One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 146 Finished, Doflamingo lands on Cake Island


Brett raised his eyebrows slightly, and then asked, "What proposal?"

Of course, you don’t have to guess to know what the proposal is to deepen your relationship with the government.

"How about becoming the new Shichibukai, Brett?"

The five old stars over there just said something shocking.


Brett was really surprised now.

"In the past, you had to be attached to Jinbei as a subordinate of the Shichibukai."

Wulaoxing said, "But we don't think we need it now."

"You can definitely become a new Shichibukai."

"Really?" Bright's lips curled up.

"Of course, this is also a great thing for Fish-Man Island, isn't it? With two Shichibukai as a deterrent, there will be no short-sighted guy who dares to provoke Fish-Man Island."

Wu Laoxing said plausibly, "And in this case, Fishman Island and the government will be closer. If there is any trouble, the government will have more reasons to help."

"Even the navy, or the monsters of the new world."

He really went to great lengths to win over himself.

Brett once again appreciated his decision.

"Shichibukai? It sounds great, but—"

Brett smiled and replied, "I refuse."


The five old stars immediately asked in surprise, "Why Bright? You should know what kind of influence it will have on you after Fish-Man Island has two Shichibukai at the same time, right?"

"Of course I know." Brett nodded.

"Is it because of Jinbei? It is true that you had to rely on Jinbei in the past when you were weak, but you no longer need it!"

"That's not the reason."

Brett said calmly, "I just want to keep a low profile."


This touches upon Wulaoxing’s knowledge blind spot.

Fame is something that people on this sea have been pursuing tirelessly.

In order to gain greater fame, pirates have been constantly fighting on the sea.

So, what does it mean to be low-key?

"Isn't it great now?"

Bright said leisurely, "Very few people know my details. If I really encounter any trouble, I can give them a surprise."

"As for the Shichibukai, Brother Jinbei is enough."

He was already no different from the Qibukai, and even now he may be more important to the Five Old Stars than the ordinary Qibukai.

So why do we still have to put this name into practice?

"Hmph, it's up to you."

Bright chose to refuse, and the five old stars had nothing to say, and finally ended the call angrily.

However, although the final goal was not achieved, the connection between the World Government and Fish-Man Island has indeed become closer.

In terms of raw material supply and commodity export, the government will carry out more in-depth cooperation with Yuman Island.

This is certainly a good thing for Fishman Island.

The resources the government has are much larger than any other force on the sea, not to mention they will provide more technical support.

We can usher in a period of rapid development again.

Sure enough, only the strong can survive leisurely in this world.

A few days later, Tezzolo's film finally reached the final stage.

The last part shot was the final battle at the end of the movie.

Although it is a romance film, Tezzolo did not hesitate to make a big scene.

He really brought a large fleet down from the sea, all hoisted pirate flags and dragged them into the deep sea beyond Fish-Man Island.

Then he pestered Bright like a dog-skin plaster for several days, and finally got Bright to agree to let the fleet from Fish-Man Island participate in the filming.

When the day of filming finally arrived, a large number of fishmen and mermaids had gathered around the sea area outside Fishman Island that was chosen as the filming location.

There are even many humans with simple coatings on their bodies.

Everyone is here to watch the fun.

The first thing to shoot was the decisive battle between the hero and heroine and the villain.

It's on a coated boat.

We had rehearsed it many times before so the filming progressed quickly, but even so, watching the male and female protagonists singing and dancing while beating up the villain Bright was a bit overwhelming.

Will anyone really see this thing after it is filmed?

Then comes the final scene, where the Fishman Island fleet battles the pirate fleet.

The fleet of Fish-Man Island is already in position, and Bright is standing on the bow of one of the ships.

"Is it okay to fire directly?"

Brett said.

"Don't skimp on firepower! What you want is such a real effect!"

Tezzolo stood beside Bright, excitedly pointing to the fleet in the sea ahead.

"There's no one on the boat, and the scenes of fighting the villains will be cut later! So just blow them to pieces!"

Then it's really expensive for you to make a movie.

Tezzolo said so, so naturally Bright had nothing to say.

Then blow it up.

Tezzolo exited the ship, allowing Bright to come into range.


"Open fire all over the ship!"

Following Bright's order.

The ten fish-man island battleships gathered here opened fire.

Also firing at the same time were the sea beasts who acted as auxiliary fire, and the torpedoes they carried also fired simultaneously.

The movement was far less shocking than the firing of ships on the sea.

There was just a series of muffled sounds, and then torpedoes broke out of the water, heading towards the pirate fleet in the distance like lightning.

But as the first torpedo hit the leading pirate warship, the astonishing sound finally arrived.


Even in this deep sea with huge pressure, the astonishing fire caused by the torpedo explosion still shines like a small sun into the eyes of everyone who witnesses this scene.

The battleship was blown to pieces almost instantly, and the aftermath even affected the battleships next to it.

Then, more torpedoes hit, and more explosions occur.

One huge fireball after another caused the entire sea area to boil.

In just an instant, the entire pirate fleet disappeared in such a violent explosion.


All the humans who came to watch witnessed this scene and felt unspeakable fear in their hearts.

The military strength of Fishman Island has reached this level!

You must not be enemies with them!

But of course, there are excellent partners of Fish-Man Island like Mr. Donald who will only be happy about this.

This further illustrates the precision of his vision.

"Hahahaha! Great!"

Behind the camera, Tezzolo almost danced with excitement, "Perfect shot, this movie will definitely become an unforgettable classic in the history of Hainan movies!!"


Anyway, no matter what, the movie is finally finished.

Next comes post-production, and then it’s time to release the sea.

Tezzolo is very ambitious about this and firmly believes that he will become a well-known star in the sea because of this movie.

Brett smiled back at that.

Then, almost at the same moment,

New world, all nations.

A ship docked quietly on the shore of Cake Island.

Perospero, the eldest son of the Charlotte family, was standing on the shore looking at the man coming off the boat.

"Don Quixote Doflamingo, what is your purpose!"

"Hey, I want to talk to Big Mom about something."

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