One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 235 Meeting the Five Old Stars

More and more kings are coming to this hall. Not all kings are arrogant and extravagant. One thing that more kings know is that the king of each joining country is an important political resource.

Normally we don't have the chance to meet each other, but now that kings from many government-affiliated countries have finally gathered together, how can we not seize the opportunity to develop more personal connections?

Of course, kings are also divided into three levels. The more powerful the country, the more popular their kings will be.

Therefore, there is no doubt that King Neptune was surrounded by a large number of human nobles.

The most powerful country in the world is the Kingdom of Giants. So, which one is the second most powerful country on this piece of Qinghai?

Is it Torante, the pirate nation ruled by Charlotte Lingling?

Or is it the country of Wano where Kaido of all beasts is in charge?

Many people now think it is Fish-Man Island.

It also has an emperor, its wealth is far superior to that of the other two countries, and its military power is equally astonishing. However, this country also has a bunch of allies, one of which is the strongest giant kingdom in the world.

If such a country is not strong, which one is considered strong?

Brett sat leisurely and sipped the wine on the long table, looking up from time to time at Neptune to make sure that no one with short eyes would get angry.

It's hard to say how much these human nobles respected Neptune. Most of them even looked down upon Neptune with contempt in their hearts.

But there is no way, humans are such creatures, their subjective feelings are often not the main factor that guides their actions, interests are.

This is more obvious among those in power.

Brett didn't care either. This was normal. The arrogance accumulated over the years was not easy to dispel.

Of course, if someone goes to Neptune to establish relationships, many kings will also come to Bretra for relationships.

Brett politely said that he should go to Neptune for such matters and that this was not his business scope.

The kings all sighed in their hearts. Sure enough, the rumors on the sea were true. The two kings of Fishman Island got along well with each other. They couldn't help but feel jealous. Why wasn't such a monster born in their country?

Brett turned his head, and on the seat next to him, a little girl with blue hair jumped up and down. She was holding a piece of barbecue in her hand, and she didn't mind getting her hands dirty. She wore a white skirt.

"What's wrong, Princess Weiwei?"

Brett had a good impression of this little princess. Unlike the princess who inherited the tradition of the Kozuki family, this little princess was strong and brave, risking her own life to protect her country.

Now King Kobra is also chatting with other kings, so the little princess must be a little bored.

"Can you tell me the story of Fish-Man Island, Mr. Bright?"

The little princess no longer had the panic she felt when she first met Bright. She was not a timid child to begin with. When she was young, she had been playing wildly with her childhood sweetheart Kosha in the royal capital of Alabasta, Alba.

Later, in order to investigate the truth of the rebellion, he infiltrated the Baroque Studio.

So after knowing that the big brother in front of her was not a bad person, the little princess, who was only ten years old this year, dared to muster the courage to ask him to tell her about the dreamy Fish-Man Island.

Ever since I watched that movie, I have never forgotten that country.


Brett nodded slightly.

In the past, others had always told him stories, but today it was his turn to tell stories to others.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

The little princess happily gnawed something like a little squirrel, her cheeks bulging high, and her two big eyes looked at Brett expectantly.

So what else is there to say? Let’s start talking now.

So, Brett began to introduce the customs and customs of Fish-Man Island to the little princess.

Where is this island, why is its geographical condition so special, what is the island like, and what are the customs of the residents living on this island.

Brett was telling the little princess patiently.

Although this was certainly not as interesting as telling a story, Princess Weiwei's eyes lit up when she heard it.

I can’t wait to go to Fish-Man Island to see it right away.

Such a pleasant atmosphere was not broken until a loud voice sounded.

"Hahahaha! This is the first time for me to see so many kings!"

A swaggering guy walked into the hall with an arrogant smile.

He was covered in white fur and had a metal outer armor on his body. He had an iron bucket embedded in his chin and was short and fat.

Brett raised an eyebrow.

Another familiar guy appears.

Wapol, that should be the name.

The holder of the very powerful superhuman fruit, the Tunton Fruit, and the king of the Drum Kingdom, a powerful medical power.

After being beaten away by the Straw Hat junior and losing his position as king, he developed Wabol Alloy to make a comeback.

Speaking of which, Wapol alloy is also a good thing.

Brett silently stared at the proud-looking guy.

But before he could do anything, a government official appeared in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Lord Brett,"

The man said, "Lord Wulaoxing wants to see you."

Five old stars?

It's not surprising at all, no, or it should be said that it had been expected.

After he came to Mariejoia, it was strange that the Five Old Stars were indifferent.

"Your Highness, it seems we can only continue later."

Brett smiled and said to the little princess.


The little princess nodded sensibly, "Mr. Bright, just go and do your own business."

"Lead the way."

Brett turned around and said.

"plz follow me."

The government officials bowed slightly respectfully, then turned to lead the way.

Brett followed him and left the hall where the kings gathered, and walked along the wide corridor, turning east and west and gradually going deep into the depths of this Pangu city.

Then it went up. After ascending an unknown number of steps, it went around again.

Finally, Brett was brought to a certain heavy and wide door.

"The five adults are inside."

The government official bowed.

Brett scanned the interior of the house with a sense of knowledge.

It looks like it’s not just the Five Old Stars.

He stepped forward and pushed open the closed door.

Following the sound of the sound, the door leading to the center of the World Government opened, and a strong light came oncoming.

Brett stepped into the light.

"Wulaoxing, here I come."

He said.

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