One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 578 Leaving The fish men island【Various requests】

Three days down.

Reiju, Isabel, Smoky and others, took Shirahoshi, who had just detached from the hard shell tower and had time to re-turn around The fish men island in the future, and went around on The fish men island.

"It's time to leave.

In the gorgeous and exquisite villa, The fish men island is five kilometers under the sea after all, and the water vapor in the air is very heavy.

Although it is said to be a world-famous place of interest, once the freshness of the initial visit to The fish men island is over, to be honest, it gradually feels a bit too monotonous and boring.

The pirate ship of the Nine Snakes and Pirates is estimated to have not finished coating, but Iji did not intend to wait for the arrival of the female emperor, and has already planned to leave The fish men island.

But if you want to take away the beautiful mermaid in the store, you have to say hello to Shyarly, the owner of the mermaid cafe.

"You have spoken in person, and even the boss of Jinbei and King Neptune trust you so much. Princess Shirahoshi will leave with you. There is really nothing to worry about..." Elegantly vomiting a smoke ring, Shyarly said helplessly: "I There is no problem here, just hire a few more shop assistants, but Yi Xili and the others are willing, I can't guarantee it 847.."

"It's okay, just ask them!"

Iji smiled slightly.

If those celebrities were unwilling, he didn't intend to force it.

Yi Xili, Merlot, Xi La Mela, Serra, the four most beautiful and sexy mermaids in the celebrity cafe, were called in front of them.

He didn't want to take away too many mermaids, four young and beautiful are almost the same.

And in the past few days, because of the suspension of work to entertain themselves at the villa, they have become familiar with Isabel, Delia, Robin and other women.

"Master Iji, Mrs. Shyarly"

The pretty faces of several beautiful mermaids were filled with charming smiles, with a restless youthful atmosphere.

"I have already planned to leave The fish men island, and your Princess Shirahoshi of the Dragon Palace Kingdom will accompany you. I want to attract a few celebrities and fish maids to follow. I like you better than those from the Dragon Palace Kingdom.

Iji didn't go around the corner, and pointed out what Shirahoshi was going to accompany. He smiled and said to the mermaids such as Ishili and Serra: "I want to ask, do you want to follow, if you want, I can pay in one lump sum, which is enough to make (bhai) Your family will have a worry-free salary in the future"

"Iji-sama want to hire us?"

"And father Shirahoshi is accompanying?"

"It's really great to travel to the human world!!!"

Ishili, Melo, Xilamella, and Serra were shocked by the news that Shirahoshi, the main mermaid, had left with Iji. They were all overjoyed and jumped with excitement.

The reaction was bigger than Iji imagined.

"Master Iji, we are all willing!"

Looking at each other, they all looked happy, and said to Iji in unison.

This young, handsome and approachable Iji-sama is not only powerful, but also noble. It has long caused them, who are still young mermaid girls, to feel restless in their hearts.

But he was concerned about his humble status, as well as the adults such as Reiju and Smoky. They didn't dare to seduce this adult too much.

"It is our blessing to be able to follow Master Iji!"

"I am the only one in my family, there is nothing to worry about."

"I wanted to travel to the human world for a long time, but because I haven't reached the age of 30, the fish tail can't turn into legs, and I dare not go there for fear of being caught by traffickers.

In the past few days, the introductions of Deliya, Nami and other women to the human world have long been envied and longed for by Yi Xili and Xi La Mela.

And knowing that this adult will take Reiju-sama, Isabel-sama and others around the world, naturally, he is more eager.

Is it possible that the emperor of Djerma needs to lie to them a few ordinary civilians in the Dragon Palace Kingdom?

Not to mention, Shirahoshi, the mermaid princess, followed.

In this way, they have no worries about themselves.

It is an honor for them to be the maid of this adult.

"That's it, I will inform the Dragon Palace Kingdom later, I believe they will properly arrange your family!"

Seeing no one objected, Iji nodded in satisfaction.

"Each of you go back and pack the items you need to bring. It is estimated that we will be leaving at noon today!"

There is no need for Iji to worry about the ships leaving The fish men island. Jinbei has already prepared people for it.

And in order to ensure that there will be no problems with the coated film, I personally inspected it several times before and after.


The scorching sun is in the sky.


Gorgeous ships, floating out of the sea surface of New World.

The transparent bubble film burst open with a "pop" sound, and the waves rolled.

The huge war house hangs across the sea not far away, and the black flag belonging to Djerma is fluttering in the wind. It has been waiting for a long time.

"His Royal Highness, have a good journey!


"Mingming, Shirahoshi, my precious daughter, you have to take care of yourself...

After all, it was the first time for his favorite little daughter to leave home. The father, Neptune, cried and cried directly, without the slightest majestic appearance of the king.

Although knowing that his daughter is Poseidon, it is unlikely to be attacked by Sea Kings and sea beasts, and Iji, the emperor of Derma, was there, but Neptune insisted on personally leading the army to escort to New World.


"Is that the War House in Djerma?"

"With the '1' logo, it belongs to Lord Iji, the flagship who once fought in the ocean

"It's so luxurious, it's like a castle!"

The merfolks such as Yi Xili, Merlot and others opened their eyes wide, looking at the huge war house approaching in the distance with surprise. Naturally, they are no strangers to the same flag as that hung on The fish men island.

"Master Father, Brother Shark King, Brother King Star King, Brother Sun King King, Master Jinbei, and everyone

Shirahoshi's eyes were full of tears, her huge body floating on the surface, her jewel-like blue eyes tried hard to hold back the tears, not to let herself cry, and bid farewell to Neptune, Shark and others: "Don't worry, Shirahoshi will take care of herself. of!"

"Let's go first!"

Iji shook his head, but didn't mean to be a villain.


The darkness, like an abyss, spread out from underfoot and turned into a fluid, substantial staircase, directly sending Nami, Reiju and other women, along with the souvenirs, clothes and other luggage that were as high as a hill, directly to the war house.

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "illustration" button at the bottom right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)


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