One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 585 You can't stop the old man

Failing to capture the Kozuki clan, the angry BIG-MOM ordered Kata Kuri, Cracker and others to pursue Momosuke at any cost.

At the same time, the Red Earl Ryder also focused on the remnants of the Kozuki clan, but it was not Momosuke, because he had checked the memory of this kid with Observation Haki and had no idea at all.

He was eyeing Kozuki's retainers such as Duke Inuran and Cat Viper of the fur clan.

I think these two people, even if they don't know the information of Raftel, the legendary island, they may know the news of the fourth red stone.

In the second half of New World, the Knicks waters.

On the sea.

Several pirate boats were facing each other on the sea, with a strong murderous atmosphere.

On the Reid-Forth, there are three red-scarred skull flags for hunting.

The Momosuke, Duke Inuganglan, Cat Viper and others who fled here have all been picked up on the ship of the red-haired Shanks during the "eight-six-three" period.

"Momosuke, my red-haired Shanks has taken care of it. If you want to fight, then come!" The red-haired Shanks looked serious, with cold eyes, staring at the Kata Kuri and Cracker on the pirate ship opposite.

He never expected that Kozuki Oden, who had been on the Orson-Jackson, would be targeted by the Red Earl and others.

Unfortunately, when the news was received, it was already too late.

There is no time for rescue.

"Red hair, you can't protect him!"

Kata Kuri's face was gloomy, gritted his teeth unwillingly.

But he didn't dare to do it directly, his mother Charlotte-Linlin was on the way over.


Electric light flint room.

A bullet wound around Haki and passed through the center of his eyebrows.

"Kata Kuri, what do our boss want to do? I don't need your BIG-MOM Pirates to teach. Holding the spear, Yasopp sneered.

How about being an enemy of the BIG-MOM Pirate Group?

Their Red Hair Pirates have crossed the New World over the years, except for the newly emerged Blackbeard Pirates, which Four Emperors Pirates have not fought a few?

"If you don't go back, we're going to do it!"

Ben-Beckman's complexion was calm, and he took out the spear from his waist without hesitation, pointed it at the Kata Kuri on the opposite side, and spit out the cigarette butts that were about to burn out.

"Damn it!

The tall and fierce Cracker glared at him.

Almost angrily jumped out of the armor, but their mother was not here, really not emboldened to fight these guys recklessly.

After several days of chasing, day and night, I finally caught up with these Kozuki guys, but they were stopped by the red-haired Shanks. How about not being angry?

"Okay, let's go!"

Kata Kuri, who was shot through the center of his eyebrows, was unscathed, but his face was not pretty.

The powerful Observation Haki had already foreseen the opponent's attack, and used the power of the glutinous fruit to change the shape of the body in advance.

Fighting with each other now is just taking humiliation.

The remnants of the Kozuki clan alone are not weak, not to mention Red Hair Pirates, even the red-haired Shanks who has fought with their mother Charlotte- Linlin several times, and who can always retreat all over the body is here. .

Two or three pirate ships belonging to the BIG-MOM pirate group quickly turned the bow directly and departed towards the distant sea.

"Leave here now!"

Seeing Kata Kuri, Cracker and others leave, Shanks the redhead directly ordered.

If he stays here again, he is not sure whether BIG-MOM or Red Earl Ryder will catch up later.

Although he is not afraid of the other party, it is better to avoid him. He also has to think about his brothers, and there is no need to increase unnecessary sacrifices.

"Thank you, Lord Shanks, for your righteous action. I am really grateful."

"Otherwise, this time, we must be more ill-tempered!"

"Our lives are not worth mentioning, but Momosuke-sama is the last bloodline of the lord, Oden-sama is entrusted on the deathbed, and we must not lose it.

The Kozuki family vassals such as Duke Inuran, Cat Viper, Kanjuro, Kinemon, Mist Shinobi Raizou, etc., all knelt directly and slammed their heads to thank the red-haired Shanks.

Over the past few days, Momosuke, who had already been frightened by this sudden upheaval, also knelt to the ground in a daze.

"Get up, Mr. Oden has always been a senior and companion whom I respect very much. Everyone is my own, so don't be so polite!"

Redhead Shanks sighed, and quickly pulled several people up.

His character can't stand other people's kneeling down and worshiping him at every turn, even if it is to thank him.

"I'm really sorry for not being able to support in time

Thinking of Kozuki Oden who committed suicide, the red hair couldn't help but sigh, and admired it in his heart: "Unexpectedly, Mr. Oden did not hesitate to choose to commit suicide in order to avoid being informed by Ryder about the stele text and Raftel's information in his mind."

He did not expect that Kozuki Oden would be so strong.

"Really an admirable man!" Ben-Beckman nodded.

At the same time, he looked at his retainers such as Momosuke and Kinemon.

This matter is far from over. The Red Earl Ryder and BIG-MOM can't easily give up, maybe even the Blackbeard Pirates will come to intervene.

"Your Excellency Redhead, Your Excellency Beckman, we don't even know the news about the fourth red stone and Raftel. In order to protect us, the lord chose to bear these alone." He looked down at Momosuke, and Jinweimen smiled bitterly. He said: "The Kozuki family has been passed down from generation to generation to have a way to interpret the inscriptions on the stele, but Momanosuke-sama is still in the future.

It's been lost!"

"But with all due respect, they can't easily believe it!"

Ben-Beckman lit a cigarette again and couldn't help but shook his head.

To be honest, he is also a little interested in Raftel, but because the red-haired Shanks has no interest in One Piece, he didn't think about paying attention to this aspect.

"Boss, there is a situation on the sea"

Yasopp, who was in charge of guarding the sea, suddenly changed his complexion: "It seems to be Red Earl Ryder!

A red figure rushed over from the sea.


"So fast "

The red hair, 0.8 Beckman and others all couldn't help but change their complexion slightly.

The Red Earl Lederfield caught up so quickly, it was a little bit beyond their expectation.

"That bastard, are you still reluctant to let us go?" Jinweimen, Duke Inuran and the others were shocked, their eyes eager to breathe fire.

"Don't attack first!

Redhead Shanks frowned.

Waved his hand to stop Yasopp and others who were about to fire directly because Ryder was getting closer.

The Red Earl Ryder landed directly on the bow of the Red and Firth, staring directly at the red-haired Shanks and the cat Viper and others: "Red-haired, hand over the Kozuki's retainers, you are Can't stop the old man"


Jinweimen and others were shocked inexplicably.

Don't you want to take Momosuke?

[PS: It’s a bit stuck near the end, everyone forgive me]

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