One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 550 Furious Kizaru [Four changes, various requests]

The sky is full of smoke and dust.

In this night, most of the G-5 fortress was enveloped.

"Ryder, you bastard!!!"

Looking at the fortress building that was knocked down, and the dilapidated base, the tea dolphin's eyes became red, and he couldn't help but roar.

Even if he is no matter how scornful he is, he is still a Marine, not to mention that he sits in the position of Admiral of Headquarters.

Dignified Naval Headquarters is one of the highest combat power.

He could only watch the opponent destroy the G-5 fortress he was in charge of.

How does this make tea dolphin not angry?

"Boom Rumble"

The ground roars and shakes.

"Shushushu" endless sharp thorns burst out, rushing towards the red earl Ryder who rushed up!

Dense thorns are scattered in a space of tens of meters.

People can't help but feel some scalp tingling.

"Why? You are only allowed to chase and kill the old man, so don't you allow him to retaliate?" The whole person rushed into the air in the air, avoiding the "eight thirty" dense spikes, Ryder sneered.

The bat umbrella suddenly aimed at the tea dolphin below.

The whole person rushed down directly upside down at an astonishing speed!

"Empty thorn!

The tip of the umbrella wrapped around Haki, constantly rubbing the air.

The bat umbrella became crimson, and the atmosphere was directly distorted, forming a violent shock wave, killing the tea dolphin that changed greatly in the downward direction!



Large areas all cracked and collapsed.

A huge pit was formed.


The violent shock wave turned into a terrible air wave, which could not help being swept and rippled, and countless rubble and rubble splashed.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!

One after another, the exaggerated rock giants rushed out of the earth one after another.

But it was directly shattered by the bloody slash.

"The old man is not in the mood to accompany you to play hide-and-seek here. Red Earl has a cold look. He doesn't mean to kill the tea dolphin. He turns around and rushes to the flying squirrels who are already at risk, who are being hit by his clone.

It takes too much time to kill such a monster.

Not to mention that it is Logia, a tea dolphin who deliberately hides in the earth.

It's better to get rid of those Vice Admiral, completely destroy this fortress, and make Marine and World government feel pain.

"you dare!!"

The tea dolphin face changed wildly.

It turned into a huge rock giant and blasted towards Ryder with his fist.

"Boom!!!", "Boom!!!"

And on the other side.

The avatar of Red Earl showed a terrifying strength that was almost the same as that of the main body. The elite Vice Admiral of several Naval Headquarters, such as Yumo and Huoshaoshan, could not lift his head at all.

If it weren't for the blue pythons constantly attacking in mid-air, Red Earl Ryder would have to throw a rat avoidance.

I'm afraid they have all been resolved long ago.

But Rao is so unstoppable.

The gap is too big!


The pitch-black bat umbrella wraps around Haki.

It was directly on the neck of Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral.

Red Earl Ryder didn't mean to be merciful at all.

If it wasn't for a serious injury the other day, how could he be forced by Marine Marshal Kizaru's wretched smelly monkey to jump into the sea and escape.

How suffocated is this, how can he endure this breath?

He is the "Lonely Red" Barloric Lederfield!


Jimmy was already quite young and his face was distorted, and he couldn't help but screamed, and his whole body slammed on the ground dozens of meters away.

The ground was like a spider's web, and it couldn't help cracking.

I saw a shocking mouth of blood appeared on his neck, and the blood was constantly oozing out, struggling desperately there, but the blood could not stop at all.


"Damn it!!!"

The expressions of Yumo, Huoshaoshan and others could not help but change drastically.

Mupi wanted to split and looked at the clone in front of him, which was indistinguishable from Earl Hong's body.

"This is just a trivial interest. What's the hurry, it will come to you soon!" The cold face did not fluctuate, Red Earl Ryder said indifferently.

Like a ghost, he flew directly into the air.

"Magnetic" the huge thunderbird screamed, flapped its huge electric wings, and rushed towards the Red Earl Ryder.


The light was dazzling, and the sound boom came.

The arc was flowing, and the huge Thunderbird was split into two halves.

"Swipe." Without chasing the blue python, which retreated hundreds of meters away, the bat umbrella slammed into a fierce bloody slash, violently blasting towards Huoshaoshan and the others.


Even if it is blocked by the blade that entangles Haki.

However, Stolo Berry, Yushu and others were still violently retreated by the shock, two deep grooves were drawn under their feet, and even the tiger's mouth was torn and blood was flowing.

"what "

A scream came to an abrupt end.

I saw Vice Admiral Stirrez, who had been bombarded before, and didn't know how many bones were broken, but his head was directly pierced by the bat umbrella!


The tea dolphin in the distance was furious and frantic.

"Streiles Vice Admiral!!"

"Guru! He was killed like this."

Many Marines who stayed conscious or woke up, looked at Vice Admiral Stories, whose head was pierced in shock.

Some people looked at the lonely red figure in disbelief, and couldn't help feeling chills, fear spreading in their hearts.

"Why, there are two Lederfields?"

"Could it be the Devil Fruit ability he just acquired?"

What makes them even more unbelievable is that there are two identical counts appearing on the G-5 fortress, and their strength is desperate!

"Now, it's your turn!"

Earl Red's undisguised murderous gaze swept towards Huoshaoshan, Stolo Berry and others, showing Senhan's teeth.


Just at this time.

"How could you let this fellow continue to make trouble?"

The dazzling golden light illuminates the entire night sky, making it difficult to look directly at it.

The golden figure appeared in the air, and the bright light mirror between the crossed hands condensed: "Bachi Qiong Gouyu!"


The dense group of light bullets burst out from the light mirror like an overwhelming sky.

Continuously tore the atmosphere, and directly blasted the red figure below!

"Boom boom"

Indiscriminate bombing, destroy the ancients!

The whole ground was shattered to pieces in a moment.

However, Earl Red's clone was shaped like electricity, and it had already retreated to the distance.

Several fiery light bombs blasted on the clone that covered Haki, and couldn't cause any damage at all.

"Marshal Polusalino!!!"

Marshal Marine is undoubtedly the backbone of all Marines.

A large number of Marines whose morale was low and suffered a huge blow, when they saw Kizaru's appearance, they shouted in excitement.

"Clone? It seems that you, Ryder, suddenly gained incredible abilities." Looking at the dilapidated 0.8 G-5 fortress, and the red figure entangled in the distance by the tea dolphin, Polusalino looked a little bit. Black and furious, the clone of Earl Red was holding.

Recognizing that this may be the "zero" ability of the former CP0 chief, his face is even more gloomy.

With Ryder's dreadful strength, getting Paramecia, the fruit of the clone, will inevitably be more troublesome in the future.

"Smelly monkey, this is just interest!" Red Earl's body stepped into the air, and directly got rid of the entanglement of the tea dolphin, and said to Kizaru with a grinning grin.

That avatar directly turned into a rain of light and dissipated.

But the next moment, in the ugly eyes of Kizaru, Tea Dolphin and others.

"Swiss," Ryder splits into five abruptly, and rushes toward the sea in different directions!

Reluctant to charge some interest, he was ill-tempered.

Five Elders and others were in the G-1 fortress not far from here. Naturally, Earl Red would not be too stupid to stay here and wait for the strong from the world government to come over, and decisively chose to evacuate immediately.

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