One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 141 Zefa and Bai II

At the mouth of the New World, on the sea near the Kingdom of Prodence, the sea was covered with dark clouds and heavy rain was pouring down.

And in the midst of the heavy rain, a brutal fight was going on.

This was a warship. At this time, the deck was covered with blood and corpses were scattered everywhere.

"Stop!! Stop it!!"

Wearing gold-rimmed glasses, with purple hair, and a rather elegant temperament, the man's eyes were about to burst, and there was almost blood and tears flowing from his eyes.

Forward on the deck, a small old woman was carrying out a massacre.

Although she was short and thin, she was as agile as a monkey, waving the sharp cane in her hand and constantly piercing the bodies of the soldiers wearing navy sailor uniforms in front of her.

There is no single enemy of her among the navy.

"Hahahaha, did you hear it? Zefa, the screams of your most beloved disciples!!"

The old woman laughed while killing, "Isn't it very pleasant?"

"Get out of here! Edward Weeble!!"

The purple-haired man, former admiral of the Navy Headquarters and current chief instructor of the Navy, Zefa, known as Black Wrist, roared angrily.

His arms were dark and entangled with invisible waves, and he rushed towards the man blocking him.

The guy standing in front of him had a silly look on his face. His upper body was extremely majestic, but his lower body was quite slender and looked very disproportionate.

The most eye-catching thing is of course his crescent-shaped beard.

His name was Edward Weibull.

Calls himself White II.

"No! Mom told me to stop you!"

The man with a naive look waved the naginata in his hand and blocked Zefa.

Boom boom boom!

The black iron fist and the black naginata kept colliding, and the fluctuations caused caused the entire warship to tremble, and even caused big waves on the sea.

However, Zefa, the black-armed man who supported the advancement of the navy in the previous era, could not break through the obstruction of this man with a naive look.

Although he looks like a fool, Weibull is actually terrifyingly powerful!

The strength and domineering were extremely amazing, and there was nothing Zefa could do against this guy in a short period of time.

"Hahaha, well done Weibull, my good boy!"

The old woman, Bai II's mother, the woman known as Miss Ba Jin laughed and continued her killing.

She grabbed a naval soldier's head, and slowly stabbed his chest with her hand, "Listen, Zefa, this sweet scream! How do you feel? How do you feel?" "

"Teacher Zefa, save me!!"

The captured navy soldier suddenly screamed.

They are not warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles and can deal with any hardships calmly. They are just a group of navy recruits who are still in the training stage.


The disciple's screams made Zefa furious. He punched Weibull's naginata away, and then his body was ejected like a cheetah.

But at this moment, Ba Jin directly threw the naval soldier in his hand towards Zefa.

Zefa subconsciously stretched out his right hand, trying to catch his disciple.

"Hahahaha, Zefa, you idiot, your eyes are covered with anger!"

Ba Jin laughed.

At the same time, the tall figure had ejected to Zefa's side. It was Weibull. His speed was not inferior to Zefa's at all.


The naive man said with a smile, but the naginata he swung down was as fast as thunder.


Along with the scream, Zefa's body flew out like a cannonball, directly breaking the mast and flying towards the cabin.

In the air, a broken right arm was flying.

"Hahahaha, it worked!!"

Miss. Ba Jin danced with great excitement, "My silly son, we are going to be famous in the sea!"

"Hahaha, my mother is happy and so am I!"

Weibull, who had just shown a terrifying combat prowess that was no less than that of a former navy admiral, said with a smile.

"Teacher Zefa!!"

Seeing their teacher being severely injured, the remaining sailors on the deck all screamed in surprise.

"No matter how much you scream, it's useless, hahaha, you all have to die here!"

The old woman punched her cane proudly, "Then my silly son will become famous in the sea and become the fourth pirate emperor!!"

The world of pirates is very simple, and the strong are respected.

As long as the strength is strong, there will be countless pirates who dare to vassal you.

"Weible, kill them!"

Miss. Ba Jin pointed his hand and said coldly.

"Okay mom!"

Bai II was still smiling and holding up his naginata, ready to massacre all the marines.

But at this moment, a figure ejected from the cabin.

"What do you want to do to my disciples!!"

Although he lost his right arm, Zefa's fighting spirit is still high.

Without his right hand, he still has his left hand and his legs!

He can still continue to fight and protect his most beloved disciples!

when! !

The two monsters started fighting again.

Although he lost his right hand, Zefa's fighting style began to become more radical, almost exchanging injuries for injuries and launching attacks regardless of life and death.

He had even begun to give up the confrontation with Weibull, and instead kept trying to attack Miss. Ba Jin.

"Wow, this bastard!!"

The old woman who was so proud just now was peeing and dodging behind her son.

It's okay to let her slaughter the new recruits, but if she wants to fight Zefa, she will simply die.

Zefa, who looked like a madman, made her feel timid.

But she was unwilling to let it end like this.

Let me kill all your disciples first!

"Weibull!! We must hold him back!!"

She gave her son an order, and then she prepared to start another massacre against Zefa's students.

"Okay mom!!"

Weibull shouted back.

Zefa gritted his teeth, "Run! Everyone, run!"

Dragging his heavily injured body to barely suppress this monster was already his limit.

If this continues, he can only watch helplessly as all his disciples die in front of him one by one.

Then, that's when.

On the sea not far from the warship, the sea suddenly became rough.


Miss. Ba Jin frowned, feeling domineering and knowing something.


The next moment, a huge head appeared on the sea.


The old woman was a little surprised.

But what surprised her even more were the two figures above the sea beast.


Bright stood on the head of the sea lion and looked at the shabby warship in front of him, "It's very lively."

Such a coincidence coincided with Bai II's attack on Zefa.

"Is this guy the deep-sea disaster of Fish-Man Island?"

Miss. Ba Jin is not very strong. She relies on her monster-like son to run rampant on the sea, but her brain is very useful.

She immediately recognized Brett's identity.

"This guy--"

Seeing the arrival of Bright and the other two, Zefa was also stunned.

That's right, this guy went to Prodence yesterday to stop the war!

It's funny to say that the government has transferred itself here, but it has no intention of sending itself out.

Instead, it was this naval enemy who stopped the war.

However, Bright's arrival cast a shadow over Zefa's heart.

There is a deep hatred between this guy and their navy.

Did they happen to meet each other by chance and then get into trouble?

Brett had a smile on his face.

Mr. Zefa has a very clear view of the positions between the two parties.

Then he smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Zefa, Wulaoxing asked us to come here to help."

Zefa's mood suddenly became complicated.

To put it mildly, accepting this guy's help would undoubtedly be a disgrace to the Navy.

But speaking of anger, if this guy hadn't appeared, all the disciples might have died here.


Miss. Ba Jin’s eyes instantly became fierce, “Anyone who wants to stop my stupid son from becoming famous will die!!”


"I know, Mom!"

Weibull looked at the two Brights with a fierce expression.

Brett twitched his lips.

Is it an opportunity?

Any chance to experiment with the Fist of the King?

Thanks to book friend ‘20200428162842742’ for the 1,400-point reward, thank you!

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