One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 598 Redhead death

Far away in West Blue.

The sun is shining and the sky is clear.

The giant sea Katsuyu carried the war house on his back, and approached the vague "black spot" on the sea ahead.

The women Reiju, Smoky and Isabel walked into the training ground covered by the ability of Silent Fruit and isolated from the loud noise.

Seeing the front is constantly beating his body, covered in blood, the whole body is covered with shocking, bloody cracks, the body can't stop the shocked Iji.

No matter how many times they have seen this kind of scene, they can't help but feel a little worried.

Except for the beast Kaido, who wanted to "suicide" for three days, no one really forced himself into this way for cultivation like Iji.

"Blackbeard is playing against the red hair, according to Van Oka's report."

When I walked to Iji's side, seeing the blood-stained brother with his body covered in cracks, Reiju whispered, "The red hair was badly injured, and his chest was pierced by the guy Ryder. I want to come to Blackbeard to get rid of him. ~What's the big problem"

The red hair and the Red Earl have been fighting for so long, and the physical strength has already been exhausted. If they are so severely injured, Blackbeard and Shiryu of the rain have united the BIG-MOM Pirate Group. Shanks got rid of it, that was indeed-it was too wasteful.

"Joining up with the BIG-MOM Pirate Group, if it can't solve the mere red hair, it would really be a waste of the resources I invested in the first time!"

Bloodline was mixed with sweat and had already soaked the ground.

Iji turned his head, bloodline Madara Madara on his face, and even Senbai's bones could be seen, and he couldn't help gasping for breath.

He has always been clear that he can have everything he has today, whether it is the supreme power or the so-called reputation, all of them rely on his own continuous efforts to become stronger, and rely on powerful strength to work hard.

There is no absolute power, maybe one day these will be nothing like Kyōka Suigetsu.

He does have a strong desire for beauty and other aspects. This is human nature, but enjoyment is a pleasure, and he has always grasped the degree, and he will not neglect his own practice because of beauty.

"But BIG-MOM went crazy and wanted to take the opportunity to leave Ryder, and let him run away, I'm afraid there will be big trouble next."

Reiju spread his hands.

What she said was naturally the promise that Red Earl Ryder would not take the initiative to take the initiative to take the BIG-MOM Pirates within two years. She did not expect the woman Charlotte-Linlin to take the initiative to break it so soon.

"This is my mother"

Smoky, who was next to him, said helplessly: "She has a violent personality and has always been unscrupulous. She will not be manipulated by anyone. Especially Ryder ruined her face and was hated by her.

"Once the enemy meets, it is impossible to bear it!"

"It's okay, since she doesn't know what is good or what is wrong, let her alone." Iji said indifferently: "Even if the situation is really out of balance, the world government does not have the courage to fight Germa to the death, but Blackbeard and the others will be a little troublesome. .

The current World government, even if it has suffered heavy losses, is still able to rule more than half of the world anyway.

If you don't know whether you want to get rid of Germa at all costs, it's not always true who loses and who wins.

He is no better than North Blue when he was in the Battle of Saint Vasiana.

Even if the World government is really sure to kill itself, it must be prepared to completely lose control of the world.

At least Celestial Dragons and Five Elders will die.

Iji doesn't think they have such courage.

As for BIG-MOM.

In Iji's eyes, she was already dead.

The ability of the soul fruit will definitely be "reclaimed" in the future.

However, he is currently wondering whether Carmelo is lurking in the body of BIG-MOM, or is he really dead.

Because of the performance of BIG-MOM, people really have to be suspicious.

"Forget it, I hope she can really kill Ryder Smoky sighed in his heart.

Charlotte-Linlin is her mother no matter what.

No matter how cold-blooded, this blood cannot be completely abandoned.

With himself, Iji may not really hit her mother directly, but he will never help her.

And far away in the New World, Weihaike waters.

With the Vengeance, Van Oka on the Singing Ship, the King of Evil King, Xuanyue Hunter, Daifuku, Owen and others landed and joined the battlefield, Red Hair Pirates was in a precarious situation and directly plunged into an absolute decline.


Red lightning danced wildly.

The giant ape, which was covered in magma, braved the terrible heat and smoke, was forcibly shaken out.

The red-haired Shanks disregarded consumption and his own injuries, and used the power of Conqueror's Haki to fight Blackbeard, not hesitating to overdraw his vitality.

"Bang, bang"

A round of bullets entwining Haki broke through the air and blasted towards Blackbeard, who was flying upside down.

The timing of Beckman's shot was very accurate, and it was also very harsh, which was the key to locking Blackbeard.

"Bhahahaha, you are over here, Red Hair Pirates, meow" But at the same time, the evil politician King Jiejie who rushed over laughed strangely, and kept the gun blocking the bullets.

……………Please ask for flowers 0……

He held a gun in both hands and kept shooting bullets that entangled Haki, attacking Beckman and Redhead.

"Sing, let me cut you into pieces and go down to the bar, Beckman..." The hunter Xuanyue next to him licked his scarlet tongue and rushed up with a sharp sickle without hesitation, and slashed towards Beckman.

Blackbeard, who stabilized his figure, turned into anger from anger.

The huge magma fist, steaming the atmosphere, killed the red-haired Shanks.


The terrible splash of magma continues to corrode the earth.

Thick smoke billowed, the surroundings turned red, and the air temperature rose linearly.

Red lightning intertwined and covered the battlefield. The powerful Conqueror's field blocked the fiery magma fist. The scene was shocking.


But the redhead was stumped and his face became paler, and he couldn't help but vomit another mouthful of blood.

The result of strong action using Conqueror's Haki will only make his situation worse and worse.


Beckman, Hans and others couldn't help but their complexion changed drastically.

But they were all dragged down by the most vicious and powerful men like Xuanyue Hunter, the Evil King, and Great Barrel Joe, and they couldn't get rid of them in a short time.

"Meteor Volcano!"

Seeing the red hair injury, Blackbeard sneered: "How long can you last?"

Raging magma fist, don't rush out like money.

"Boom boom boom"


The red lightning collided frantically with the red magma fist.

The entire land was biochemically turned into magma, completely submerging the battlefield with a radius of tens of meters, full of strong visual impact.

Shanks, with pale red hair, groaned and screamed, vomiting blood, and flew out.

"boom, "

Just at this time.

Between the sparks and flints, several bullets that entangled Haki broke through the air, piercing his forehead in an instant.

His eyes widened abruptly, and his whole body fell heavily to the ground, and the blood couldn't help dripping from his eyebrows.

On the ground tens of meters away, Van Oka was half-drilled out of the ground, and he did not know when he appeared there. The muzzle of his raised muzzle was faintly smoked.


"Your Excellency Red Hair!!!"

Beckman, Hans, Laki-Lu, and others couldn't help but look at each other, and Jisdiri yelled, and his eyes instantly turned red!


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