One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 213: First sight of the Giant Kingdom

There was a small boat floating on the sea not far away.

Although it is a small boat, it is just that for the people on the boat, the people who are casting nets to catch fish are all extremely large to the naked eye.

For ordinary people on the sea, that small boat was quite huge, easily exceeding one hundred meters in length.

"Oh! It's a giant!"

Tezuolo looked at it in surprise, "Although it is one of the most famous races in the sea, this is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes."

Brett also saw the giants with his own eyes for the first time.

The first impression is that it is really huge.

His own height is already astonishing in this sea. With a height of about five meters, he can be said to stand out in every corner of the sea.

But after adulthood, in front of the giants with an average height of about 20 meters, it is really not enough to look at.

The second thing that Brett noticed was that the costumes of these giants were very similar to the pirates of the Beasts Pirates.

They are all in the shape of fur clothes and horn helmets.

It's hard not to think that some kind of Beast Pirates' Giant Kingdom branch has arrived now.

"With such an astonishing body shape, the power it possesses is probably hundreds or thousands of times that of ordinary humans."

Taizolo sighed, "It's no wonder that the Kingdom of Giants is called the strongest country in the world."

"So my mother has always been coveting the power of this country."

Katakuri said calmly.

Who wouldn’t be greedy for such a powerful country?

While he was talking, the small boat carrying the giants was approaching.

"Who are you!"

The person who asked the question was a giant who looked quite old. His hair was already gray and his beard had grown to his abdomen. He put down the fishing net in his hand and took out a huge ax from the board of the ship. It looked very serious. Somewhat eager to try.

The giants in this country are also completely martial sects. They generally have two ways to go to sea, either as mercenaries or as pirates.

Therefore, even the giants who stayed in their hometown to make a living by fishing did not lack the courage to fight.

"Don't get me wrong, we are not here to cause trouble."

Tezolo raised his head. Although there was still a section of sea, the height of the giants was too exaggerated. If you wanted to talk to them, you had to raise your head. "We are here to visit the king of this country. I’ve been contacted in advance.”

"If you don't believe it, you can go find someone to confirm it."

"Want to find the king?"

The giant uncle's brows immediately tightened. He thought it was some kind of human pirate who wanted to cause trouble without opening his eyes, or some whimsical human businessman who wanted to do business with the giants.

"My name is Brett, from Fishman Island."

Brett introduced himself, "Then this guy's name is Tezzolo. As he said, someone should have made an appointment for us with His Majesty the King of this country."

"Britt! Brett from Fishman Island!"

The fishman uncle's expression changed immediately, from confusion to shock, and finally to indescribable excitement, "Yes, yes! Look carefully, it looks exactly the same as the one in the newspaper!"

"You are the deep-sea emperor from Fish-Man Island!"

"It should be me."

Brett smiled.

It seems that the Giant Kingdom is not as closed-off as the Changshou Clan and Zuowu.

That's right, giants often go to the sea to make a living, and this country does not suffer any discrimination, and the island it is located on does not have insurmountable natural chasms like Zuowu and Wano.

"Can you pass the news for us? Report to the Giant King that we are here."

Brett said.

"Hahahaha, since we have already made an appointment, of course there is no problem!"

The giant uncle was very generous, "Let's go, come with us to the village, and ask the elders to help you contact the royal capital!"


Brett readily agreed.

The giants all seem to have such bold and generous personalities, and it's hard not to feel good about them.

So the sea beasts pulled the boat and followed the giants who turned the boat to the coast. Then, the three Bretts got off the boat and finally stood on the land of the giant kingdom.

A young giant who followed the giant uncle carried the boat parked on the coast. This strength is really no joke.

"It feels no different from overseas islands."

Tezoro stood on the coast and looked around, "I originally thought everything on this island was as huge as the giants."

There are many towering trees growing on the coast, but most of them are still short trees, which are just like bushes to giants.

"Hahahaha, almost every human who comes to Elbaf will say this!"

The giant uncle laughed, "But we created this island, not this island created us!"

There was considerable pride in his tone.

Yes, they are the strongest ethnic group in the world.

"Well, before heading to the village!"

The giant uncle raised his big ax and looked at Brett with excitement in his eyes, "Emperor of the Deep Sea, come and show me your strength!"

The young giants following him were equally eager to try.

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth.

Oh, yes, the giants are indeed into martial arts.

They respect the strong, but are willing to challenge the strong.

"no problem."

Brett smiled and nodded.

Then, about a minute later.

"Hahahaha, it is truly a disaster of the deep sea! This kind of strength is really unimaginable!"

Some giant uncles with bruises and swollen faces laughed loudly, "A complete and complete failure!"

I was bruised and swollen with him. There are other giant young people.

The battle only lasted a few seconds. Six-year-old Charlotte Lingling could easily defeat the adult giants, let alone the current Bright.

The battle process can only be described as instant kill, instant kill, and then instant kill.

Faced with the giant uncle's repeated compliments, Brett just responded with a smile.

"Everyone in the village will be very happy to see you coming!" Uncle Giant said.

Soon, Brett understood what the uncle meant when he said he was very happy.

The Giant Village where Uncle Giant is located is not far from the coast where Bright and others landed, and they arrived not long after walking forward.

Only when you get here do you feel like you have really arrived in the land of giants.

Everything he saw was incredibly huge.

Walls, houses, roads, everything is super plus size.

Not to mention the giants who gathered curiously, as if they were surrounded by a moving forest.

"Is it really that powerful?"

someone is asking.

"Of course! It's unbelievably strong! He defeated all of us in an instant!" The giant uncle who led the way said with a proud smile.


Then, a series of fiery and exciting sights surrounded Brett.

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth.

That's right, this is the characteristic of the giant race.

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