One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 105 Cooperation, Otohime returns

"So this is what happened."

Later, in the palace located on the high ground of the king, Cyrus blamed himself, "As the captain of the guard, I accidentally let the king fall into such a crisis. What a gaffe."

"Hahahaha, I don't blame you for this, Cyrus. No one knew in advance that such a thing would happen."

King Riku laughed, not caring at all, "Besides, protecting Scarlet and Rebecca is your most important responsibility now."

Cyrus was not only the captain of his guard, but also the husband of his daughter and the father of his granddaughter.

"Yes, brother-in-law Cyrus, there is no need to blame yourself."

The girl Violet also said with relief, "Isn't everything safe?"

"If something really happens, then I will never be able to atone for my sins in this life. So, King Riku, please allow our family to return to the palace in the future!"

Cyrus said seriously.

Although he married the princess, he did not live in the palace. Instead, the young couple lived an ordinary life outside.

But now, that won't work.

"Hahahaha, okay, this way I don't have to run back and forth when I miss Scarlet and Rebecca."

King Riku was very happy.

What is happier than being a family together?

"in addition,"

Cyrus nodded solemnly, then turned around and looked at Bright and others sitting aside, "Mr. Bright, Mr. Jinbei, Mr. Tezolo, thank you very much! Without your help, I would have I really don’t know what this country will become.”

"Hey, Cyrus, this is what I should say!"

King Riku was a little annoyed.

"Okay, okay, father, wouldn't it be nice to leave it to Cyrus' brother-in-law?" the youngest daughter comforted her father.

"this is nothing."

Bright shook his head, "In the final analysis, it's a deal with the government."


King Riku frowned. It was hard to imagine that the government would do such a thing this time.

"If it's the government, then why not send," the girl hesitated, then she mustered up her courage, "send the navy?"

"Of course because we want to pretend that this incident never happened. Wouldn't sending the navy over make things worse?"

Tezzolo sneered, "So are you ready? The government should contact you later and let you pretend that this matter does not exist."

"Why is this?" the little princess said in disbelief, "Doesn't this mean that Don Quixote will not be punished in any way?"

"This is world government."

King Riku sighed.

Be prepared for such a future.


The little princess was very anxious.

This time the government got reinforcements through a deal, but what about next time? Who can guarantee that Doflamingo has given up on this country?

Brett could hear her panic.

So he said, "So, do you want to cooperate, King Riku?"


The king of this country was stunned for a moment.

"Doflamingo is my enemy, and the hatred will only deepen after this time."

Bright said, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend, so do you want to cooperate?"

King Riku thought for a moment, and then he said, "This country has few resources, and Fish-Man Island has nothing to gain from."

Bright smiled, "Political cooperation is also cooperation. If nothing happens, Fishman Island will participate in the World Conference in two years' time. We need some allies. I think Deros Rosa is very suitable. Riku Wang, you have a lot of friends, don’t you?”

Although King Riku is very weak, he did not even think of resisting when Doflamingo invaded him in the original work. He kept saying that resistance is also war, and war is irresponsibility for life. This is a headache, but one thing is certain.

This man is very popular among the surrounding countries, and many kings of the participating countries have close personal relationships with him.

Cooperating with him is equivalent to winning over a group of political allies.

Since we still have to work in the world government for the time being, having more partners is not a bad thing.

"Is that so?"

King Riku nodded thoughtfully.

"So you will protect this country?" Violet asked expectantly.

"Isn't it natural to protect the safety of your friends?" Brett responded to the little princess with a smile.

King Riku took a deep breath, and then solemnly said, "In that case, we agree!"

“A pleasure to work with.”

Brett smiled.

Drosrosa is not just Drosrosa, but also the Greenbits next to it, as well as the little humans living there.

However, take your time and don’t rush.

"Since it's cooperation, let me get involved."

Tezzolo suddenly said, "I have been looking for a suitable company location, and now Delosrosa is very good. King Riku, I wonder if I can move the company here?"

"Of course, please rest assured that I will definitely abide by the laws of this country, and after my industry is relocated, it may be able to promote the development of this country a little bit."

Of course, this guy is the future richest man in the world. The little resources he has dropped between his fingers are enough for this country to take a step forward.

However, his main purpose was to give Doflamingo eye drops as he fled in panic.

Deros Rosa, which you did not capture, is now my base. I wonder if you are angry?

A small-minded man.


King Riku was very happy.

He would be happy if he could make the citizens live a better life.

Although weak, he is indeed a good ruler.

Next, the two parties exchanged specific details of the cooperation, and it was already late at night.

King Riku warmly invited Bright and others to stay in the palace to rest, and Bright did not refuse.

But before going to sleep, King Riku said, "By the way, there is a cadre of the Don Quixote family who was not taken away by Doflamingo and was captured by us. He is the one you defeated initially, Mr. Bright. "

Oh, Pika.

That's right, he was punched into the ground by himself, and Doflamingo really didn't have time to save him.

"It's up to you."

Not an important guy, Bright said casually, "It doesn't matter if he is executed or handed over to the government."

"But when the government contacts you later, it can take the opportunity to blackmail you. The government will compromise in order to keep it quiet."

King Riku nodded thoughtfully.

The next day, after lunch, Brett said goodbye. There was no reason to stay any longer.

Before leaving, he asked for King Riku's contact information and asked Neptune to contact him later to establish a relationship.

King Riku agreed generously. He likes to make friends.

Then it's time to part ways.

"I'm going to Umit Logistics,"

Tezzolo said, "Let's get the people over there docile first."

"As for you, Brett, hurry up and increase the size of your logistics team!"

Brett rolled his eyes.

"After finishing the affairs at the fortress, I will move the headquarters here. Then it will be close to Fish-Man Island."

Tezzolo said, "It will be much more convenient to receive the ore."

"I hope it can be done before Big Mom's tea party."

Yes, there is also a tea party.

What a headache.

Afterwards, Tezoro left by boat, and Bright returned to Fish-Man Island with Jinbe.

While on the road they received a call from Neptune.

Otohime has returned to Fishman Island.

Bright had to sigh at the speed of the World Government's actions.

Neptune said this on the phone, "Anyway, come back soon, Otohime has brought back something amazing."

Brett guessed so.

Anyway, go back quickly.

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