One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 155 The situation is tense

"So that hapless guy Doflamingo has been completely abandoned by the World Government?"

On a small boat heading to the Sea of ​​All Nations, Tezzolo was talking to Bright about Doflamingo.

"Not yet, but if they can't save him, the government won't allow him to continue living."

Bright introduced the situation Doflamingo was currently facing in detail to his good friends.

"Hahahaha, great!!"

Tezzolo grinned from ear to ear with joy.

The personal grudge against Doflamingo, coupled with the hatred for the Celestial Dragons, the two hatreds combined, now is a beautiful time like a dream.

"Then we must not let the Five Old Stars down this time, Bright!"

Tezzoro looked like a lackey under the Five Old Stars and spoke solemnly.

"Anyway, let's wait and see what happens."

Brett said.

I always feel that it’s not just CP who will cause trouble at this wedding. In any case, that guy Doflamingo is also Kaido’s partner, and it’s been more than a year.

In the original work, in order to save Doflamingo, Jack can attack the prison ship escorted by the former marshal and current general of the navy.

Although there is not such a deep friendship between the two of them now, Bright doesn't believe it if Kaido really stood still and nothing happened.

That man is a monster who takes pleasure in committing suicide.

This wedding should be very interesting.

Just improvise.

This is Brett's decision.

The boat moved forward slowly.

Then finally, in the early morning of the wedding day, Bright and his group once again came to the waters of the world.

Without going very far, the person to greet them had already arrived.

A large ship came from the other side of the sea and soon lay in front of them.

"Welcome to you again, Brett, and Tezzolo!"

On the ship, Perospero, the official spokesperson of the Charlotte family, spoke with a smile.

"You guys came a little too late this time. The wedding is at noon today. If you rush over now, you can prepare to enter the venue directly."

"Sorry sorry."

Tezzolo said seriously, "Something happened on the way, so I was delayed a little."

"Anyway, let's go to Cake Island first."

Perospero was still smiling and didn't seem to care about this matter.

So Brett and his friends boarded the Charlotte family's ship and headed all the way to Cake Island at high speed.

Once again, there is nothing surprising here.

Just like last time, they changed to the carriage that came to greet them, and the group started to go to the palace where Charlotte Lingling was.

Perospero did not accompany him, for he said he had other guests to greet.

But beneath his smiling expression, Bright heard something different.

Brett slowly breathed a sigh of relief, what was supposed to come would eventually come.

He won't disappear just because he came a little later this time.

The carriage gradually left the town and drove into the forest leading to the castle.

Then, the carriage that was supposed to go straight forward towards the castle suddenly turned at a fork in the road and drove straight deeper into the forest.

"What are you doing?"

Tezzolo noticed something was wrong immediately and frowned.

"I'm sorry, my lords,"

The chess soldier driving the car replied respectfully, "Mom is making final preparations before the wedding and doesn't have time to see you, so there is another adult taking her place."


Tezzolo smacked his lips in displeasure and lowered his voice, "Choose the place in the forest to avoid causing commotion in the castle when there is a conflict, right?"

Brett nodded slightly.

I don't want to disturb Her Majesty the Queen's wedding, but I can't wait to talk to him.

That's probably it.

"So, Brett, are you ready?" Tezzolo. Although he was talking to Bright, his eyes were glancing at Tanaka.

Tanaka nodded solemnly.

A year has passed and he is no longer the same as he was in the past!

Now he dares to activate his abilities calmly even in front of the emperor!

Brett raised his lips, "Of course."

He could hear the sounds coming from deep in the forest clearly, and he already knew who would appear in front of them next.

The carriage stopped.

"What are you still doing? Come down, Brett!"

Unruly and excited.

Brett got off the carriage and immediately saw the Biscuit Soldier sitting cross-legged under a big tree.


But this man is not the point. The point is the man standing quietly next to Cracker.

He is tall and majestic, with a strong and slender physique. Just standing there is like a big mountain, giving people silent pressure.


Brett said, "So, what does BIG-MOM mean?"

These two guys just appeared in front of him on behalf of Charlotte Lingling. Without the woman's instruction, they would never dare to act without authorization.

"What mom means is that you are moving a little too slowly."

Katakuri's eyes were very calm, but extremely sharp, and they were locked on Bright, as if he wanted to stare at him completely.

"She wants to see you take action, for example, take action immediately to seize the power of Fish-Man Island."

Bright was unmoved and just said calmly, "I already said a year ago that I cannot carry out too radical actions on Fish-Man Island and can only seize power through peaceful means."

"Isn't it going very smoothly now? You only need to send some people to see what my reputation is on Fish-Man Island at this time."

Brett didn't feel flustered at all.

What are you panicking about?

His reputation on Fish-Man Island is indeed extremely high now.

It's to the extent that he can easily start a dynasty-changing war if he reveals a little intention.

"But now Mom is not satisfied with your progress."

Katakuri remained calm, "We understand your difficulties, but mother's will does not allow any violation."

"So, do you want to break the agreement made a year ago?"

Bright didn't show any fear and questioned Katakuri head-on.

"Mother's will is absolute."

Katakuri's tone was calm, "Don't worry about other things Brett, you just need to follow mother's orders."

"Agree or refuse, you just need to answer my question."

What a domineering person.

Brett breathed a slow sigh of relief.

But things are different now than they were a year ago.

"I don't want to answer that question," he said.

Katakuri's eyes narrowed, "This is tantamount to rejection."

"I think what partners need is mutual respect."

Bright said, "The current attitude of BIG-MOM makes me feel no respect."

"I think I can talk to her after the wedding."

"In any case, you just chose to refuse, right?"

Cracker, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, had already stood up. He was holding a biscuit sword and sneered,

"Mom said that if you choose to refuse, then let us find a way to make you agree!"

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