One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 159 CP in action

When the huge stone giant revealed its figure, Tezoro was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed.

"Hahahaha, Brett, these subordinates of Tezoro are very loyal to him!"

They are indeed very loyal. Most people don't have the guts to go to the den of dragons and tigers in the world for their boss and face Charlotte Ling Lingling, the monster among monsters.

But all that loyalty can now be exchanged for is another thing that will make Tezolo and Brett laugh.

"This is not a place where you can cause trouble."

Katakuri made a move with his right hand.

The awakening of the superhuman Devil Fruit ability can affect external matter.

And now is the time when this ability reaches its peak.

The huge stone giant's body turned milky white in an instant.

This stone giant did not appear out of thin air, but someone used his ability to forcefully knead the stone into this shape.

The stone giant is still a product of nature, which means that it is still affected by the power of awakening.


On the giant's fist, Torebol's complexion suddenly changed as his whole body was made of snot.

"It's awakening!


As a member of Doflamingo's family, he certainly has no reason not to know what the awakening of Superman's Devil Fruit abilities will bring.

In the blink of an eye, the stone giant hundreds of meters tall was turned into a rice cake.

Then, as Katakuri made a fist with his right hand, the giant made of rice cakes disintegrated in an instant.

Then it spun wildly like a tornado, and finally collapsed in the middle, turning into a huge rice cake ball and falling gently to the ground.

On the surface of this giant rice cake ball, the cadres of the Don Quixote family who came to rescue Doflamingo were lined up in a row, with their lower bodies deep, and now only the upper half of their bodies were exposed from the rice cake step.


So sticky!


Diamanti, one of the top leaders of the family, struggled hard.

But with his strength, he couldn't break free from the shackles of this rice cake.


Katakuri calmly turned around and looked at his mother, "What should we do with these guys?"

"Mommy mommy!"

Today's bride grinned and looked at her groom, "Dover, these guys are your family, right? So, what do you think should be done with them?"

"You haven't said a word to me in the past few days, but I still want to ask, how do you think we should deal with them?"

Doflamingo was silent.

Just such silence.


"Please at least spare their lives, Lingling."

Doflamingo's voice was very dry, "After all, today is our wedding."

It felt like something was broken in my heart.

"Mommy mommy!


Charlotte Lingling hugged Doflamingo and kissed him hard on the face.

On her face, her big mouth was almost as big as Doflamingo's entire face.

Seeing this happy and sweet scene, Brett couldn't help but applaud for them. …

Tezoro suppressed his laughter and immediately followed.

The applause began to spread and eventually filled the dilapidated square.

The kiss lasted for half a minute, until Doflamingo's entire face turned red with lipstick, before Charlotte Lingling reluctantly put Doflamingo on the ground.

"Mom, mom, do you hear that? Katakuri, let these guys go! Let them attend this wedding as Dover's family!"


Katakuri nodded, then let go of his right hand, and the rice cake ball burst open, throwing everyone in the Don Quixote family to the ground.

"Prepare a table for them," he said.


Torrebol burst into tears.

Their king, the man they thought could become the Pirate King, had now fallen to this level!

He actually had to rely on flattering Charlotte Lingling to protect himself and others.


You must be crying inside, right?

Tezoro didn't know if Doflamingo was crying, he just knew that he was extremely high now.

The more unlucky the guy is, the happier he is.

However, did you think this was the end of BIG·MOM?

Brett chuckled.

He heard very clearly what the old woman was saying.

Nervous and apprehensive, she was probably waiting for something.

However, no strange sounds could be heard among the guests around here.

What exactly is hidden in CP0——

“Be careful mom!


Katakuri suddenly turned around and shot away in the direction of Charlotte Lingling like lightning.

Almost at the same time, the air suddenly split in front of Charlotte Lingling.

No, rather, the space suddenly split open!

A door suddenly opened in the invisible space, and then a figure rushed out of the door and grabbed Doflamingo's shoulders.

In the next moment, Doflamingo will be dragged directly into the space gate!

Brett was really stunned this time.

This ability is!

Katakuri's eyes were serious.

It's too late!

However, there is no need to rush.

"what you up to!


Charlotte Lingling suddenly roared.

Black lightning roared from her body.


Heavy pressure instantly acted on everyone at the venue.

Even though she didn't use Overlord Color on everyone, the aftermath still made a large number of guests roll their eyes and faint. The air seemed to have solidified, and everyone's breathing became difficult!

What an exaggerated overlord look!

Brett looked solemn.

This is the spirit of an emperor!

The man who reached out and grabbed Doflamingo was shaking.

Originally, he only needed to pull Doflamingo back to take him away.

But now, such a simple action is so difficult.

Facing the monster's overwhelming lust, his body completely froze!

To make matters worse, this surging overlord color poured into the interior along the open air door.

A weak guy passed out.

It would be fine if he was just an ordinary guy, but as a man who is so weak but was chosen to participate in this important mission today, he has only one role.

The air door trembled, and then collapsed the next second.

Ripples appeared in the air, squeezing out several figures!


Brett smacked his lips.

it's a pity.

Just a little bit.

So since you came here with this ability, why can't you wait any longer?

Even though Charlotte Lingling loves Doflamingo very much and takes him with her wherever she goes, she can wait until she relaxes her vigilance before taking action.

Is he afraid that Doflamingo will lose control of his mouth and leak the secret?

Brett heard clearly that Stussy was lamenting in her heart.

"Mom, mom! So,"

Charlotte Lingling took a step forward, "Life oswer!


Soul spell, activate!

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