One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 118 Charlotte Lingling

Ten Thousand Kingdoms, also known as Torante, is located in the middle and front part of the New World. It is a large archipelago country composed of thirty-five islands.

This country is ruled by the Charlotte family, and Charlotte Lingling herself is Her Royal Highness the Queen who founded this country.

Among the thirty-five islands, except for the Cake Island where Charlotte Lingling herself is located, the other thirty-four islands each have a minister from the Kingdom of Tolant stationed there. Of course, each minister is Charlotte. ·Lingling’s children, some ministers on the islands are even children only a few years old.

In addition, the distribution of these thirty-four islands is also very interesting. They are dotted in this sea area in a roughly circular pattern with Cake Island as the center.

It is equivalent to a fortress, guarding the island where the queen is located in the deepest part of the country.

At this time, after several days of sailing, the ship carrying Bright and his party of four had arrived in the sea not far outside this country.

"Ahead are all the nations."

Tezzolo and Bright stood side by side on the bow of the ship, looking at the empty sea. His tone became solemn, "I'm afraid our whereabouts have been exposed to the eyes of the Charlotte family. Will Mr. Jinbe and the others be okay?" "

Although Charlotte Lingling's performance among the sea emperors was very embarrassing, the Charlotte family she commanded had an advantage that other emperors could not match. Their intelligence system was the best in the industry.

This is true even overseas, let alone the waters close to the Ten Thousand Kingdoms.

Bright could hear the sounds of many telephone bugs coming from the surrounding sea below the surface.

The Charlotte family deployed many video phone bugs in the water to monitor the sea area.

"Don't worry, Brother Jinbei said he will dive to the deepest part of the sea, and even walk there, so he won't be exposed."

Brett smiled.

No matter how deep the Charlotte family's eyes are, they can't really go to the bottom of the sea, right?

"But we still can't take it lightly."

Tezoro continued, "There are various races living in all countries, including your fish-men and mermaids. Mr. Jinbei should be careful."


Brett nodded.

Wan Guo is a very special country.

This country is a dreamland where many ethnic groups live together. According to Charlotte Lingling later, there are only three ethnic groups in the world that are not found in any other country.

One is the giant clan who has a grudge against Charlotte Lingling, the other is the Lunaria clan to which Jhin belongs, of which he is the only one known so far, and there is an unknown clan.

In addition, all intelligent races on the sea can be found in all countries.

The fish-men and merfolk are certainly no exception.

The ship continues to move forward. If it was just outside the waters of Wan Guo, now it has officially entered the territory of Wan Guo.

"Are you going to meet that Charlotte Lingling next?"

There was some fear in Baccarat's tone.

There is no way not to be afraid.

That woman, Big Mom, was a world-famous monster from the last era when the Rocks Pirates still dominated Qinghai. After the Great Pirate Era began, their power expanded rapidly, and now they are the most unprovoked in the new world. One of the three monsters.

"Don't worry, Baccarat."

The big-headed Mr. Tanaka comforted his companions, "If something really happens, I will take everyone underground as soon as possible."

This was the reason why Tanaka was brought here. If something really happened, he could escape with his people.

As for Baccarat, it's a bit hard to talk about. She is the ultimate weapon prepared by Brett and Tezolo for Charlotte Lingling.

Even a strong person at the level of the Pirate Emperor cannot compete with the rules of the Devil Fruit. As long as Charlotte Lingling is touched by Baccarat, her luck will be usurped.

If there really is a conflict with Charlotte Lingling, then this little bit of luck may be able to allow the group of people to escape.

Brett felt that he was completely prepared.

The boat moved on.


Brett said.

On the sea ahead, a large ship was rapidly approaching.

As the two ships approached, Bright heard singing.

There was a face on the front of the ship, humming happily.

Charlotte Lingling has an amazing ability, the ability to give life to dead objects.

"Who is coming!"

On the deck of the ship, a tall and muscular man asked loudly.

The man's upper body was naked, and he was wearing an orange-red cloak. His hair looked like a poker spade with a piece missing on both sides.

"It's Charlotte Owen, the Burnt Chancellor."

Tezzolo was afraid that Bright might not recognize this man, so he tilted his head and introduced him.

Brett nodded.

Of course he knew this man.

A senior leader of the BIG·MOM Pirates, a superhuman person with the Heat Fruit ability, whose status within the family is comparable to that of Kaido's future Flying Six.

The fourth son of the Charlotte family, Daifuku and Katakuri are triplets, and he is the third among them.

"I'm Brett, and Big Mom invited me to a tea party."

Brett shouted.

"I'm Tezzolo!"

Tezzolo followed.

"Oh, I know you guys. After Cracker came back and told your story, mom said she would invite you to a tea party."

Owen crossed his arms and said clearly, "You made the right decision by not rejecting mom's invitation."

"Anyway, welcome to All Nations, Bright, and Tezolo, let's go, I'll take you to see your mother."

On the surface, his attitude is still very kind.

But the real situation will only be known after meeting Charlotte Lingling.

"Then lead the way."

Brett said loudly.

Pirate Emperor?

Then go and see it.

Charlotte Owen turned the ship's bow and headed towards the rear, and Bright and others' ship also followed.

Wanguo is very large, and the sea area between islands can be several nautical miles in the near direction or dozens of nautical miles in distance. When I met Owen, I was still in the peripheral sea area of ​​​​Wanguo, so even if I went at full speed, it took a long time when I finally arrived at Cake Island. It had been dark for several hours.

Owen's ship took Bright and the two to the port of Cake Island.

The island as a whole looks like huge cakes stacked on top of each other, which is quite visually impactful.

Before disembarking, Bright looked at the towns beyond the port.

It's very prosperous and lively. Buildings like pastries of various colors are spread out row after row, spreading all the way forward. The colors are generally bright, as sweet as candy.

"The buildings here all look like desserts."

When getting off the boat, Baccarat was a little surprised.

Girls probably like this style of architecture, which is warm and sweet.

"Is it possible that there's more to it than meets the eye?"

Brett smiled.


A carriage has been prepared at the port, pulled by four pure white horses.

"Get in the car."

After the four Bretts got off the boat, Owen said, "Mom is already waiting for you in the palace."

The carriage was very spacious. After the four of them got in, and even Irving, who was almost five meters taller than Brett, got in, it still didn't feel crowded.

"Remember to stay humble when you see your mom later."

Owen's voice was very low, "The person who is about to summon you is the greatest queen on this sea."

Tezzolo smiled happily and said, "Understood, we also seek cooperation with sincerity."

"So much the better."

Owen nodded.

In fact, he was not afraid of what these two guys would do.

The place they are at now is Cake Island.

The person they are about to meet is BIG·MOM!

The carriage started slowly and then moved forward.

Looking out from the carriage window, the scene of the town streets is unobstructed.

It's really lively, the various shops on the street are very noisy, and the residents coming and going often have smiles, the kind of smiles that come from the heart.

Wan Guo is a very special country.

Most of the intelligent races in the world are gathered here. There are no wars or pirate invasions. The people living here live a stable life that is unimaginable in other countries in the New World.

However, this stability does not come without a price.

Charlotte Lingling probably didn't mean to squeeze wealth from the residents of the country. She squeezed something else.


Residents of all nations were required to give a month of their life every six months as a fee for living in the country, and those who refused would be ordered to leave Tollant.

But of course, Charlotte Lingling hates betrayers more than anything.

Before coming here in person, Bright had always felt that the residents living in this country were very sad, and even their relatively fair lives were being squeezed.

But now he has new ideas.

Because of the smiles on the faces of these residents, because of the smiles in their hearts.

Is it really so unacceptable to lose an extra two months of life every year? In this new world, this sea has never been gentle.

Is it the residents of this country who are sad, or the world?

Before Bright could think about the outcome, the carriage had already passed through a forest and arrived in front of a magnificent castle.

The carriage drove all the way inside the castle walls, passed through the courtyard, and finally stopped outside the door of the main building.

"Let's go, don't keep mom waiting."

Owen got out of the car first, and then led the four of them into the castle.

It is indeed Charlotte Lingling's castle, with a sweet smell everywhere, as if the entire castle is a giant dessert.

The castle is very large and is full of patrolling chess soldiers. They are all Homitz created by Charlotte Lingling's abilities and used as bottom-level cannon fodder soldiers.

Brett and others followed Owen around, and soon they came to a heavy and huge door.

Brett opened his eyes slightly.

I could hear clearly the amazing sound coming from behind the door!

"Take care of your appearance." Owen said, "Mom is inside."

Is there anything to sort out?

Brett always wears a T-shirt and pants combination wherever he goes.

He just calmed down his shocked mood a little.

The one inside was Charlotte Lingling, so it was only natural that she would have such a voice.

Tezzolo, on the other hand, smoothed out the wrinkles in his suit and straightened his tie to make sure he was not rude in any way.

Then Owen stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Mom, I brought them here," he said.

"Mom, mom, are you finally here?"

A voice came from inside, "Bring them in quickly, Owen! Let me see them quickly!"


Owen used his arms to push open the two heavy doors.

With a squeaking sound, the scene inside was revealed.

In the huge hall, at the top position, a huge woman wearing a pink dress sat crookedly on the throne. Although she had begun to become fat, her figure still retained some of the strength of her youth. , but her face is indeed no longer as beautiful as it was when she was young, only old and vicious.

Owen led several people into the hall.

"Mommy mommy!"

The woman's scarlet mouth opened and she laughed wildly, "Bright, and Tezolo, the young people who have recently become famous in the New World,"

"Welcome to the most dreamy country in the world!"

The terrifying aura rushed towards his face, and Bright instantly felt that his breathing became a little faster.

Tezzolo's breathing became heavier and his eyes showed shock.

Even more unbearable were Bacara and Tanaka. Both of them turned pale almost instantly and their bodies were trembling.

This is Charlotte Lingling.

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