One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 541 Punish the Empress? [Various Requests]

"In response to the changes and turmoil in the world, the new Seven Warlords of the Sea rules and regulations will be changed accordingly, whether it is the power granted to you by the World government to Shichibukai, or each of you must fulfill your commitment to the World government."

In the spacious and luxurious conference hall, the blonde Five Elders sat on the main seat and made a serious statement.

Looking at the four Seven Warlords of the Sea who were sitting casually and even with their legs crossed, they didn't care about the arrogant and rude attitude of these guys.

"What are the specific changes? What kind of obligations and commitments do we need to fulfill?"

"Chameleon" Gamenio looked at the blonde Five Elders, and said with a weird smile: "Kumbling, if it's too harsh, I won't accept it!"

"Indeed, it's all Shichibukai at any rate, don't treat it differently."

The blood sunflower licked his scarlet tongue, and his slightly sharp teeth were a little awkward.

Intentionally or unconsciously supervised the sand crocodile who had been sitting firmly in this seat since the establishment of the Shichibukai system.

He accepted the invitation of the World government to join Shichibukai. Of course, he didn't just imagine Mihawk as a boring lone ranger. In any case, you have to look like Heavenly Yaksha Doflaming 17 brothers and Crocodile sand crocodile.

Crocodile now is a real dark emperor.

Most of the giants in the dark world can be said to be dominated by sand crocodiles. If there is no nod of his head, they want to do something, unless they are willing to bleed to satisfy the greedy vampires in the underground world, otherwise it will not be so easy.

"The World government just remembers to fulfill its promise to the old man!'

Cone Zhiqingjiao hummed, his trading relationship with the World government had already been established some time ago, even though it was forced to join by the army into the West Blue fleet.

But at any rate, the country of flowers did get real benefits.

With a cigar dangling, the smoke curled up.

Sand Crocodile did not speak, but looked at the blonde Five Elders.

He knows that the World government wants to restrict the development of the Crocodile Group.

After all, the Crocodile Group now not only has its business involved in all aspects of the economic context of the World government, but even the contacts and influences of the Don Quixote family left behind in the dark world have been annexed by the Crocodile Group. .

"Every Shichibukai has the right to apply to the World government for an island as its own territory, establish a brand new country to become a king, become one of the world government's franchise countries, and be eligible to participate in World government meetings."

"Just like the Prehistoric island (Little Garden) near the entrance of the Grand Line, the World government has admitted that Crocodile has the right to belong to it. Unless it violates Shichibukai's regulations and is deprived of its seat, it does not have my permission. No right to approach that sea area within two kilometers at will!"

The introduction of Five Elders made the blood mastiff and Gamenio look bright.

They are lacking a place to develop their own forces, and they can also be recognized by the World government, so they don’t have to worry about Marine attacks.

If you can, it's not bad to be a righteous king.

The blond Five Elders folded his hands with ten fingers, while holding his hands on the conference table, watching Gamenio, Blood Kwai Laker and others: "But please remember that while you all enjoy the rights of Shichibukai, the restrictions imposed by the World government on you will follow. Strengthen! We must not withdraw like the previous "Emperor" Boya-Hancock. We will talk more about the sanctions in this regard later.

I do not know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and deliberately did not involve the world's largest swordsman "Eagle Eye" Mihawk, and selectively ignored the opponent.

"In other words, in addition to the unconditional acceptance of the convening order of the World government, from now on, each of you Shichibukai must eliminate the pirates whose total bounties add up to no less than 1.2 billion, regardless of strength."

After a slight pause, the blonde Five Elders continued: "This is not considered to be directly subdued by you, and you must report and review them to the World government to stop their wanted."

For the pirates to be eliminated, the total bounty needs to reach 1.2 billion, which is actually not a lot.

If the Shichibukai's establishment is added up, it is definitely a pretty staggering number. The World government can rely on these guys to eliminate a lot of trouble every year.

"If you don't accept it or can't complete it, you will be deprived of your seat in Seven Warlords of the Sea, including Sand Crocodile, the old Shichibukai!"

"1.2 billion?"

"Grumbling, I have no objection!"

As the sea turbulence intensifies, the number of pirates has exponentially increased. After joining the Seven Warlords of the Sea sequence, they are afraid that the challenges they encounter every year are no less than this number, but the pirates who are subdued under their command are not counted. This is not something that can be done so easily.

"The World government will set up a special department for you to report and make statistics in this area.

"The greater the amount of over-fulfillment, the greater the privileges you will get in the next year. The World government's policy will treat you more loosely and preferentially. Even if the amount is astonishing, you can ask the World government to make some requests that are not too excessive in this regard. You can directly ask the official responsible for contacting you later!

The reaction of the few people is not surprising, because the total bounty task amount of 1.2 billion, with the strength of these guys is really not a big problem.

It doesn't seem to be difficult. In fact, if all of these Shichibukai's tasks are added up, a lot of pressure and potential threats from the World government can be subtracted every year.

As for the policy, he did not immediately propose it.

The World government has arranged a dedicated liaison officer for each of these Shichibukai, so that the two parties can contact and communicate in time if there is any problem.

"Squirting, it's really insidious!"

Neither the sand crocodile nor the Cameño and others are fools. Naturally, they know the meaning of the phrase "Five Elders".

They did not give too much pressure forcibly, but directly let them volunteer their efforts in disguised form.

The so-called preferential treatment may make certain requests to the World government, which is to remind them that if they want to develop like the crocodile group, they must do more.

With these impatient pirates, obviously there is no need to pay attention to too many details.

"In addition, since they are all here, then I formally issue a mandatory call to you on behalf of the World government..." The blonde Five Elders stood up, his complexion became solemn and his eyes calmed.

"So fast?"

"Kuchikuchu, isn't it about directly fighting forces such as the Four Emperors or the Revolutionary Army?"

Raising their eyebrows, Gameeno, Blood Mastiff and others couldn't help being surprised.

"The World government will directly initiate a Buster Call to the Nine Snake Island located in the Calm Belt, sanctioning the last Seven Warlords of the Sea's female emperor who disobeyed the World government's call and arbitrarily broke away from the Shichibukai sequence." Boya-Hancock, then you must all Go!"

The sanctions this time can be said to be the World government’s warning and deterrence of Shichibukai in disguise, and it has strengthened the World government’s restraint on them.

"Specific time, in one month!"

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