One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 205 Anti-Kaido Alliance

The owner of Neko Viper is a big cat, so of course Duke Inarashi is a big dog.

The two people, who had not interacted with each other for a long time in the past, were sitting cross-legged in front of Brett and they both looked at Brett eagerly.

If there is anything in the world that can reunite the two of them, then it must be related to Wano Country, and it must be related to Mitsuki.

Take this moment for example.

Tezoro looked at Brett with admiration in his eyes. He was worthy of being his lifelong best friend, and he was about to defeat the two kings of this country.

"So, Brett,"

Neko Viper's tone was also full of fiery urgency, "What is the country of Wano like now? What is the current situation of the Kozuki clan?"

Their loyalty to Kozuki Oden was very touching, but to be honest, Brett was skeptical about this loyalty.

As the ruler of a country, is this really a good thing?

Brett knew that after the Battle of Onigashima ended in the future and Momonosuke Kozuki became the new general of Wano Country, these two men chose to give up their status as leaders of Zuowu and stay in Wano Country to serve that guy.

Although everyone has the right to make decisions about their own destiny, this is still somewhat irresponsible.

Was it really well thought out to let Garrot the rabbit be the king of Zuowu?

Of course, it's one thing to think so in your heart, and Brett doesn't have the idea of ​​​​dictating other people's lives.

He just needs to complete the purpose of coming to this country this time.

"Honestly, it's not very good."

Brett told the two kings about the current situation in Wano.

Under the double exploitation of the Beast Pirates and the Orochi Shogunate, Wano Country has almost been reduced to ruins, with a dilapidated scene everywhere.

The land and rivers are polluted, food crops cannot be produced at all, and ordinary residents have to do their best just to avoid starving to death.


One cat and one dog were already in tears at this time, Duke Inuarashi was in tears, "Oden-sama cherished the country of Wano as a treasure, and that beautiful country has now become like this!


"I will go to Wano Country right now and chop off that bastard Orochi's head!"

The shopkeeper Cat Viper stood up, holding the trident and yelling to leave.

"Go! Go quickly!"

Duke Inarashi sneered and looked on coldly, "Go to Wano Country again to show your powerlessness! Think about it again and remember that you can't do anything, just like back then!"

"What are you talking about! Old dog! You bastard, do you want to be torn to pieces by me?"


The hair around the viper's neck stands up like a lion's mane, making it look very intimidating.

"If you can do it, just give it a try!"

Duke Inarashi also drew the sword from his waist and shouted angrily not to be outdone.

Then the two people really ejected, and then they hit each other.


Tezoro was speechless.

They left the guests here and then started fighting among themselves. Should I say that they were really serious or that they didn't care about the two of them at all?

"Sorry for the two guests,"

Cat Viper's subordinate named Pedro said very apologetically, "Boss and the Duke have not seen each other for many years, so"

So the resentment that has been accumulated for many years has now exploded in an instant, right?

Brett shook his head helplessly and allowed them to fight like this. So when will this negotiation officially begin?

He ejected.


"This is!"

The next moment, Neko Viper and Inu Arashi's expressions changed at the same time.

Brett had appeared between the two of them, holding Inuarashi's sword in one hand and Neko Viper's trident in the other.

His hand seemed to be made of sea-floor stone, and neither of them could break free no matter how hard they tried.

This is the emperor of the deep sea!

Just from the strength alone, it can be seen that he possesses unrivaled strength!

"Now is not the time to argue, you two."

Brett said seriously, "In fact, Kozuki's power has not disappeared from Wano Country."

The expressions of the cat and the dog changed at the same time, and they asked almost in unison, "Really?"

Although they have been at odds over the years, the tacit understanding between the two is unquestionable.

So Brett told them the story of how he went to rescue a man named River Pine from the mine prison in Rabbit Bowl.


The owner of Cat Viper clenched his paws tightly, and the whiskers on his excited face were trembling, "Is that kid still alive?"

Duke Inarashi also looked happy, "Thank you very much, Brett, really, thank you very much!"

Kawamatsu was adopted by Kozuki Oden together with the two of them, and they can be said to be close friends who grew up together.

These two guys separated from the other red sheath warriors after Kozuki Oden was killed. They didn't know that Kin'emon and others had traveled through time, and they also didn't know that Kozuki Hiyori was still alive, and even Kozuki Toki Don’t even know the prophecies.

"The prisoners who escaped from the mine have probably formed a team at this time, lurking in Wano Country, waiting for the opportunity to take revenge on Kaido and Orochi," Brett said.

"is that so?"

Cat Viper nodded heavily, "Then we can't continue to be depressed!"

He looked at the old dog.

Duke Inarashi nodded solemnly.

If it is for their common master, then all the disputes in the past can disappear!


Brett smiled again and said, "Perhaps a special guy among the current rebel team has already joined."

"Special guy?"

The cat and dog were both slightly startled.

Then Brett told them.

"Kaido's daughter??"

The owner of Cat Viper was so surprised that he could hardly close his mouth.

What kind of wonderful karmic opportunity is this?

"Did Kaido actually give birth to a child like that? She found Lord Oden's logbook!"

Duke Inarashi also sighed with a look on his face, "Perhaps this is really fate. Momonosuke-sama and Hiyori-sama may be no longer alive, but there is still someone who inherits Oden-sama's will."

"Do you want to save Wano Country on behalf of Oden-sama and let that country be founded?"

Shopkeeper Cat Viper also sighed, "If she is really willing to fight for this, then I will admit that she is really the successor of Lord Oden!"

He meant it sincerely, and Brett heard it very clearly.

But the problem is that we don’t know many things yet, so I say this.

When you arrive in Wano Country in the future and know that Hiyori Kozuki is still alive, and when Kozuki Momonosuke and others return eight years later, will you still think so?

It’s impossible to tell.

"Then, let's talk about the plan to deal with the Beast Pirates together."

Brett said so.


Duke Inarashi was stunned, "But I heard, Brett, aren't you and Kaido allies? They also formed the Three Emperors Alliance."

That bastard Morgans is doing a lot of harm.

Brett said, "In Wano, I have something I want to get, so Kaido is my biggest obstacle."

The cat and the dog looked at each other.

They almost guessed each other's anxiety.

Want something?

What is there in Wano that this man values?


The cat and dog saw the joy in each other's eyes again.

If such a man joins the fight against Kaido, then there is nothing to be afraid of!


The two of them nodded at the same time, "We agree to the alliance plan!"

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