One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 127 Peace of Mind

Bright soon received a contact from Perospero, Cake Island.

The guy conveyed Charlotte Lingling's opinion to Bright on the phone, saying that Bright should work hard on his own, and if help was needed, the Charlotte family would definitely help.

He mentioned this, and of course Bright would not refuse. He immediately said that there were many raw materials that were not available on Fish-Man Island and hoped that the Charlotte family could help. His reason was that he had to further promote The development of Fishman Island will bring a better life to the people, so the citizens will naturally be on his side.

Perospero readily agreed.

The Charlotte family will provide raw materials for Fish-Man Island in the future.

Brett is deeply aware of the benefits brought by this trip to all countries.

Although far inferior to the World Government, Charlotte Lingling, who has gradually begun to be called the Emperor of the Sea, also has great powers and can at least provide a lot of convenience to Fish-Man Island.

Even Bright actually wanted the Charlotte family's communication cracking technology, but he was too embarrassed to ask.

Let’s talk about it later when we have a chance.

In short, everyone wins.

The next thing to do is to completely stabilize Fishman Island.

Although Princess Otohime's speech is probably very useful, in order to completely eliminate the fear in the hearts of the people, Bright believes that there are two things that can be done. The first is, of course, to maintain the status quo and allow the country to continue to maintain rapid development.

The second one is to give more speeches with Neptune and show a sincere attitude to reassure the people.

You must not slack off on this matter.

At the end of his first day of work after returning to Fishman Island, Brett went to the Mermaid Cafe.

"B-Brother Bright——"

The mermaid ladies who were finishing up the restaurant before getting off work were a little panicked when they saw Bright's arrival. Their eyes dodged and they didn't come up to say hello as enthusiastically as usual.

What a headache.

Brett looked at Charlie. She was as calm as ever, not even raising her head to look at him.

He found a table and sat down, "As usual, let's have some food."

I'm already hungry too.


There was no waiting at all. Even the moment Bright finished speaking, Miss Miriam had already pushed the dining cart out of the kitchen.

She smiled and came to Brett's side, opened the lid on the dining car, revealing the quite rich food underneath, "Charlie said that Brett you will definitely come, so the food has been prepared a long time ago."

"That's it."

Brett shouted to Charlie, "It's much richer than usual. Let's talk about it first. Even so, I won't give you any money."

"Just think of it as my invitation to you."

Charlie didn't even look up.

Brett chuckled, then started tucking into his meal.

"So, did anything interesting happen while I was away?" Brett asked while eating.


Miss Miriam became very excited, "Nana, she has become a good friend with Princess Bai Xing! She said that she plays with the princess every day! She even brought the little princess to the store yesterday!"

Brett choked.

There is no doubt that Nana is a bad student. Apart from martial arts classes, she has no interest in any other cultural courses.

But Bai Xing is different. She is one of the hopes for the future of Fish-Man Island, and she must be fully developed morally, intellectually, physically, artistically and physically.

Little Baixing won’t be led astray by little Nana, right?

"Ah, that's great!"

Miss Miriam laughed and thought about the future, "Shirahoshi is the princess! If Nana can maintain friendship with the princess, the future will be bright."

"Then you might as well let Nana please me now."

Bright was speechless. What was this mother thinking, "Even after Bai Xing grows up, I should be able to speak more effectively than her on this Fish-Man Island."


Miss Miriam just woke up from a dream and looked at Bright in surprise, "I almost forgot because I was so familiar with you. Bright, you are a big shot who can be on par with King Neptune now!"


Brett raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Bright," Miss Miriam's expression became a little uneasy, "Nana admires you very much and keeps saying that she wants to protect Fish-Man Island like Brother Bright - so, you really -"

Brett sighed inwardly, and then he said seriously, "No."

He said, "There will be no changes from the past to the future. This is my promise."

"That's it,"

A smile appeared on Miriam's face again, "Then we can rest assured, ah, we are really scared today, afraid that the civil war will start on Fish-Man Island."

"Yeah, I said Brother Bright wouldn't do such a thing!"

"Nonsense, you were clearly the most anxious before!"

"Who are you talking about!"

The mood of the mermaid ladies has also recovered somewhat.

"Civil war or anything like that probably won't happen on this island for a long, long time."

Brett understood their anxiety very well, and even knew that some panic still remained in their hearts.

That’s why I say this work is the top priority right now.

"Since there is nothing to worry about, let's leave first. We still have to go back and supervise Nana to do her homework. That child always comes up with various ways not to do her homework."

Miriam winked at Brett, "Besides, you must have a lot to say, right?"

Brett just laughed.

All the mermaid ladies have gone off work, and only Bright and Xia Qi are left in the store.

Brett ate quietly, and Charlie also wrote and drew quietly on the paper.

As time went by, Bright's appetite increased, and the energy storage ability given to him by the giant lantern fish greatly enhanced his digestion ability.

Even the extra large portion of food specially prepared by Miss Miriam was quickly stuffed into his stomach.

"I'm full, I'm full."

Brett patted his belly contentedly and leaned back on the chair, "Miss Miriam's cooking is still as delicious as ever."

Charlie said, "Remember to clean up after eating."

"I know, you don't need to remind me every time."

Brett was a little annoyed.

He picked up the tableware and went to the kitchen to clean it.

This is almost a daily routine after eating here.

Boss Charlie would never help Brett wash the dishes if he didn't have his fingers wet with spring water.

Brett was humming a tuneless tune while washing the dishes, and he was already familiar with the process.

"Why, come and see if I'm lazy?" Brett said without looking back.

Charlie was already leaning on the door frame of the kitchen. She looked at Brett's back calmly and said, "Are you feeling a little confused, Brett, because of what happened today?"

Brett paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "Are you here to comfort me? Charlie, you are so gentle."

There was a soft smile in his eyes, "It's been like this since I was a child."

From a very young age, no matter what difficulties he encountered, Xia Li would patiently comfort him.

"But you're wrong this time, Charlie."

Bright's tone was brisk, "I won't have any hesitation, and I won't have the slightest regret, because I just did what I should do!"

It's just that he is still too weak, and he is still far from being able to truly do whatever he wants according to his true wishes.

You have to become stronger, become more powerful, strong enough to face any situation, strong enough to say no to anyone.

Suddenly there was a soft feeling behind him, and a pair of hands passed between his ribs and then wrapped around his body.

"I still say the same thing,"

The girl's forehead was probably resting on his back, and her voice was so close that it reached directly into his heart, "Go ahead and do what you want to do, Brett. My prediction will never go wrong."

"Of course I know."

Brett felt as if his heart was filled with something invisible, "Charlie is the world's number one prophet, and Charlie's predictions will never be wrong."

"So you have to face it confidently and bravely and overcome all difficulties and obstacles."

Charlie's hands were locked, and her face was pressed against Brett's back, "Then, at the end, go and meet our happy life."

"happy life?"

Brett was stunned for a moment, "Wait a minute, I've never heard of this prophecy..."


The girl's voice was very soft and dreamy, "Didn't I say it? It's the best future."

"Okay, Charlie, do you want some coffee? I suddenly feel more confident."

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