One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 230 Otohime and Uta

The exciting draft has come to an end here, and the final winner has been decided in all divisions.

The giant race, the little human race, the long-hand race, the long-legged race, the snake-neck race, the fur race, plus the fish-man island and humans, eight different races, eight winners who finally stood out after fierce competition.

These eight people will form the world's first pure idol group.

And, they will have their first group show in De Los Rosa in a week.

"Don't say I don't take care of you, Brett."

This is what Tezolo said when he called, "This performance will probably attract a lot more viewers than last time. It is not a safe thing for them to go to Fish-Man Island."

For both parties.

The road to Fishman Island is not safe.

Fishman Island is also worried about the insecurity they bring.

"I do not mind."

Brett answered him, "But you have to be careful not to cause any trouble. There are as many madmen as there are in the New World."

What if a bold pirate comes to Delosrosa and wants to kidnap the new stars who have just formed a group?

It's not impossible.

Although everyone now knows that the Seven Angles Alliance is a behemoth that can make the whole world tremble, but people die for money and birds die for food. The most indispensable thing in this world is bastards who are not afraid of anything.

"Don't worry."

Tezuolo's voice suddenly turned cold, "Anyone who dares to disturb my business, I will never let them see the sun the next day!"

"Besides, isn't there still His Majesty the Great Emperor of the Deep Sea?" Taizuo Luo returned to his playful smile mode, and he said with a smile, "You must not worry about letting your Royal Highness Princess come here like this on Fish-Man Island, right?"

Brett snorted at that time, "Brother Jinbei will send Princess Otohime there."

"Jinbei? That's enough."

Of course it's enough.

The current Jinbei's strength is no longer comparable to that of the Kaixia Jinbei in the original work.

Although he does not have the domineering power of Overlord Color and cannot master the techniques of Overlord Color Winding, his armed color has also been completely evolved. Except for a few monsters, Jinbe's strength is enough to run rampant in the new world.

Moreover, it is possible that the most trouble they will find is just the little pirates of the New World.

Real monsters are not that boring.

There is no need for Brother Jinbei to come over, Taizoro alone is enough.

He is also a master whose abilities have been awakened, and there are not many people in the world who can defeat him.

Soon, Jinbei set off with Princess Otohime. Although there were still a few days until the performance and Deros Rosa was very close to Fish-Man Island, enough time must be left for the team to run in and rehearse, right?

It is true that the future is a group, but these eight members have not met yet.

"Leave everything to me!"

When boarding the ship docked at the port, Princess Otohime tearfully waved to her family and friends who came to see her off, "I will let the whole world hear the song from our Fishman Island!"

Brett was also a member of the farewell team. He felt that the biggest contribution of the draft held by Tezoro was the selection of Princess Otohime.

She was finally able to put her passion into good use.

Instead of thinking every day about how to move the Fishman Island to the sea and how to peacefully coexist with humans.

Isn't this good?

Go and become a fake business card of Fish-Man Island in the world, and introduce the appearance of Fish-Man Island to people around the world who don’t know about Fish-Man Island.

People always love people. If they like Otohime, then of course they will also have a good impression of Fishman Island.

And coincidentally, Fish-Man Island is a place that is really difficult for people who know it not to like.

She can make a considerable contribution.

"Mom! Have a safe journey!"

At the port, Princess Bai Xing, who specially asked for leave today to see her mother off, had tears in her eyes.

Having spent quite a while in school, the former crybaby little princess has become somewhat cheerful, and even often goes to the Mermaid Café to play with little Nana.

But after all, she was still just an eight-year-old child, and she was very sad to see her mother who had always taken care of her go away.

"White Star!


Princess Otohime was also in tears, "You must take care of yourself!"


The little princess nodded heavily, "I will!"

I have grown up!

Mom no longer has to worry!

The little princess wanted to prove this to her mother.

Princess Otohime set off.

Before her, several other winners who were further away from Derosrosa set off early. Of course, the champion of the small human race was an exception.

The little human race is right next to Delosrosa. The two countries have lived side by side for generations. She wants to go to Tezoro's company headquarters for a walk.

The ship escorting Princess Otohime soon arrived at Drosrosa, and Tezolo warmly welcomed her arrival.

"Welcome to Drosrosa, Princess Otohime! You are the sixth to arrive."

"You don't have to call me princess now."

Princess Otohime waved her hand cheerfully, "I will ask you to take more care of Brother Taizoro in the future."

Although in theory he was Princess Otohime's boss, Taizoro didn't pay much attention to being called "little brother". The identities of the members of this group meant that he could not really treat them as subordinates.

Even the girl Uta, who was originally thought to be a pure vegetarian, has a remarkable origin.

Taizoro nodded to Jinbei who was guarding Princess Otohime, and Jinbei also nodded to him. With Brett as a link, the two of them were already very familiar.

"How about, do you want to meet your colleagues?" Tezolo said with a smile.


Princess Otohime nodded repeatedly, "We will perform together next, right? We need to get to know each other well first."

So Tezoro took Princess Otohime to meet her future colleagues.

In a spacious lounge, Princess Otohime, who was full of expectations, got her wish.

There are five people in the room.

Three men and two women.

The men are from the long-hand tribe, the long-legged tribe and the snake-neck tribe, which can only be said to be a coincidence.

As for women, one is an unusually petite little human girl, only about twenty centimeters tall, with brilliant blond hair.

another one

"Oh! You are Uta, right?"

Princess Otohime looked at the girl with almost gleaming eyes.

The girl's name has spread across the sea during this time. Although she has not officially debuted, she is already a world-famous singer.

"Your singing voice is so beautiful! Every time I hear you sing, it brings tears to my eyes!"

Princess Otohime said with tears in her eyes.

You are in tears right now! The girl singer frowned and her nose started to flow. It was so disgusting!

"I feel a lot of pressure just thinking about singing on the same stage with you!"

Her Highness the Princess' tears came and went as quickly as she came. She immediately said with a smile, "But I will not admit defeat! My singing is my weapon, and I want people all over the world to hear my singing!"

What happened to this woman?

Why do you need someone familiar with you to come over?

And, who do you think you are? Want the whole world to hear your singing?

The team’s home field must be me!

The singer girl curled her lips in disdain.

She had watched this old woman's game, and her evaluation was that if someone hadn't done something shady, she wouldn't have known the reason why she was here.

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