One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 248 Calling the Five Old Stars

Finally returned to a familiar environment.

When the body was immersed in the cold sea water again, the feeling of peace of mind returned again.

To be honest, although the process of leaving Marigio went very smoothly, I was still a little frightened during the process.

Of course Brett didn't want to detonate the explosive rock, and he didn't want to die.

The power gathered in Mariejoia at that time was too strong, and there was absolutely no chance of winning in a head-on confrontation.

Even the enigmatic Lord Yin Mu is in Pangu City.

If it were slower, there might really be no chance of leaving.

Brett thought so.

"I thought it was over!"

King Neptune was also rejoicing. He said with a scared look, "What happened today was too exciting!"

He had never been so excited in his life.

He fell out with the World Government and faced the pursuit of three admirals from the Navy Headquarters and the strongest shield of CP0.

Relying on the deterrence of dynamite rock, they managed to escape, but there was no ship back to the sea. In the end, they had no choice but to jump off the red earth continent.

The feeling of weightlessness when he landed freely still gave him chills on his back.

But luckily, I managed to escape in the end and returned to the sea.

"So I already said that."

Although Brett was also a little scared, he had an indifferent smile on his face, "Just trust me and nothing will happen."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

His Majesty the King of Dragon Palace Kingdom laughed.

However, his smile did not last long, and he soon frowned again.

"So what should we do next?"

He said worriedly, "Now we have completely fallen out with the world government. Although our safety at the bottom of the sea can be guaranteed, we may no longer be able to do business."

This is what Brett was worried about at the beginning. The world government will definitely block Fish-Man Island completely next.

Even if it is impossible to attack them directly, economic sanctions and political isolation will definitely be inevitable.

I am afraid that the several government-affiliated countries that I finally made friends with will not dare to deal with Fish-Man Island in the future.

However, this aspect does not actually have a big impact on Fish-Man Island. After all, Fish-Man Island's truly important allies are the countries of the Seven Angles Alliance, and none of them are government allies.

But economic sanctions are a bit of a headache.

Under the high pressure of the government, there are no businessmen who dare to come to Fishman Island to do business.

In this case, the originally prosperous economy of Fishman Island will definitely suffer a devastating blow.

Although after several years of development, various industries have basically been able to achieve self-sufficiency in necessities.

However, even so, Fish-Man Island will inevitably decline.

"Perhaps, things can turn around."

Brett curled his lips.

Halfway up the mountainside of the Red Earth Continent, where the previous battle took place.

Aoki Pheasant and the Strongest Shield stepped on the air and soared into the sky, and soon returned to the previous battlefield.

Although the strong wind caused them to fall to the ground, it could not make them retreat.

"So, what's going on now?"

Qing Pheasant asked.

Ask Akainu.

Akainu was sitting in the huge hole he had made on the red earth continent. He looked a little miserable at this time.

The clothes on his body had been completely burned, and his whole body was darkened by the flames, as if he was scorched.

What's worse is that his right arm is bent into several heart-wrenching arcs, and the bones seem to have been broken into several sections. The right shoulder is also bulged high, and the muscles seem to be torn.

"How could you be so injured in such a short period of time!"

Qing Pheasant's tone was extremely solemn.

It’s hard to imagine what happened. This guy is Sakaski! The admiral of the Navy Headquarters alongside him!

"That guy, Brett, is terrifyingly strong!"

The light gathered on the side, and Kizaru returned. Although he was smiling, there seemed to be no smile in his tone, "It only took one blow to beat Sakaski like this."

Strictly speaking, there are two moves, one is the heat breath, and the other is the king's fist.

However, the damage caused by the heat breath is limited, and the focus is still on the punch.

Both Aokiji and the Strongest Shield fell silent.

one strike?

Is there anyone in the world who can do such a thing?

Whitebeard, who is known as the strongest man in the world, and Kaido, who is known as the strongest creature, can never do it!

Does that man, the fish-man Brett, already possess the power to surpass those two monsters?


Kizaru added, "He jumped into the sea in front of me and dived away."

"...This world is really crazy."

After a long time, Qing Pheasant sighed like this.

I had this suspicion the moment I found out Bulat was an esper, but when it was actually proven, I was still shocked.

A person with exaggerated strength and the ability to move freely in the water.

How could there be such a difficult guy in the world?

From now on, Brett won't even have to hide in the deep sea all the time. Even if he comes to the surface, it will be difficult for the government to do anything to him.

"Anyway, let's report to the Five Old Stars first."

The voice of the strongest shield was full of helplessness.

What can be done with Brett now?

You can't dive into the deep sea and go to Fishman Island to cause trouble for him. Isn't that asking for death?

Later, Marie Joa was in a room deeper in Pangu City.

The five old stars knelt on the ground and answered the call from the strongest shield.

"...I'm sorry, Mr. Five Old Stars, we misjudged Brett's strength. No one expected that he was actually an esper and had the same abilities as Kaido! In the end, we could only watch him helplessly. Flee into the deep sea, no longer able to pursue you.”

The five old stars listened to the voice of the strongest shield coming from the phone, and there was cold sweat on their foreheads.

"Then let's do this for now."

The bearded Wulaoxing lowered his voice, then reached out and hung up the phone.

After that, the five old stars changed from kneeling on one knee to kneeling on both knees, with their foreheads firmly pressed to the ground.

"I'm extremely sorry, Lord Yinmu!"

The bearded Wulaoxing sounded panicked.

In front of the five of them, a slender and tall black figure stood.

Wearing a high crown on his head, his whole body was shrouded in a dark robe.

He or she didn't say anything. The cold-eyed boy in the robe just stared at the Five Old Stars quietly.

But this calm gaze put great pressure on the five old stars, and the clothes on their backs were already wet with sweat.


At this time the phone bug started ringing again.

"Lord Yinmu?"

After much hesitation, the bearded Five Old Stars looked up at their master.

The mysterious man hidden in the darkness remained silent.

But the five old stars have already felt it, and this is a tacit attitude.

The bearded Wulaoxing reached out and answered the phone.

"Who is it?" he asked.

"It's me." The other person replied.



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