One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 571 The fish men island

There is no meaning for how long to stay in Sabaody Archipelago.

When Vinsmoke Iji brought Perona with a "face full of grievance and reluctance", the moment he appeared in the casino openly, the whole lucky casino was completely boiling.

"I'll take Perona away. If Sand Crocodile has any dissatisfaction, let him ask for someone!" These words scared Die Yin Apu and the staff of the casino, almost directly slumped to the ground, cold sweat fell. .

The news that Vinsmoke-Iji snatched Sand Crocodile’s subordinate Princess Mononoke, spread at the fastest speed, even the World government had to pay attention.

It is said that the sand crocodile far away in the New World Dressrosa Palace smashed the entire hall with anger after receiving the news.

"Tsk, behave in such a domineering style, it really doesn't save any face."

Polusalino, who was sitting in the G-5 fortress, couldn't help but jokingly said: "The sand crocodile guy, I am afraid that he is going crazy, right?"

Vinsmoke-Iji's private chaotic life, Kizaru naturally heard about it.

After all, there are beautiful women around me, and it's hard not to attract attention.

"Perhaps, we can start from this aspect!" Blue Python who happened to be next to 17 said bluntly.

"Leave these to Five Elders to consider. It has nothing to do with our Marine. Polusalino shook his head. He believes that Five Elders will not turn a blind eye, and may even have done it in secret.

As the saying goes, there is a knife on the head, and the king who fell on it in ancient times does not know where it is.

Since it is difficult to solve Vinsmoke-Iji on the bright side, if you can really find a chance to kill that guy from this aspect, it will be worth the price no matter what.

No procrastination.

Directly at the port.

Requisitioned a pirate ship plated with film, ready to go to The fish men island.

A magnificent underwater world.

In groups, the colorful Madara's swimming fish kept passing by, beautifully defeated.

Iji leaned on a beach chair and admired the colorful scenery.

In so many years, he also went to The fish men island for the first time.

"Is this the bottom of the sea?"

The body of Perona next to me was lying quietly on the beach chair next to Iji, and the soul was directly separated from the body, drifting in the air with excitement.

Looking dizzy at the underwater scenery, Qiao's face is full of joy and excitement.

When he was on the Sabaody Archipelago, he was unwilling and wronged to be "robbed" by him.

When she used to be under Moria, she had no chance to go to The fish men island.

The pirates on the ship performed their duties carefully, not daring to come and disturb, for fear of angering the emperor of Djerma.

The pirate ship is pulled by large, tamed sea animals, and it can be said to be as light as a road, and there is no danger.

The colorful The fish men island is wrapped in huge bubbles.

The pirate ship, which was pulled by the sea beasts, encountered hordes of fishmen who went out with weapons in their hands, but was not attacked by the other side.

The front entrance.

After the Longgong Kingdom sent personnel to inspect and prepare to collect the "entry tax", the captain of the pirate group, the fake Huwei, directly reported Iji's name, so that the Dragon Palace Kingdom shrimp soldiers and crabs who were in charge of the investigation were so scared that they hurriedly removed The news was reported to the Dragon Palace Kingdom.

The entire The fish men island.

But relying on the banner of Djerma can be safe and sound.

Just the Pirates of the Sun, even if there are many people, but it is far from qualified.


The pirate boat passed through the outer compartment of The fish men island bubble fish and entered the large harbor where the bubbles burst directly.

"Master Iji"

The pirate captain came up with his scalp and reminded Iji, who was squinting to calm his nerves: "The fish men island has arrived!"

"Well, thank you very much!"

Iji opened his eyes.

He stood up and stretched, stretching his muscles and bones.

"It's not hard, it's not hard, you can come, this is the honor of all the Thacker Pirates." The captain with the eight-character beard flushed with excitement, and hurriedly responded.

Only the "world's strongest man" once took a downwind on his pirate boat, and he will be able to blow it from now on.

Not to mention, it is tantamount to exempting the "entry tax" from the fish men island.

Perona, who couldn't wait to leave, said, "Let's go, you girl can't wait a long time, right?"

"His Majesty Iji Temple"

Just boarded the port.

Jinbei, the captain of the Pirates of the Sun, received the news and greeted him.

There was some excitement in the tiger's eyes.

He hasn't seen this highness for a long time.

But witnessing the rise of Deerma, restoring or even surpassing the glory of the past, made Byrne, a loyal general to Deerma, excited more than once to tears.

"Don't get excited!"

Iji patted his shoulder, smiled and said, "I won't let you wait too long!"

Axi, Byrne's son did not enter the military, but chose to develop in the political arena, which is considered a manufacturable material and was entrusted with an important task by Reiju.

Not yet waiting Jinbei continues to say anything.

"It's the royal family of the Dragon Palace Kingdom" suddenly noisy in front of him.

I saw a phoenix car adorned with shells and bubble film, dragged by the emperor hairtail, coming towards 847 here.

Soon I came to the front of Iji, Jinbei and others.

"Only lilihao~~~ Your Excellency Iji is able to visit The fish men island, it's really brilliant."

Wearing a crown on his head, he is stronger than an average mermaid, with lush orange-red hair and beard, his arms have flame-like tattoos, his body has thick body hair, and the Neptune is holding a trident fork. Came over with a smile.

The three brothers Shark, Emperor Star, and Sun Moon followed behind.

The most striking thing is that behind these three brothers, the one who is somewhat huge, but looks like a beautiful mermaid about 14 or 15 years old.

The huge "little hands" also firmly grasped the sharks by the corners of their clothes.

With watery blue eyes, she looked timidly at the people ahead of Iji and Jinbei, with a charming blush on Qiao's face.

"Not only the three princes, but even Princess Shirahoshi came out

"Your Royal Highness! I finally saw me!!"

"Wow! It's so beautiful, so cute

The residents of The fish men island beside them screamed excitedly.

The human pirates and adventurers who gathered in the port couldn't help but stare widened, staring blankly at the huge mermaid, who was only fourteen years old, but whose body was already open and beautiful.

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