One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 191 Haiyuan Calendar 1514

The location is the training ground inside the Forest of the Sea in Fishman Street on Fishman Island, and a battle is underway.

The two sides fighting are Leopard Zodiac and the great prince Sharksei of Ryugu Castle.

“Phew—it’s almost time to count, right? Your Highness, Prince?”

Octopus-man Yuhozo, the first swordsman of Fishman Island of the Eight Swords style, took a breath, "Look, you are already out of breath."

"Isn't it the same for you?"

Prince Shark, who is also a mermaid, said not to be outdone, holding a trident in his hand, a dark trident, "Also, don't call me prince when you are here, I am just a member of the Exit-Entry Administration! "


Leopard Zang snorted noncommittally, and shot out. The eight long knives were dyed black at this time, and they were swung towards Shark Star like a storm of sword blades.

"Octopus Storm!"

"Mermaid Art - Time Flows!"

Shark Star waved his trident and faced him without showing any signs of weakness, and the field was filled with tinkling sounds again.

Off the field, Bright and Jinbe stood side by side watching the battle.

"Shark Star's armed color is stronger than Leozozo's."

Jinbe commented, "But he is too restricted on land."

Mermaids also have differences. Leopard Zodiac is an octopus mermaid. He has many tentacles that can move freely on land, but Shark Star only has a fish tail and relies on the air bubbles wrapped around his waist to move on land, so Very frustrated.

"Bao Zang's swordsmanship is not weak. Now he can fly and slash with ease. He is also very proficient in two-color Haki. To be able to fight him to this point at a disadvantage, Shark Star's true strength has surpassed Bao Zang. "

Brett nodded.

What is going on now is a big competition at the immigration bureau.

Now all the captain-level officers under his command have basically mastered the armed color haki, so Bright thought that he could hold a big competition to test everyone's strength.

The captains fight against each other and will be eliminated if they lose one game. Shark Star and Aaron, who are not members of the army, also signed up to participate.

The two people fighting to the end are Leozo, the first swordsman of Fishman Island, and Prince Sharkstar, Neptune's eldest son and the country's legal heir.

The two of them were obviously stronger than the other officers.

Leozo is a technical crusher. His iron-cutting swordsmanship and flying slashes, combined with his armament, are really not something that ordinary captains can withstand.

Shark Star is very talented in the practice of Haki. He was the first among all the people to learn Haki, and now he has the highest intensity of Haki among all the cadres. Even Leozo can't compare to him.

For the incompetent, the strength of the domineering force is almost the decisive factor in the battle. Therefore, even if Leopard Zang defeated Shark Star at the technical level, the two were still inseparable.

But soon, the winner was finally decided.

Faced with Leopard Zang's continuous tsunami-like offensive, Shark Star, whose movement was restricted on land, was finally defeated. The moment the trident was swung away, it was knocked away by Treasure's flying slash.

"The victory has been decided!"

Jinbei quickly said, "The winner is Hozozo!"

In fact, it didn't matter if he didn't stop him. Bao Zang was already pale, but the sword and pestle in his hand was on the ground to keep his body from falling.


There was a burst of cheers from the audience immediately.

"It is indeed Leozo! He has always been the strongest among us!"

"Yes, his swordsmanship is unstoppable and his dominance is terrifying!"

"But it's already amazing that the prince can fight him to this extent!"

"Is it my imagination? His domineering power seems to be stronger than that of Leopard Zodiac!"

The captains were talking a lot.

Brett was satisfied.

After the total number of people in the Exit-Entry Administration was expanded to 50,000, there was no further expansion. After all, Fish-Man Island was only that big and there was no need to go all out with force.

That means there are fifty captains in total.

Now all members have awakened their armed colors.

It can only be said that the meditation practice method obtained from Hancock is still very useful. These captains are originally the elites carefully selected from the mermaids. Coupled with the usual rigorous training, they can all learn to be domineering. It's nothing incomprehensible.

Once you awaken your domineering energy, there will be a qualitative change.

It is not an exaggeration to say that these guys all have the strength close to that of the generals of the Navy Headquarters. A few of the top ones have the strength of a brigadier general.

The two most outstanding ones, Leopard Zang and Sharksei, probably already have strength close to the level of Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

Fortunately for Leopard Zang, Shark Star is even only sixteen years old.

Stronger than myself at the same age.

Brett sighed.

If Shark Star is fully grown, he will probably be a master of the general disaster level at least.

He is definitely a rare high-level talent on Fish-Man Island.

"As a reward for being a champion,"

Bright said at this time, "Baozou will get a set of special weapons tailor-made for him!"


A trace of blood returned to Baozang's pale face, and he smiled and said, "So Director Bright, where is it in particular?"

"You'll know this once you know it."

Brett said, "So, do you have any requirements for weapons?"

"Nothing special, just use the weapons I have now." Baozang said that he was not picky.

Brett nodded slightly.

The big competition ends here.

Bright then went to the depths of the Forest of the Sea. In the area outside the Fish-Man Island, there was an arsenal hidden under the cover of coral.

"Yo, Brett!"

When I came here, I happened to meet a blue-haired man in a swimsuit who was tinkering with something. Seeing Brett's arrival, he said enthusiastically, "How about it, do you want to see the new weapon I made?"

"We'll talk about this later. I'm here to see the craftsmen."

Brett smiled.

"Oh, see you later!"

Katie Flam didn't bother and continued tinkering with his new weapon.

Brett went to find the man he was looking for.

Originally, this place was just a secret arsenal hidden and used by Master Tom and several others. Its function was to manufacture trial models of various weapons and devices.

But after the seastone mine was discovered last year and the seastone processing method was obtained from Wano Country, there was another building here, which was the seastone processing factory.

Bright and Neptune carefully selected a group of craftsmen to work on the seafloor stone here.

On the one hand, it is hidden and safe so that it is not easy to be discovered. On the other hand, you can get the guidance of Master Tom and try to develop more uses for Hailou Stone.

Now Bright is here to make a few swords made of seastone for Leozo. Of course, it is impossible to use all seastone. It is mixed with some seastone into the alloy, which can ensure sharpness and restrain the ability. and greatly increase the intensity.

Bright's plan was to gradually replace the equipment of Hailoushi for his officers.

It is enough for ordinary soldiers to use uniformly manufactured sea floor stone projectiles.

Just after he explained the requirements to the craftsmen, before Bright could leave the processing plant, a call came in.

"Bright, we have an idea of ​​the place you are looking for!"

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