One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 219 Shocking World

Brett named the alliance composed of these seven races the Seven-Corner Alliance.

The fish-men and merfolk, the giants, the little humans, the fur-bearers, the long-legged clan, the long-hand clan, and the snake-neck clan.

There are differences in strength and development between each ethnic group, and they are quite huge.

But in this alliance, everyone is on an equal footing, and they all work together to support the alliance.

Of course, as the saying goes, a snake cannot survive without a head, so in an equal alliance, Brett, as the initiator and founder, can only become the leader expected by everyone.

The Giant King, who was the only one qualified to compete with him, was quite convinced by him. After all, he lost.

Not to mention the other races, they had already been convinced by Bright, and the only small human race that was not convinced by him had been firmly controlled by Tezoro earlier.

Of course, the news of the establishment of the Seven Angles Alliance shocked the world.

Not to mention the Long-Handed Tribe, the Long-Legged Tribe, the Snake-Neck Tribe, and the little human tribes that people outside the world barely knew about, the alliance between the Giant Tribe and the Fur Tribe on Fish-Man Island has shocked people all over the world.

The world's most powerful giant race, the fish-man island that rules the deep sea, and the fur race that also has a certain reputation in the new world. Anyone with a little knowledge on the sea knows that a force that is superior to the pirate emperors is about to appear. Got it!

After all, Brett was already the emperor, and now the emperor has obtained the strongest army and the strongest allies!

Not to mention, in the eyes of the world, Brett and Kaido Charlotte Lingling formed the Three Emperors Alliance last year!

If the Seven Angles Alliance and the Three Emperors Alliance gather together, what a terrifying force it will be!

Just thinking about it makes your scalp numb!

Some older and well-informed people couldn't help but fall into deep fear. This force has already surpassed the Rocks Pirates back then!

Can the world government stop them this time?

"What will this world look like in the future?


On this night when news birds flew all over the world and dropped newspapers, countless people across the sea stayed awake all night.

But of course, the situation is far from that bad.


On Cake Island, Charlotte Lingling smashed all the cakes on the ground in anger, her face was full of anger,

"That idiot Katakuri failed!"

The leaders of the Charlotte family lowered their heads, looked at their noses and hearts, and said nothing.

Of course they wanted to speak for Katakuri, but what they knew better was that their mother would never allow anyone to disobey him.

"That guy Brett succeeded! Damn it. If he really gets the power of the giants, who else can do anything to him!"

Charlotte Lingling's expression was uncertain.

It is indeed good that she and Brett are allies, but if this alliance becomes too strong, it will not be good news for her.

"Are you going to contact that guy Kaido?"

"Bring that Doflamingo guy here!"

The country of peace.

"It's really troublesome. Have you even roped in the giants?"

Kaido also frowned rarely at this time.

"It seems like there will be some trouble if we make an enemy of that guy."

The second-in-command of the Beasts Pirates, Yan Ban, had a cold voice.

"Hmph, sooner or later I will make that bastard pay the price!"

Kaido was very unhappy with Bright.

After all, that guy broke into the place where the historical records were stored last year and probably made a copy.

Even now, even the room where the historical documents are stored has been submerged by sea water and cannot be excavated again.


"You haven't found the location of that idiot Yamato yet?" Kaido was very angry about another thing.

He thought he could catch her easily, but his idiot daughter hasn't been caught yet.

"She has probably gotten together with the remnants of Wano Country."

He said, "The last time he appeared, he grabbed a lot of food and then disappeared."

"Do you really think of yourself as Kozuki Oden! Very good! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

His daughter's rebellion actually made Kaido laugh, "Then work hard to become stronger, Yamato! Now that you have decided to be my enemy! Then don't expect me to treat you as a son. !”

This man is the type who will kill without hesitation if he is his enemy, even if he is a relative.

What the people on the sea don't know is that there has never been the so-called Alliance of Three Emperors.

But some people know it, even though they have enough headaches now.

"I actually let that bastard succeed!"

Marie Joa, Pangu City, among the powers, the five old stars have a regular meeting.

The bearded Wulaoxing said in an angry and helpless tone, "The same goes for that bastard King of Giants. Our warning was completely ignored by him."

"So what?"

The blond Wulaoxing sighed, "We can't send troops all the way to fight with them."

Originally there was not much that could be done against the giants, but now that race is standing together with Fish-Man Island and even several other races.

The government also feels a headache.

"The key to the problem now is Brett."

The bearded Five Old Star's voice was very serious, "A fish-man island alone has the ability to influence the situation of the entire world. Now he has also established the so-called Seven-Corner Alliance, which is undoubtedly a force in the entire world." A decisive force!"

"That guy's wishes will determine the next direction of the entire world!"

"It has become increasingly difficult to attack him directly." The bearded Wulaoxing said, "Even the government must be wary of the power he represents, unless"

"It's still far from that level."

The bearded Wu Laoxing shook his head, "If we bother that adult because of this matter, what qualifications do we have to lead the world government?"

"But that guy's ambitions don't stop there."

Wulaoxing, who was wearing a white robe and holding a long knife, said in a solemn voice, "I always feel that the disappearance of Tom the fishman and the theft of Explosive Rock that year have something to do with that guy."

"Then send more investigators. If it is really confirmed that he is an enemy of the government, then there must be no more appeasement!"

"So, what if not?"

"Then let's have a good chat with him at the World Conference. It would be good if we can really use his power to bring those races under control. Of course, if he chooses to refuse, we will not continue to condone him. reason."

Even if nothing is exposed in front of the government, the government can no longer endure it just because of the continuous expansion of its strength.

Brett still didn't know about the decision of the Five Old Stars. After the establishment of the Seven Corners Alliance, the big draft that Taizuolo had been dreaming about would finally officially begin.

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