One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 112 Got it, banquet

Does the Empress really believe in herself?

not at all.

In other words, there is no complete trust.

She was indeed shaken and finally agreed to the request for cooperation.

However, to a large extent, that was because he had mastered her secrets, and she had mastered her own secrets. The two sides had a basis for checks and balances on each other, and they could not kill themselves to avoid the leakage of intelligence.

Part of the reason was indeed because she was touched by her own words, but the more reason may still be helpless.

He couldn't make her open up as easily as Straw Hat did. After all, that kid beat up the Celestial Dragon before meeting the empress.

But it doesn't matter, it's enough to be able to achieve cooperation.

As for trust, let’s develop it slowly later.

Brett sat down on the spot and began to discuss cooperation with the Empress.

"Nine Snake Island is located in a windless zone and is even more isolated than our Fish-Man Island. This is a good thing for our cooperation."

Bright said to the empress, "We can continuously deliver supplies to Nine Snake Island through undersea transportation without being discovered."

"We can even help Nine Snake Island establish its own industry, so that this country no longer just relies on robbery for a living."

Having said that, given the geographical environment of Nine Snake Island, even if industrial construction is carried out, the import of raw materials and the sale of goods must rely on Fishman Island.

In other words, if Bright is willing, he can completely turn Nine Snake Island into a processing plant for Fish-Man Island.

But he won't do that. The value of this country and its people is obviously much more than that hard-earned money.

"We can help you make this country prosperous."

Brett said seriously.

The empress is a very arrogant and self-centered person.

She doesn't take anyone seriously, but she still has deep feelings for this country.

Otherwise, she would not have become a Shichibukai and accept the drive of the government she hated most.

Although she looked calm on the surface, Brett could hear the wavering in her heart.

"So, man, what's the price?"

The empress was ten meters away from Bright, probably because she didn't want to be contaminated by the man's odor. Bright was also a little helpless. Fortunately, her voice was not too low, otherwise it would be troublesome to communicate.

"Offensive and defensive alliance, our ultimate goal is to overthrow the world government, but this goal is still early, before that,"

Bright said seriously, "When we ask for help from you, please help us. In the same way, when you ask for help from us, it is our duty to help."

"Huh, asking you for help? There won't be such a time."

The empress folded her hands on her chest and said very domineeringly, "But it doesn't matter."

"Of course, the offensive and defensive alliance is mutually beneficial, and it doesn't cost much,"

Bright paused for a moment, then said, "Snake Princess, it is said that Nine Snakes Island has a meditation method that can help people learn domineering effectively..."

"That's it, what a greedy man!"

The empress looked at Bright with disgust, then stepped back a little further. She almost shouted, "That's Amazon Lily's secret!"

"It doesn't matter what you say. This is indeed my original purpose."

Bright was very honest, "I want to build a school on Fish-Man Island and incorporate domineering into the curriculum, so I need this meditation method to make Fish-Man Island more powerful."

"If you still feel dissatisfied, Snake Princess, just make conditions."

The empress stared at Bright, frowning.

Brett looked at her openly, "Of course, if you still refuse in the end, I will choose to accept it without worrying about damaging our friendship."


The empress snorted coldly, "I won't have any friendship with a stupid man. Rather, no one in the world is worthy of having a friendship with me. After all,"

Her eyes became a little intoxicated, and she raised her hand to lift her thick black hair, "I am so beautiful!"

It was as if pink light was surrounding her, softening her whole body.

Brett felt his heart beat a little faster. There was indeed something about this woman's beauty and ability.

But immediately, he rolled his eyes.

A woman's heart is filled with intoxication with her own beauty.

The most narcissistic woman in the world.

"So, Snake Girl, what's your decision?" Brett asked expectantly.

"It doesn't matter if I give it to you."

The empress's expression turned cold again, "Meditation is not as useful as you think. Even in Nine Snakes, only a few warriors can successfully awaken their Haki."

In other words, do you have to awaken your Haki to become a warrior of Nine Snakes?

Hiss, is this really a domineering army per capita?

Terrible country.

"That's enough!"

Brett said sincerely, "Thank you very much, Snake Princess."

Even if it is only ten to one or even twenty or thirty to one, it is enough.

In a few years at most, Fish-Man Island will have a fully domineering army!

However, apart from the fact that not everyone can awaken, the Haki awakened through meditation is still less powerful than the Haki learned through training, right?

After all, Snake Princess's two younger sisters were beaten violently by the Straw Hat boy who didn't even know how to be domineering two years ago.

Teacher Rayleigh's famous saying, Haki always becomes stronger in fierce battles with powerful enemies.

But it doesn't matter, it's enough.

"But remember, man, if you break your promise in the future, I will kill you no matter what!" Her voice was as cold as ice.

"Don't worry, if you can't overthrow the World Government, I will give you my life."

Brett said seriously.

Sooner or later there will be a battle with the government. If it fails, there will be no point in saying anything.


He smiled and said, "You don't have to call me a man, my name is Bright."

"Men, is it time to talk about your efforts?"

The empress was as willful as ever, "You said you wanted to help Nine Snakes develop, but Nine Snakes are very poor."

"Got it, that's fair."

Bright said generously, "Think of early investment as help between friends."

The current Fish-Man Island is so arrogant.

Mining is a hugely profitable industry. The supply of high-quality minerals on Fish-Man Island exceeds demand, and a large amount of wealth is pouring into this country.

Jiu She Island only has a population of hundreds of thousands. How much can it cost to invest in a few companies here?

"Next, let's talk in detail about this country's industry."

Nine Snake Island has a small land area, a shortage of resources, and a small population. It is not easy to find an industry suitable for them.

If you really want to say that Nine Snake Island has any special advantages, it is that they are in a windless zone.

As we all know, it is very troublesome to get in and out of the Grand Line.

Thinking about it this way, don’t you have an idea?


The empress was a little surprised.

"That's right, transportation."

Bright said seriously, "The only connections between the Four Seas and the Grand Line are the Upside Down Mountain and the detour from the Red Earth Continent where Mary Joa is located. Apart from these two roads, the only way to reach the Windless Zone is by luck."

"If I remember correctly, the ships of the Nine Snakes Pirates can freely pass through the windless zone because of the two highly venomous sea snakes."

The empress nodded.

"In this case, things will be simple. Our Fishman Island is best at taming sea beasts and can provide them to you. Then you can use them to form a team specifically for crossing the windless zone."

Although the windless zone where Nine Snake Island is located is only connected to one of the four seas, it is enough.

The safe freight channel is enough to make merchants flock to it, and it can already make Nine Snake Island make a lot of money.

With the economic pillar in place, the country can also set up some basic industries to promote employment and stimulate domestic demand.

"In this case, Nine Snake Island will definitely usher in prosperity."

Brett said.

At least it will make much more money than the Nine Snakes Pirates going out to plunder.

"You can give it a try,"

The empress nodded slightly, her eyes sharp, "You'd better not let me down!"

"probably not."

Brett smiled confidently.

You can even go to the nearby Sea Kings and ask them not to attack the ships guarding Nine Snake Island.

After the big talk, it was time to talk about some specific matters. To Bright's expectation, although the empress didn't look like a wise ruler by any means, she was surprisingly good at government affairs.

If he hadn't been in the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau for so long, he might not be able to follow the empress's ideas.

"Oh! Did you have a pleasant conversation?"

When the two were about to chat, laughter rang out, and Rayleigh walked over with the empress's two sisters and Granny New.

"How's it going, Brett? Did you get what you wanted?" Riley looked at Brett.

"Perfectly achieved."

Brett smiled slightly.

"Hahahaha, that's really amazing!"

Reilly laughed loudly, "You actually did it? I thought you would be turned into stone by Hancock."

"I won't die until I reach my final, wonderful destination."

Brett smiled.

He said this as a matter of course and with full confidence.

This is Xia Li’s prophecy!

"Sister Huang, have you really decided to cooperate with that man?"

Sandasonia, who had green hair and a round face, approached her sister and said in disbelief.

This is her Hancock sister!

That arrogant, narcissistic, willful, and indifferent Hancock sister!

The empress snorted in displeasure, and then said, "Give that man a chance to see."

Sundar Sonia was stunned.

The third sister Marigold was also dumbfounded.

"This man!"

Granny New looked at Brett in shock.

He actually made She Ji compromise!

To be able to make such a willful woman compromise, could this man have caught Snake Princess?

Good guess.

"Hahahaha, how about a banquet to celebrate the cooperation between the two parties?"

Reilly was delighted.

He has determined that Bright and Fish-Man Island will play an extremely important role in the future that Roger looks forward to.

Then, the alliance between Fishman Island and Nine Snakes Island is a matter of great significance for the future.

She Ji said disgustedly, "What stupid things are you talking about, old man? Men are not welcome in this country!"

"Don't be so cold, Hancock,"

Reilly smiled cheekily and said, "After all, I am your benefactor, and now Brett is also your partner. Isn't it the friendship of a landlord to entertain your benefactor and partner?"


The empress snorted.

The banquet was finally decided to be held, just then——

The coast where Bright and Raleigh landed.

The empress said that she would level this entire coast in the future.

Brett didn't know what to say.

The Green Bull is really profitable. I remember the time when I had a passionate battle with the Four Emperors in the Pirate Bar. Chishuai, my Chishuai, had my reputation lowered by the external generals.

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