One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 537 Ryder's ability [various requirements]

On an uninhabited desert island.

In a hidden cave.

Red Earl Ryder was pale and sat there indifferently.

In front of him, there were three figures that were exactly the same as him.

"Even the main body is in the same weak state, unable to exert the strength of the peak period, and if you want the clone to maintain the same combat power as the main body, you can only maintain one clone at most.

Fumbling for the Devil Fruit ability he had obtained, Lederfield's eyes flickered: "However, the main body can exchange positions with any clone, regardless of distance!

Paramecia clone fruit.

That is the "zero" ability of the highest officer of CP0 at the time!

No one thought that the Devil Fruit would appear in New World and be obtained by Red Earl Ryder from the bottom of the sea.

You know, in order to find the abilities that Iji was too late to reclaim, the power of Germa's command not only desperately searched for North Blue, but also always paid attention to the movement of the sea to see if anyone was lucky enough to get those few rebirths. Ability to be in a corner of the world.


Electric light flint room.

His body and several clones have exchanged positions one after another.

It's so fast that people can't react at all.

This has nothing to do with mere speed, it simply involves space.

Paramecia clone fruit is undoubtedly a very powerful ability.

At the beginning, CP0 Supreme Commander "Zero" used this Devil Fruit's ability to summon a clone with almost the same strength as the main body to besiege Iji. Red Earl Lederfield saw it in his eyes.

Even if a clone with the same strength as the body is changed, the physical consumption will be increased exponentially, but its function and strength are beyond doubt.

He who has seen this ability introduction on the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book will not hesitate to directly take the risk and eat this Devil Fruit directly.

You know, eating Devil Fruit means that he can no longer dive directly into the sea to escape as before.

Once immediately blocked by Marine Marshal Kizaru or other strong men, it is quite dangerous.

Ryder waited if he took a risk!

But he succeeded fortunately and survived the first night. Basically, the Master possessed the ability of this fruit.

Even if it was immediately discovered by Kizaru, it was a big deal to separate the clone and the main body and flee in different directions. Even if it was not in its heyday, Kizaru would not want to destroy his clone so easily.

Not to mention, even if the main body is targeted, it can directly exchange positions with the clone in an instant.

And at this time, stay in front of the deserted island for a while.

Looking at the destroyed forest ruins, the blue python did not continue to step into the island.

Because his heart network has already told him the answer.

He took out another anti-eavesdropping phone bug that was different from Naval Headquarters, and reported directly to Iji in North Blue.

"However, it is really surprising..."

His whole body flickered, squinting his eyes and staring directly at a hillside that was silent on the island: "Derma has spared no effort to search these months. I didn't expect you to get this Devil in New World. Fruit

"You should be looking for Ryder, right?"

The phone worm imitated Iji's expression.

He raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise: "Why did you call me suddenly? What happened?,

Too frequent contact will undoubtedly increase the risk of exposure.

There is no need to specifically report to him in situations like whether Ryder is discovered, after all, Germa didn't mean to intervene in.

"No, I found Ryder's position..."

The complexion became serious, and Blue Python spoke in a deep voice: "That guy doesn't know where he got the avatar of the former CP0 chief's "Zero". If he recovers, he is afraid that he will become a more troublesome character!"

He would not ignore the power of that clone fruit.

Even if the consumption is doubled, how powerful are the two Red Earls together?

It is unrealistic to say that it is invincible, but at least if the life-and-death duel is launched again, BIG-MOM is afraid that it will be in big trouble.

Considering this situation, he felt it necessary to report to that Highness.

If his Royal Highness feels that Ryder may become a threat or get out of control and can no longer stay, he will naturally monitor Earl Red directly, waiting for Iji to rush over to retrieve the Devil Fruit himself.

"Is it the fruit of the clone? That guy's luck is really good enough, and Germa hasn't found it after looking for it for so long, but he accidentally got it."

His eyes narrowed slightly.

Iji, who was far away at North Blue Experimental Base No. 2, was a little surprised, and then chuckled lightly.

"Don't worry about him, just as if you didn't find it!" After thinking about it for a while, Iji didn't mean to set off directly to the New World to capture the Devil Fruit.


Hung up the phone.

"It looks like it will be more interesting next!"

Sitting on the sofa with his legs up, Iji was full of playfulness: "BIG-MOM, God will kill you!"

The Red Earl Ryder obtained the fruit of the clone, which obviously does not mean invincibility, but the combat power will inevitably double in a short period of time.

The two were originally evenly matched, but now it's hard to say.

"However, I can't let that guy die so fast, otherwise the sea will cause trouble again. Even though the sea has gone violently, it still barely maintains a delicate balance for the forces such as Iji.

But if BIG-MOM is directly killed by Red Earl Ryder.

No one dare to say what will happen next.

Before he is ready, Iji doesn't want to fight with the World government and hurt both sides.

"Do you need to remind BIG-MOM?"

Isabel, who carefully massaged Iji's shoulders, asked softly.

There is no Tismuji, (Qian De Zhao) No matter if the other party has no relationship with BIG-MOM, it is still a bit embarrassing to be caught in it.

"Don't worry, wait until that guy is almost recovered!

Turning his head, squeezing Isabel's delicate face, Iji suddenly smiled and asked, "Isabel, do you like the fruit of the soul or the fruit of the avatar?"


A daze flashed in Isabel's beautiful eyes.

But it quickly reacted, and Qiaomu couldn't help but light up.

"Don't worry, it just happens to take some time!"

Iji got up and walked out: "Let's go, call Smuji and the others, go back to the imperial capital first!"

"The beast Kaido is basically stable. I think there is no big problem, but I don't plan to let him return to the New World to be a Four Emperor. Cure the lazy sickness of that girl Smoky!"

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