Robin and other women couldn't help but open their mouths.

Even the first time Smoky saw him, his eyes widened and he was a little surprised at the amazing flying speed.

No one thought that Germa's technology had developed to this level.

This eagle-type monoplane, under the operation of the pilot, completed level flight, ascent, descent, and overturning in the high altitude.

Finally, he made a dive landing and glide on a long track.

"If you put a potent bomb or some gas bomb on it and drop it at the enemy from high altitude, the war situation will definitely have a great advantage, right?"

Isabel chuckled lightly, speaking with some certainty.

She can fully imagine what huge advantages this thing would have if it were equipped in the army on a large scale.

The flying height and speed alone, even those strong at the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral level, with the exception of some special abilities, Moonwalk may not be able to catch up.

"Lord Reiju, can we just go up and try it?"

Deliya and Nami were a little eager to try, and they looked at Reiju and the scientists eagerly.

"This requires professional guidance. You have to ask the pilots carefully. Don't be reckless. Reiju didn't stop it.

Ji Nv is not a type that can't help being weak, she has the strength not to be weak, even if there is any problem, she can directly abandon the plane and escape on the Moonwalk.

"Thank you Reiju-sama!"

Delia pulled Nami and Baccarat, and couldn't wait to run over.

Enthusiastically surrounded the pilot who had just stepped down from above, wanting to learn how to drive this thing.

"Don't worry, those girls will get tired soon." Reiju smiled at the helpless Isabel. She had already driven this thing before following Iji to New World.

Experience on these 817 models that have just been designed and not yet fully mature. To tell the truth, it is better to drive the Weiba directly on the sea Kabuto Wind.

"Sister Reiju, I am looking forward to the future more. If I could go directly to the moon or other planets as Robin said, how interesting would it be?

Smoky smiled and said, showing some expectation.

"That is true, but whether it can be done depends on Vegapunk!"

It does not take dozens of hundreds of years to develop and progress. If you want to develop a spacecraft that can cross the interstellar in the shortest time, it is estimated that only the world's first scientist D... Vegapunk can do it.

Ten days!

Regarding the transformation of Kaido, the degree of trouble exceeded the estimates of Dr. Vegapunk and other scientists.

The transformation that was originally scheduled to be completed in about five days, was delayed to ten days before the transformation of the brain of the beast Kaido was completed.

He completely erased his violent personality and became a "human weapon" that is completely loyal to Djerma and only strictly enforces Iji's orders.

And directly in his mouth and hands, equipped with a large laser cannon designed by Dr.Vegapunk!

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