On this day, Fishman Island became unprecedentedly lively.

People from paradise, from the new world, and even from all over the world poured into this island from thousands of miles away.

The island has become more crowded than ever.

Why has it become so lively?

The reason is quite simple. After the Long-Handed Tribe, the Long-Legged Tribe, the Snake-Neck Tribe, the Fur Tribe, the Giant Tribe, and the Small Human Tribe decided on the final winner, tonight, it was finally the decisive moment for the world’s largest draft, the Fish-Man Island Division.

After several months of fierce competition, there were three contestants who finally stood on the decisive stage.

And tonight, the remaining three contestants will decide the winner. Only one of them will become the final winner and gain the right to join the idol group in the future.

During the months-long competition, the players from Fish-Man Island have gained a huge number of fans all over the world.

There is no way, who can say no to the mermaid ladies?

So it’s not surprising that a large number of fans will come from all over the world on today’s final night.

The stage for the finals was chosen at Jide Kaulon Square. This square, which had once hosted a movie premiere, had even been expanded. Otherwise, it might not have been able to accommodate tonight's audience.

"It's really lively."

Fishman Island, Immigration Administration Headquarters, inside Brett's office.

Tezzolo stood in front of the window, looking down at the almost crowded street outside, "How about Brett?"

He turned around and said with a proud face, "This time, we have brought unprecedented passenger traffic to Fish-Man Island!"

"Just this one time is enough to make Fish-Man Island's economy and influence take a big step forward, right?"

Brett sat lazily on his large chair, raising his head and looking at the ceiling blankly.

"But it also makes security a big problem."

The problem is that there are just too many people coming.

Originally, Fishman Island had extremely strict entry and exit management. Even on the main island, the supervision of outsiders was also very strict. Now, this kind of passenger flow directly makes Brett's troops somewhat insufficient.

Even with the addition of the soldiers of Dragon Palace City, just trying to maintain order is a headache.

Brett had barely left his office in the past two days.

After all, the guys who came to Fish-Man Island this time came from all over the world, and many of them were powerful local figures, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to come across thousands of miles.

You need to be a little more cautious when dealing with these guys.

"Hahahaha, there's nothing we can do about it."

Tezzolo said very narcissistically, "Even I didn't expect this draft to be so popular!"

"Even if they are just the top three players in a single region, they already have countless fans at sea!"

"It's even more like this here on Fish-Man Island!"

"In short," he said with great ambition, "tonight is another moment that makes the whole sea boil!"

Brett was drowsy here, while Taizuoluo was smug and ambitious, in another corner of the Fish-Man Island.

"Today is the best opportunity."

Some unspectacular guys gathered together.

"Thanks to this grand event, countless outsiders came to Fish-Man Island!"

They were plotting, "Murloc Island is now short of manpower, and this is our best time to act!"

"The time for action is tonight! Take advantage of the moment when the event begins, mobilize everyone we have gathered, and investigate all the secrets on this island in one go!"


Some guys have never relaxed their exploration of Fish-Man Island, and have even further strengthened their investigation of this island due to the recent establishment of the Seven Angles Alliance.

And now, they have begun to take action.

Amidst this turbulent undercurrent, night fell quickly, and finally, the final draft battle on Fish-Man Island was about to begin.

There is already a long queue outside the entrance of Jide Kaolong Square. People from all over the world and the local residents of Fishman Island are equally excited and talking loudly about who will be the final winner tonight.

But there are different opinions between the two different groups of people.

This is what the residents of Fishman Island said.

They said, "It must be Princess Otohime!"

"That's right, besides Her Royal Highness, who is qualified to be the star representing our Fish-Man Island!"

"I can't wait to hear Her Royal Highness sing again!"

Outsiders just felt baffled, and some even felt angry.

"I have long said that the mermaid princess had a shady secret behind her promotion!"

"Obviously her appearance is mediocre among all the participating mermaids, and her singing and dancing skills are not the most outstanding. How come she can pass all the way and arouse the cheers of the whole audience every time she appears on stage!"

"Yes! There must be a shady story here. It must be that guy Taizuoluo who surrendered to the Emperor of the Deep Sea! I heard that the man named Brett has a very good relationship with Dragon Palace City!"

Outsiders simply don't understand what the mermaid Otohime is like.

When they watch the live broadcast, no matter what aspect they look at, they will only think that guy is mediocre!

"What stupid things are you talking about!"

"How dare you slander Princess Otohime like this? Do you bastards want to be beaten?"

The residents of Fish-Man Island were instantly furious.

"You have the guts to do something shady but don't have the guts to admit it, right?"

"There was originally a problem with her promotion!"

People who came from afar did not dare to show weakness, and most of them were supporters of other players.

The two sides made a lot of noise while queuing, and in the end, guards came over to maintain order before they finally managed to enter.

Then, the final battle finally began.

Brett did not enter the venue this time. There were too many people coming tonight. He was afraid that something would go wrong, so he watched quietly from the high wall at the edge of the square.

Tezzolo stepped onto the makeshift stage, then shouted at the top of his lungs that tonight's final game had officially begun.

This guy is still very dedicated. When each ethnic group holds the final battle, he personally attends the event to host it. During this period of time, he has been running back and forth all over the sea.

The final battle began, and the remaining three contestants appeared together, and the entire audience cheered.

Even people from all over the world watching the live broadcast cheered at the same time.

The world is also spherical, so at the moment when the competition is held on Fish-Man Island, there are day and night, early morning and dusk all over the world, but without exception, a large number of people are watching the live broadcast at any time.

And at the same moment.

"start to act."

The undercurrent under the sea also began to surge.

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