One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 107 Arsenal, Goodbye Rayleigh

Before he could find Charlie, Charlie's brother stopped Bright halfway.

"You came back just in time. Master Tom has something to ask you."

Aaron said so.


Brett turned around and went to the Forest of the Sea to find Master Tom.

"Bright, I already know Otohime's speech."

Aaron was not in a hurry to leave, he followed, "Although that woman's remarks are not worth mentioning, can we go to Qinghai?"

"As you said at the time, build an unprecedented fish-man kingdom!" Brother Aaron was very excited.

Brett looked back at him, "I've never said that before, it's just you who always say that, okay?"

"Don't worry, before heading to Qinghai, we need to improve our strength to a higher level!"

Anyway, the document provided by the government does not specify the usage time, so you can use it anytime.

Bright felt that even if he really wanted to go to sea, he would have to wait until he had the strength to rival the emperors.

Only with that level of power can we achieve self-protection at sea.

"How long do you have to wait?"

Aaron was a little reluctant.

"It shouldn't take long."

Brett smiled.

Now he has reached the full Shichibukai level of combat power, his body is still growing and developing, his domineering is still rough and there is a lot of room for improvement.

In a few years at most, he should be able to enter the strongest field.

"Also, brother Aaron, don't be idle either,"

Brett looked at Aaron, "How are you doing with the fish body technique and domineering skills? Don't hold back in the future."

"Of course I know!"

Aaron said loudly, "I already have some clues about Baqi! Just watch, I will definitely be able to learn it in three months at most!"

"That's it."

Brett nodded.

It would be great if it was true as he said. It would take about a year to awaken Haki.

Only when you learn domineering can you break away from the grassroots cannon fodder and become a high-level cannon fodder.

Only then can we gain a foothold in the new world.

If we really want to go to sea, the address of the new country should be in the New World, right?

Aaron went back to continue practicing, and Bright went to the depths of the Forest of the Sea to find Master Tom.

"Oh! Is this the result of this period of time?"

Brett was surprised to see a brightly colored ship sailing in the water outside the bubbles, and Kati Frame and Bingshan could vaguely see the ship.

"I was really bored, so I made a boat to pass the time,"

Master Tom laughed and said, "I have thought before that some of the corals in the Forest of the Sea are very strong and are very suitable for building ships."

"Isn't this nice?"

Brett nodded with a smile.

Although Fish-Man Island does not need ships now, if it goes to sea in the future, shipbuilding technology will be indispensable.

"Master Tom has been back for so long, has he gone to see Fish-Man Island?"

Brett asked.


Tom nodded happily, "I carefully disguised myself, and then went to Fishman Street to have a look. It's really nice. It's completely different from the past. It's rich, clean, and peaceful. Even the main city in the past was far less prosperous." .”

He sighed, "Bright, you are amazing! You are a great man!"


Bright said with a smile, "I just want this country to be better."

"So, Master Tom, I need your help!" Bright said seriously, "If this country wants to become strong, economic prosperity alone is not enough, it also needs the protection of force!"

"Just think of it as my request, Master Tom. Could you please take charge of the military industry of Fish-Man Island?"

Although Tom is a shipwright, the Franky he taught can make a warship that can easily take out the 100-meter-class Neptune. He also holds the blueprint of Pluto in his hand. This man is a well-deserved weapons master.

Brett Surian felt that if he wanted to protect Fish-Man Island, he had to rely on himself and rely on high-end combat power, and weapons were useless.

But Tom is different. The weapon technology he masters is very high-end. If it can be popularized, it can greatly improve the defense strength of Fish-Man Island. Not to mention, he also has the blueprint of Pluto.


Master Tom frowned, "I build ships, but I don't want them to be used in war."

"It's not war, it's protection!"

Brett knew that Master Tom was also a pacifist, "To protect our country! Master Tom, you should understand why we can only hide in the deep sea!"

"Because the human nobles headed by the Draco are eager for mermaid slaves, the wave of discrimination caused by them prevents us from going to the sea to bathe in the sun."

"I want to change this situation, so we must prevent people at sea from invading us. Therefore, Fish-Man Island needs more powerful power!"

It is impossible to directly ask Master Tom to come up with Pluto's design.

If he hadn't known that Nico Robin could awaken ancient weapons, he probably wouldn't have passed on Pluto's design drawings.

He is a pacifist.

Let him understand a little bit about the situation of Fish-Man Island and the only path this country can choose.

"Is that so?"

Master Tom thought for a long time, and then he finally nodded, "Human beings' discrimination against us is indeed deep-rooted. Even the deep sea cannot avoid all dangers. Fish-Man Island does need the protection of weapons!"

"Then let's decide this, Brett! Leave this matter to me!"


Brett was overjoyed, "I will ask King Neptune to set up an arsenal later, and I will leave it to you, Master Tom!"

"Hahaha, just leave it to me!"

Master Tom patted his chest generously, "I will make a lot of loud weapons!"


Brett nodded heavily.

He wouldn't let this man down either.

Weapons are enough to protect Fishman Island.

As for the others, don’t you still have yourself?

"By the way, Master Tom, why did you come to me?" After finishing talking about the business, Brett remembered this matter.

"Oh! I almost forgot!"

Master Tom slapped his forehead and said, "Kokoro and his family have arrived at the Chambord Islands. Please send someone to pick them up, Brett."

"no problem."

Brett said, "I'll go in person."

I just happened to go find Teacher Lei Li to consult on some issues related to domineering education.

Just go, Brett went to find a few bottles of wine, then called a few trustworthy fishmen and set off.

He already had Kokoro's phone number in hand, and after a little communication, he knew Kokoro's address.

"Ah, I'm sorry to bother you to go there in person, little brother!"

On a small boat docked on an uninhabited coast of the Shampoo Islands, Grandma Cocoro said to Bright with a smile, she was still a little drunk.

There were three other people on the boat, namely her son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter.

Although Kokoro is a mermaid, the children born between humans and female mermaids will only be human, so her children and grandchildren can at most be strong swimmers, but they still have to come by boat.

"Anyway, Master Tom is waiting for you at Fish-Man Island. Go and meet them."

Bright didn't say much. CP was definitely looking for their traces. If he had anything to say, he would talk about it later back to Fish-Man Island.

He took out a piece of coral to temporarily coat the boat with a layer of film, and then asked the fishmen to take the boat to the Forest of the Sea to meet with Tom and the others.

Then, Brett put on a little disguise and went to rip off Sha Qi.

"Oh, Brett, are you finally done?"

As always, Reilly was lying on the bar doing nothing.

Brett threw the wine over, "I can breathe a sigh of relief for the time being, but I'll leave it to Rayleigh later."

Riley took the bottle and eagerly opened it and took a sip, "So, do you want to start right away?"

"Don't worry, I have a question I want to ask before that."

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