One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 196 The Revolutionary Army in Action

A group called the Revolutionary Army took action.

Tezoro told Brett that just a few hours ago, in the East China Sea, the revolutionary army overthrew a country that was a member of the world government. This was the latest news from news chief Morgans.

It is not too uncommon for a country to be overthrown in this world. After all, the kings in this world are not at the top of the food chain.

To the ordinary people in the countries they rule, they are of course rulers who do what they say and what they say.

But for the strong men with power, they are really not enough.

Even a pirate with a bounty of tens of millions is enough to run rampant in a small country. If the navy does not intervene, it is not strange to ruthlessly loot the country.

For ordinary countries, a big pirate with a bounty of over 100 million is already a nightmare.

It is not that difficult for a pirate of this caliber to overthrow a country.

Of course, the countries here refer to those small countries located all over the world.

When it comes to the level of the Shichibukai, there are actually few countries that they cannot overthrow.

Almost every few years in the world, news comes that a country has been overthrown by neighboring countries, pirates, or domestic rebels for some reason.

For example, last year, the Kingdom of Sikeal was destroyed due to war with its neighboring countries. Now the entire country has been reduced to ruins. A man with sharp eyes like an eagle has probably regarded it as his home base.

Although it is normal for a country to be destroyed, it is different for the revolutionary army to overthrow that country.

"All nobles who treat the people harshly are our enemies!"

The commander of the revolutionary army, the man who calls himself Dragon, said this, "One day, we will overthrow the world government that shelters these fallen nobles, create a new government, and create a world of freedom and equality, where everyone can smile. beautiful world!"

This is the declaration of the revolutionary army.

Although it has not spread yet, it is already shocking enough.

This is the first time in eight hundred years.

During this long period of time, there were as many people as possible who were enemies of the government.

But absolutely no one wants to create a new government.

This is directly aimed at the fate of the world government, which will not stop until death.

Tezoro spoke enthusiastically, and he highly praised the courage of the revolutionary army. After all, the navy under the government alone was enough to scare people, let alone the world government itself.

It is indeed courageous to dare to make such a declaration openly and honestly.

He strongly urged Brett to cooperate with the Revolutionary Army. Since their goal is to overthrow the world government, they have a deep foundation for cooperation.

Then Brett said, "Regarding this matter, Fishman Island and the Revolutionary Army have actually been in contact a long time ago."

"Britt, you bastard!


No matter how annoyed Tezzolo was, there was one thing he and Brett agreed on.

That is, the government may not have time to investigate the disappearance of Dynamite Rock.

Their guess was very correct.

In Mariejoia, the Five Old Stars, who had just been worried about the theft of Explosive Rock, gathered together again.

"Revolutionary Army? Just now you were talking about that guy Dorag, but now you're starting to take action!"

The bearded Five Old Stars looked quite angry, "They committed an unforgivable crime!"

"He actually launched a challenge to the government head-on. This is indeed an unprecedented situation!"

The bearded Wulaoxing's eyes were serious, "That old bastard Garp really taught an amazing son."

"We can no longer tolerate them!"

The blond-haired Wulaoxing said seriously, "If we can continue to challenge the government head-on, where can we put our faces? Where is the majesty of the government?"

"That's right,"

The bald Wulaoxing nodded in agreement, "Stop other things for a while, let CP0 dispatch to search for traces of the revolutionary army, and then let the navy dispatch, and must destroy the revolutionary army with the force of thunder! Let the whole world know that you are not ashamed of your words What will happen to the provocative government!"

"What about Dynamite Rock?"

The sword-wielding Wulaoxing frowned.

"Things here are more important now."

The blond Wulaoxing said, "For the time being, let's focus our main attention on the revolutionary army. As for the matter of dynamite rock, let's leave it to

"That's it for now."

The five old stars holding the sword had nothing to say.

The revolutionary army really needs to deal with it immediately.

The world government has begun to operate, and a terrifying force is operating.

At this time, after Brett ended the call with Tezzolo, he made another call to the Revolutionary Army.

"Is it Brett?"

Dorag's somewhat surprised voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I heard you overthrew a country and now declared war on the government?" Bright said bluntly.

"You are really well informed."

Dorag was a little surprised. After all, this happened just a few hours ago. When did the news spread so fast in this sea?

"It's okay. I have some well-informed friends."

Brett smiled.

Morgans is a very deceitful guy who will do anything for big news.

But at least, if you are friends with him, you will be really knowledgeable about all kinds of first-hand information on the sea.

"So, Dorag, what are you going to do next?"

Brett asked, "Use that country as a base and then slowly develop a confrontation with the government?"

"To do that is to court death. We absolutely cannot confront the government head-on now."

Dolag was unexpectedly sober. He said, "It is enough to overthrow the decadent nobles of this country. We have let the citizens of this country know what resistance is."

"It's time to leave now."

"I'm really worried about you deciding to stay." Brett said with a smile.

"What we need to do at this stage is to spread revolutionary ideas."

Dorag said, "We will continue to overthrow the corrupt nobles and let the people on the sea know that when they are treated unfairly, they have the qualifications and the right to resist!"

"The source of power for rulers should be that they can make the people happy, otherwise they are not worthy of this position!"

Far away in the East China Sea, Dorag spoke these words sonorously and forcefully.

Behind him, the cadres of the revolutionary army were smiling.

This is what they are willing to fight for their whole life.


The phone bug in Dorag's hand raised the corner of his mouth and revealed a smile, "But you should be more careful in the future. If you encounter any problems, please don't hesitate to ask for help from us."


Dorag smiled and nodded, "It's the same over there."


After ending the call with Dorag, Brett had a smile on his face.

He doesn't know what kind of system is suitable for this world, but at least there is a group of people willing to fight for the people.

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