One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 150 Flow, a combination of circumstances

After the excavation of Hailou Stone was on track, Bright's main energy was devoted to cultivation.

Many affairs in this country require him to make decisions, but that's all. The specific details and implementation are handled by people who are specifically responsible for this. Even if it's not good enough, there is still Dragon Palace City.

A concept that Bright has always adhered to is that the prosperity of Fish-Man Island relies on economic development, but its strength depends on itself becoming stronger.

Although saying this is a bit too self-centered, this is the world.

The impact that a top powerhouse can bring is so great that even one country or even dozens of countries combined cannot match it.

Just like Kaido alone can make the navy dare not invade Wano Country, if you want Fish-Man Island to be truly stable, unless you have ancient weapons, you can only rely on yourself to become stronger.

Brett thought so.

The so-called training is of course sparring with Jinbei.

Even though he has received Rayleigh's guidance in the past year, there is no doubt that Jinbei's attainments in armed color are still not weaker than Bright's or even better. The progress of their training is almost the same.

This is just the right time for sparring.

The training ground located in the Fishman Street Umi no Mori, because no new recruits have recently joined the army, this training ground is vacant, just for Jinbei and Bright to practice.

Bright did not use electric current to push. After all, he was practicing Haki and not actually fighting.

However, the sparring between the two at this time looked quite strange.

Both of them are obviously strong men with strong physiques, but when they wave their fists, they are all limp, as if in slow motion.


Brett's fist could no longer be used in terms of bumping or smashing, but could only be used to stick to Jinbe's chest.

"It feels a bit like it, but it's still far from enough, Brett!"

Jinbei took two steps back, and then pushed Bright with his backhand. Of course, the effect was not good, he just pushed Bright and staggered.

"Isn't it the same with you, Brother Jinbei?"

Brett punches again.

They didn't exert much force in their sparring, so it looked like they were giving each other a massage.

This is to allow Haki to exert its power.

Hardened weapon colors can greatly increase the destructive power, but like swinging a hammer, you need to use your own strength.

But the flowing armed color is different. It is a huge destructive power in itself. Even if the body itself does not exert any force, it is still astonishingly powerful.

However, neither of them can directly transform their domineering energy into impact. They can only barely let their domineering energy move.

Probably the power is that Bright can make Jinbei take two steps back, and Jinbe can make Bright lose his balance to the extent that he is almost defenseless.

Although it looked like they were stretching their hips, neither of them actually felt depressed at all.

After all, it means they are already started.

The Haki can already flow a little, but the strength of the Haki cannot keep up due to proficiency and control issues.

But it doesn’t matter, both proficiency and control ability can be improved through continuous practice.

However, there are ways to improve quickly.

Just like Rayleigh said, after practicing, you still need to fight to activate it.

Use crises to hone your will, and use powerful enemies to enhance your domineering power.

Follow the path of the little junior brother in the original work.

Brett didn't really mind this, but the trouble was that there were no enemies to hone his domineering skills.

So the only way to do this is to take a slower approach.

While the two were practicing, a certain guy was already taking action on Fish-Man Island.

The current Fishman Island's vigilance against outsiders has not weakened much. The port is the top priority of management and control. Even in other urban areas, the patrols of Dragon Palace City soldiers have never stopped. No one has dared to do so for a long time. There's trouble on this island.

However, if you just inquire about the information casually, it will still be difficult to find anything wrong. After all, there are too many outsiders on Fish-Man Island now. Who has the time to follow and investigate everyone in detail?

So, inside a tavern on Fishman Island.

"Oh, so Director Bright still doesn't have the final say on Fish-Man Island now?"

The man who looked very blessed, with a chubby figure and round cheeks said in surprise, "I heard many legends about him at sea, and I thought he was already the uncrowned king of this country."

I have been coming to this bar for several days in a row, so the preparation should be in place.

The fish-man bartender at the bar said casually, "Director Bright is indeed a major contributor to the changes in Fish-Man Island, but King Neptune is also the royal family that has ruled Fish-Man Island for generations. He is still the ruler of this country. Bar?"

The round man's eyes darkened slightly, so——

"But now there are indeed many people who think that the person leading Fish-Man Island forward is Director Bright,"

The bartender added, "After all, everyone knows that all the changes were brought about by him. He made the country rich, powerful, and dignified. It was indeed King Benipton who did it." It’s much better, let him be the king.”

Bright himself didn't even know about it, and his reputation in the country was unknowingly too high.

There is no way, who makes him the first changemaker on Fish-Man Island to truly bring about progress.


The man was startled, "Is that so?"

Didn't that guy lie to his mother?

"This is no secret on Fish-Man Island."

The bartender shrugged, "But I don't care. It doesn't matter who comes to power, as long as we can continue to ensure the development of this country."

"In this case, won't there be any problems?" The man lowered his voice, "For example, a civil war or something like that?"

He seemed to realize that he had made a mistake, and quickly said in a somewhat remedial manner, "I, I was just guessing and talking nonsense."

The bartender was stunned for a moment, and then leaned forward, "To be honest, there are many people who are afraid of this. After all, last year-"

He paused, but still didn't say everything, "But neither Director Bright nor King Neptune showed any opposition."

"And it's Boss Jinbei who is mediating in the middle,"

The bartender sighed, "It should be fine, but - who can say for sure."

Are Director Bright, who is now so famous, and King Neptune, who inherited the throne by blood, really so close?

Many residents of Fishman Island are a little worried.

"That's it."

The man nodded.

I have a headache. How should I report this to my mother?

Did that guy break his promise?

Brett would never have imagined that a little bit of uneasiness left over from that scene a year ago could actually be helpful now.

"Anyway, let's report it back to mom first and let her judge."

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