One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 573 Awakening Conqueror's Possibility [Various Requests]


Neptune, Shark Star and others were shocked inexplicably.

Unexpectedly, Germa had already secretly obtained the legendary Pluton design.

"To be honest, to destroy the World government, if you have contributed to The fish men island, I will not feel any pressure." His eyes swept across the uncertain complexions and some of the Nipton and his sons with sweating foreheads. Iji said lightly: "But the question is, where is the future of your The fish men island?"

"this "

Neptune turned pale and hesitated.

"The world has never had a free lunch. Hundreds of years ago, you The fish men island stood in the wrong line and was suppressed by the World government. How bad is the living environment of The fish men island? The island’s "Poseidon, World government might have destroyed The fish men island long ago, let alone let you enter the list of World government franchise countries."

"Derma can indeed give you the privileges of The fish men island, and even want to relocate to land and live on an equal basis with other humans. These are nothing.

Naomachi, with a pale face and sweating Neptune, Iji asked, "But, why should I help you?"


If they don't have enough value, why should Germa help them?

With the annual tax and snacks of 847 tributes, the Djerma Empire will treat The fish men island specially? A joke!

"To be honest, what I am after is Shirahoshi's own infinite potential, not her ability to summon Sea Kings!"

Iji looked at Neptune, who was sweating coldly, and sarcastically said directly: "Poseidon, who guards the fish men island with great potential and is supposed to be awe-inspiring by nature, has cultivated her like this, you are indeed Not a qualified king, nor a qualified father!"

"Even if the world pattern has not changed drastically now, what you lack in The fish men island is not the awesome powerhouse? If there is a real powerhouse, where do you need to beg for mercy from others? It is trivial to get that point. shelter"

"Don't say that you don't want Shirahoshi to bear too much. It is just self-deception. The rise and fall of the race, the glory of the race, the fate of hundreds of years or more, is it a child's play. If you replace it with any one of your father and son, I think Comparing your own life with the life and death of The fish men island, you would choose the latter without hesitation, right?"

Both Neptune and Shark were silent.

The fists clenched tightly, and his face was tangled and ashamed.

Shirahoshi obviously should be the "Poseidon" that made the world awe, but it was their fault to become so cowardly.

"Master Father, Master Iji"

Shirahoshi was tearful and looked at several people at a loss.

"You don't need to feel uneasy or afraid. I don't have any malice. I just feel that it's a pity that your talent is buried like this! As Poseidon who appeared once in hundreds of years and was born as a mermaid, your destiny itself is to lead The fish men island towards a better future

Iji came to Shirahoshi's face, looked at her distressed look that was holding back tears, and said calmly: "What kind of embarrassing situation is the fish men island facing? I think you, the fish man princess, are even You can know something without going out

"Don't worry, if Shirahoshi is unwilling, it doesn't make sense for me to take her away by force. Before leaving The fish men island, I will give you time to think about it."

If Neptune and the others are not willing, Iji does not intend to threaten or forcibly take Shirahoshi away.

He is really not interested in cultivating a subordinate who is not willing to follow him at all and has no loyalty at all, even if the potential of the other party is high?

At that time, he would only take back the banner of Germa and let The fish men island fend for itself.

"If it is Neptune, you hope she can grow into a bhai that can shelter The fish men island, an awesome powerhouse, and lead The fish men island to a bright future, don't interfere too much with Shirahoshi's own The choice, the beautiful day is to protect her, but in fact it is just to raise her destined to be ordinary mermaid princess like a canary, killing her years in vain

Months only!"

No more words.

Under the guidance of Jinbei, a volunteer guide, Iji took Perona and left the Dragon Palace Kingdom.

Because when I first came to The fish men island, I was invited to be a guest before I turned around. It would be a shame if I didn't turn around.

"Your Majesty, do you say King Neptune will agree?" Jinbei asked directly.

"It doesn't matter whether you agree or not!" Even if there is one less subordinate who is likely to have great potential, it is not a big deal for Iji.

After all, he is not relying on Shirahoshi's ability to capture the World government.

If the Neptune family chooses to refuse, what is the future of The fish men island and what does it have to do with Vinsmoke- Iji?

Besides, Shirahoshi has great potential, this is just speculation.

"The mermaid princess Shirahoshi is really about to be abandoned by the Dragon Palace Kingdom. Thinking of the timid princess Shirahoshi, Iji couldn't help but shook his head.

If it weren't for Van der, Deiken would have been killed by Jinbei, and he would no longer be locked in the hard shell tower. In another two years, Shirahoshi would be even more unbearable.

"With such a character, I feel that the possibility of awakening Conqueror's in the future is still too small!

Although it is not 100% certain, Iji believes that the dignified "Poseidon" should have the qualifications of Conqueror's.

After all, Conqueror's is not a rare qualification in the world.

Among the pirates of New World alone, many people have awakened, but most of them have not yet grown up because of arrogance and arrogance, and vainly attempting to challenge the Four Emperors and are buried in the sea.

The powerhouses who can awaken Conqueror's Haki, the vast majority are either domineering, confident, or arrogant!

Whether it is Whitebeard, Golden Lion, One Piece Roger, Red Earl Ryder, Pluton Rayleigh, Redhead Shanks, Kaido, BIG-MOM, Revolutionary Dragon, Cone of Green Pepper, Doflamingo, Straw Hat Luffy

And these, at least the current Shirahoshi absolutely does not, just don't know whether it can be reversed in the future.

Of course, awakening Conqueror's Haki does not necessarily have to have these characters, and there may be other factors involved.

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