One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 121 The situation is tense

The Queen of All Nations, Charlotte Lingling’s tea party certainly wasn’t shabby.

The decoration work of the venue was already in progress the night before. The venue was on a wide platform on the top of the palace. However, this platform went through a round of expansion. A man used biscuits to make the platform larger. Several times, it looked like a crown on top of the cake-like castle from a distance.

When the time came to around eleven o'clock, it was almost time for the guests to enter. Instead of taking the stairs inside the castle, outside the palace door, an elevator made of candy extended all the way up to the banquet venue on the top floor. .

When the four Brights arrived in front of the elevator, the man who built the elevator, Perospero, said with a smile, "Mr. Bright, mother is looking forward to your answer."

Brett smiled at him.

The four of them took the elevator and went all the way up.

As the spiral ascended to the sky, Tezzolo said, "Is this really okay?"

"I can't see you just staying on Fish-Man Island from now on."

Bright is not very afraid of the Charlotte family, but Tezolo is different. He can't stay on Fish-Man Island and live peacefully like Bright.

"Try it. If it doesn't work, try to escape."

"You guy!!"

Tezzolo looked moved.

This man, Brett, really treats himself as his half-brother!

"Then I'll go crazy with you once!"

Tezzolo put a smile on his face, "After all, it may not develop into the worst situation, right?"

"The goal this time is to make Charlotte Lingling's plan fail and at the same time make her think that we are a trustworthy partner."

Brett smiled.

Charlotte Lingling is certainly not a good person, but it is not without the value of cooperation.

The elevator has reached the end. After stepping out of the elevator, the noisy scene comes into view.

The spacious venue was already bustling with people, and there were many tables and chairs, but the guests were not in a hurry to take their seats. They gathered together in twos and threes to talk and laugh.

For the upper class, the purpose of gathering is of course not to eat and drink, but to accumulate connections.

"Hey, you guys are here!"

Along with the sound of heavy footsteps, a malicious voice sounded.

Brett turned his head, and Charlotte Cracker, who had hidden herself in the biscuit armor, strode over with a joking smile on the rough face of the biscuit armor, "How about it, I've thought about my answer to mom. ?"

"I'm really looking forward to your decision to refuse. I was afraid you would run away last time, but this time you probably won't be able to escape."

"Hey, hey, Charlotte Cracker, no matter what, we are here as guests. Why, is this the attitude of the Charlotte family towards guests they invite?"

Tezzolo's attitude was tough.

There is a very simple theory in interpersonal communication. Your own value to others determines how others view you.

Tezzolo believes that, at least for now, they are valuable.

This is indeed the case.

As soon as Cracker's expression began to change, a voice stopped him.

"Clark, calm down."

The man leaned against the wall quietly, throwing a few jelly beans in his hand. The scarf around his neck blocked the lower half of his face, "Do you want to disturb mom's tea party?"

"Sorry, Katakuri-nii."

The arrogant Keliqi acted very submissively in front of this man. He nodded, turned around and left without even looking at Bright and the others.

Brett looked at the man by the wall.

Charlotte Katakuri, the second son of the Charlotte family, Big Mom's right-hand man, and the strongest general.

To a certain extent, he is a more difficult person than Charlotte Lingling.

"Be prepared for how to answer mom later."

Katakuri's attitude was very calm, neither expecting nor bored.

But Brett knew that this man had a fiery heart and he just hid it.

"No trouble."

Brett's answer was also very bland.

Finally entering the venue officially, Brett looked around and said, "Tezolo, let's take action."


Tezzolo smiled slightly and tilted his head slightly, "Let's go, Baccarat, it's time to show your abilities."

"Please leave it to me, Lord Tezolo!"

Baccarat's eyes were full of seriousness.

Tezzolo immediately squeezed in among the guests with Baccarat, and his communicative skills as an excellent businessman came into play.

But of course, chatting and laughing is just an appearance. The real purpose is to let Baccarat touch more guests and draw luck from them.

Bacara can make herself lucky by absorbing the luck of others. Although this luck cannot be shared with others, as long as she is close enough, she can be protected when avoiding bad luck, right?

"And then there's you, Mr. Tanaka."

Brett looked at Tanaka who was following him.

"I understand, Mr. Bright."

Tanaka said solemnly, "I will be extremely vigilant and activate my abilities as soon as I receive your signal!"

Brett nodded.

Plan for the worst-case scenario first.

If Bacara and Tanaka's abilities match up, simply escaping shouldn't be a problem.

Calculation is done mentally but not intentionally, and without knowing the abilities of the two in advance, not even Charlotte Lingling can stop them.

The only possible variable is——

Bright didn't turn his head, but quietly listened to Katakuri's voice among the noisy voices.

Men who can use the power of knowledge and color to predict the future, let's compete this time to see whose power of knowledge and color is more powerful.

Oh no, that's the worst case scenario.

We should try our best to prevent the situation from slipping in that direction.

"Brother Tezzolo, here, here!"

A sweet and delicate voice sounded, and Bright followed the sound.

At a table not far away, Stussy was sitting there with a smile and waving to him, "Come and sit here."

There were several other guys at the same table with her, the familiar Birdman, and two other guys.

One is a fat man wearing sunglasses and holding a cigar in his mouth.

One was an old man with a white beard and a red nose, lying drunkenly on the table.

Brett walked over.

"Hahahaha, how was yesterday's news Brett?"

Morgans couldn't wait to laugh, "The Whitebeard Pirates, the Big Mom Pirates, and Fish-Man Island are just like those lingering love triangles in romance novels, right? So I deliberately adopted romance novels. The same writing style, how about it, does it feel refreshing?"

Brett pulled up a chair and sat down, saying with a cold face, "I just want to pluck out all the hair on your body."

"Oh, that's not okay."

Morgans shrank back, but his words were still full of smiles, "They are my treasures."

"Oh, you are the one who captured Umit, that idiot, the industrial fish, the fishman Bright, right?"

The old man with a white beard lying on the table raised his head while burping from wine. Only then did Brett notice that this guy's eyes were full of weird madness, and neither eyeball was looking in the same direction.

"Hiccup~ Just right. We can talk about cooperation later. Please take care of me in the future."

Stussy introduced him in a timely manner, "Brother Bright, this is Mr. Kipotson, a giant in the warehousing industry and known as the hiding master."


I can understand it.

This sounds like the most compatible partner with Ocean King.


Brett smiled back and said, "Let's talk to Tezolo later."

Kipotson chuckled, then took out a bottle of wine and started drinking again.

"As for this one—"

A sweeter smile appeared at the corner of Stussy's lips, and she introduced the fat man, "He is also a great big shot. He is also known as the King of Loan Usury, the God of Fortune, Du Feld."

Oh, that's the guy who was killed by your finger gun in the original game, right?

Brett heard clearly that the voice in the heart of this God of Fortune did not have any good intentions.

In fact, Du Feld's expression was very cold, "You have really caused me a lot of trouble, Fishman Bright."

"Because Umit borrowed a lot of money from Field to develop his business, but..." Stussy explained.

"Is that so? What do you mean?"

Tezzolo's voice rang out. He had ended the social interaction, walked over with Stussi, pulled up a chair and sat next to Bright, "Could it be that you want us to help Umit pay back the money? "

Brett could hear a lot of screams coming from the surroundings, and someone was already starting to suffer misfortune.

The God of Fortune snorted coldly, but had no intention of arguing with Tezzolo.

Not too stubborn either.

Brett once again lamented that guys who can do business to a certain extent are often very smooth.

This is different from pirates.

Pirates are very stubborn, and the more powerful the pirates are, the more stubborn they are.

"So Brett, what's your fish-man island's answer?"

Morgans couldn't wait to ask, "Whitebeard or Big Mom?"

Brett leaned back in his chair and twitched the corner of his mouth, "Guess."

"Wow! It's so abominable!!"

Birdman scratched his head with both hands in anger, "It's obviously such big news!!"

"Mom is here!"

Suddenly, marshmallows flew in the sky, and they were still smiling happily.

Why did Brett confirm it was marshmallow?

Because one of them fell in front of Bright, and then looked at him expectantly and said, "Please eat me."

Brett felt a chill, picked it up and threw it into the sky again.

Along with the flying desserts, Charlotte Lingling, still wearing a pink dress, appeared, making a grand entrance surrounded by family cadres.

"Mom, Mom, everyone should enjoy today's tea party as always!!"

The extremely lively cheers almost filled the sky.


Just at this moment, Brett's phone rang.

Brett raised an eyebrow.


With a worried look on his face, he picked up the phone and left the table in a hurry.

Almost at the same time, Katakuri's eyes stared at him not far away.

He beckoned for a younger brother and whispered in his ear.

Not far away, Bright hurriedly walked to a secluded place at the elevator entrance and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Katakuri was there, otherwise he would have to worry about how to attract their attention.

There's no way to tell if they're listening for phone bugs, so turn up the volume a little bit.

After a while, Brett returned to his seat with a solemn expression.

"How about it?"

Tezzolo asked in good time.

Almost at the same time, at the table next to Bright's table where Charlotte Lingling and the family leaders were sitting, a man quickly walked up to Charlotte Lingling and whispered something to her.

BIG·MOM's originally smiling face suddenly turned gloomy.

She stood up and looked directly at Bright's table. Strictly speaking, she looked directly at Bright.

"Bright, where's your answer to my mother?"

The joyful tea party was instantly audible.

Brett took a deep breath and said, "The people on Fish-Man Island said they need to discuss it again."

"Do you still want to fool me?"

Charlotte Lingling's eyes widened, "You guys have been abandoned by Fish-Man Island, right?"

An invisible momentum came towards him, and Bright felt the pressure.

He looked towards Charlotte Lingling. A smile appeared on the corner of Clark's lips, and the other cadres also had cold expressions on their faces.

However, it is still expected.

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