One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 194 The government’s shock and discovery

The breath of the naval base commander on the ground gradually disappeared, and the originally lively voice became dead.

Brett didn't pay attention to the unlucky base manager. He walked to the wall that was illuminated by the lights on the ceiling.

Brett put his hand on the handle of a small grid on the wall and pulled it with a little force.

This grid was torn off by Brett. It was a glass pillar with purple liquid inside. Soaked in the liquid was a round stone that looked like the egg of some animal.

The rounded stone has crescent-shaped cracks on its surface.

This is Explosive Rock, a super weapon as powerful as ancient weapons.

And such a stone

Brett looked around, how many dynamite rocks were there in this vault?

Probably close to three digits.

It's enough to blow up many countries.

Brett turned into a dragon form again, and the flame-like clouds were released. They grabbed all the tentacles on the wall like tentacles, and then pulled out all the explosive rock containers.

Then the clouds carefully wrapped and tied up all the dynamite rock containers. They had to be very careful. Brett didn't want to experience what it felt like to explode.

A group of clouds floated in the air, and Brett led them outside.

We have to leave quickly. Although the news may be difficult to spread, what if it happens?

Kizaru is very fast. If he rushes over, things will be very troublesome.

Brett walked out briskly. When he encountered a wall, he kicked it open. When he encountered a door, he kicked it open.

Suddenly he turned his head and could hear clearly several voices approaching.

"What a headache."

Brett sighed softly.


The dark lightning began to dance again.

The huge naval base almost began to shake.

In a corridor that was quite some distance away from Bright's position, the bodies of several naval officers approaching with pale faces suddenly began to tremble. Their penises shrank rapidly, and then became worse in the next moment. Scattered.

In the end, they all rolled their eyes and fell to the ground.

Brett had already rushed to the gate of the base like a tyrannosaurus.

Then, the flame cloud wrapped around him and soared into the sky, flying directly into the clouds, leaving only the base in a mess on the ground.

This naval base with thousands of naval personnel stationed was invaded by the enemy, but what is a bit embarrassing is that no one even saw the appearance of the intruder himself, and no one heard the intruder's voice.

The only Lieutenant General who had ever interacted with the invaders, Mr. Base Commander, has now passed away to heaven.

It was more than an hour later when the first navy soldier woke up in a daze, and then woke up a phone bug in panic and dialed the headquarters phone number with trembling hands.

Then not long after, a ray of light fell from the sky.

The man wearing the cloak of justice and a yellow striped suit looked quite solemn, and he no longer showed any trace of his usual leisurely attitude.

"General Kizaru"

A major general who was stationed at this base, but who had also fainted under the intruder's domineering aura before, looked pale and spoke slowly and tremblingly.

"Enough with the nonsense."

Kizaru waved his hand, "Tell me the details."

The dynamite rock has been stolen, but the culprit is not even known. This is a shocking situation.

The major general told Kizaru everything he knew.

Then General Kizaru showed a headache expression.

He said that he told everything he knew, but in fact he didn't know anything.

"This is really true,"

General Kizaru stood in the empty vault and sighed, "I'm afraid it will be a headache up there."

It's really a headache.

"Damn it! Which bastard did this!"

Marie Joa, Pangu City, the blond Five Old Star was so angry that he smashed the expensive coffee table to pieces with his fist, "Is it true that there are no clues at all?"

The other four Five Old Stars also had the same expressions of calm but with anger hidden in them. The bearded Five Old Star's chest was heaving violently, and his voice was solemn, as if he could squeeze out water, "The prisoner's overbearing look is beyond compare." The imagination is so powerful that it not only makes all the marines in the base faint, but even the phone calls cannot keep them awake."

"A few major generals managed to maintain consciousness during the wave of Overlord Color, but when they finally recovered their physical strength and prepared for action, they fell under the second wave of Overlord Color."

"The only person who may have seen the prisoner was the base commander, but he was punched to death by the prisoner."

There are no witnesses, no clues.

"But if you have to say it, it's not like there aren't any clues."

The knife-wielding Wulaoxing pushed up his glasses, "Even if I search the whole world, there are only a few guys with this kind of strength."

The overlord color can make all the elite navy soldiers in the entire base faint, and officers at the rank of rear admiral can also temporarily lose the ability to move. It can kill an elite vice-admiral with one punch.

Of course, this level of strength is only qualified for the monsters standing at the top of the sea.

"Is it Kaido or Charlotte Lingling?"

The bald Five Old Star frowned and said, "They are the most restless people in the new world."

"Whitebeard is also possible," the bearded Five Old Stars added, "and even that boy Shanks. Although he doesn't have the title of emperor yet, the strength of the red-haired pirates is increasing day by day, and he may not be able to do it. Such a thing."

"Even," his tone became more solemn, "it might be that guy Dolag!"

"Since we are discussing the emperor, why did we forget that there is another guy who also bears the same title?"

The bearded Five Old Star's eyes were cold and stern, "Don't he also possess the domineering aura of a king?"


The blond Wu Laoxing hesitated a little, "That guy's strength is indeed extraordinary. Even compared with the generals of the headquarters, he is not inferior, but is it really strong enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with the emperors?"

"No one knows this, but at least we know that that guy is getting stronger at an extraordinary speed!"

The five old stars holding the sword clenched the long knife in their hands, and his words made the five old stars all stunned.

Indeed, that guy's improvement in strength was exaggerated.

Two years ago he was only on par with Doflamingo, but last year he showed that he was strong enough to keep pace with the admirals.

So who knows where he can be this year?


The sword-wielding Five Old Star clenched the scabbard in his hand. He said, "Didn't the information reported by Porusalino say that before the attack, there was a case of Neptune-type destroying phone bugs?"

"What does this mean?"

The bearded Wulaoxing frowned, "Although such things are uncommon, they do happen every once in a while. Neptunes don't care about this."

He felt that this colleague was a little too specific about Brett, and he had been like this before.

"Is there a possibility, the worst, the worst possible,"

The knife-wielding Wulaoxing asked, "Is there some kind of force that is manipulating the Neptune-like destroying phone bugs to hide their identity?"

The five old stars were all stunned.

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