If the World Government was really just the power it seemed on the surface, Brett would not have made this call.

He will probably wait until the World Conference is over and all the innocent kings return to their own countries, then go to Mariejoia, where a rock of dynamite will blow up all the top officials of the government and the Celestial Dragons.

But Brett knew that the power under the World Government was much more than that.

What Doflamingo learned about the Celestial Dragon's national treasure made Brett know that it was not an easy task to blow Mariejoia into the sky.

The mysterious Lord Yin Mu is not as good as Wulao Xing.

It would be too modest to say that he was afraid, but Brett was indeed very afraid of that guy.

If nothing else, that guy should have been the final boss of this world.

"What will happen next?"

Neptune was a little worried.

Now that it has completely broken with the world government, war may break out at any time.

It's hard for Neptune not to worry about the future of Fish-Man Island.

"Relax, I still say that,"

Brett smiled and said, "There will be no problems."


Neptune smiled.

Just like all the times in the past, Brett will not let himself or Fish-Man Island down.

As long as he is around, everything will definitely develop in a good direction.

"Then, next,"

Brett stretched himself in the deep sea, "The target is that guy."

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

The escape battle that took place in Mariejoia was unknown to most people at sea, but this was not the case to the people in this large fortress.

"That guy is actually that strong?"

In the navy marshal's office, Marshal Sengoku crossed his hands on his chest and his eyes were extremely solemn, "Injuring Sakaski severely with one blow, even Roger can't do such a thing!"

The naval hero Iron Fist Garp sitting on the sofa opposite shook his head.

As one of the biggest rivals of the Pirate King, he certainly knew that man very well.

Even Roger, the Pirate King who once dominated the Grand Line, would never be able to seriously injure an admiral with just one move.

"That guy is only twenty years old now, right?"

Sitting side by side with Garp, Lieutenant General He said calmly.

Marshal Sengoku's expression became more solemn.

Yes, that guy is only twenty years old this year.

He is still very young and still has a lot of room for improvement.

At the rate that guy is getting stronger, what level will he reach in five years, not to mention ten years?

It's simply unimaginable.

"What's even more troublesome is that the guy still has dynamite rocks on his hands."

Lieutenant General He said.

There was an even greater silence in the Marshal's office.

Yeah, Dynamite Rock.

How to deal with this thing?

That guy Brett can fly in the sky and sneak in the water.

He ran to Marinevando and threw an explosive, but no one could react.

"So, what's going on with that guy?"

Sengoku gritted his teeth and said, "Why does he have the same ability as Kaido? Why can he overcome the sea water!"

"The five old stars should have already gone to find out the answer to this question!"


The five old stars who have returned to power are indeed discussing this matter.

“What the hell is that bastard from Vegapunk doing!


The bearded Five Old Star was furious, "That bastard Brett's abnormality must be all because of him!"

There is only one possible source of Brett's ability, and that is Vegapunk's supposedly failed experiment.

The blond Wulaoxing said, "If it's really his fault, then maybe it's not all a bad thing!"

Since Kaido's abilities can be reproduced once, why can't they be reproduced several times?

Since Brett can move freely in the deep sea, why can't more ability users do the same?

The five old stars were even a little excited.

Now let’s see what Bergapunk has to say.

In the New World, Punk Hassad, among the experimental bases of the Naval Science Force, Vega Punk, who was also busy with experiments today, welcomed government agents from afar.

"So, what's going on? I'm only halfway through the experiment."

Vegapunk yawned, looking impatient.

The government agent who came with Wulaoxing's order could only smile with his face at this time, "Doctor, Wulaoxing adults asked me to come over and ask you some questions."

"what is the problem?"

Vegapunk looked so sleepy that it was hard to believe that just a few minutes ago he was still actively doing experiments.

"Mlocculant Brett, you should still have an impression of this man, right?"


Vegapunk nodded, "That boy, the experiment on the fishman blood warriors was successful because of him."

"Haha," he laughed again, "Who would have thought that that kid would have such power in the future?"

Did you really not think of that?

The government agent slandered, but his face was still solemn, "Doctor, during the previous world conference, the government discovered Brett's conspiracy, so it planned to arrest him."

"But that guy showed jaw-dropping abilities!"


Vegapunk looked very interested, "What ability?"

"The same ability as Kaido of the Hundred Beasts, the ability of the Blue Dragon Fruit of the animal type fantasy beast!"

The agent said, "But that guy is red, maybe we should call it the red dragon form!"


Vegapunk was shocked, "Could it be that the fruit of failure turned out to be successful!"

"So, doctor, it's really because of that fruit?" the agent asked anxiously.

"That fruit was indeed eaten by him, but I thought it was a failure, so I didn't pay much attention!"

Vegapunk became excited, "Hahaha! It turned out to be successful! I knew how could I fail!"

The agent didn't know what to say.

"However, during the examination, we did not find that he was an esper."

Vegapunk whispered again, "Is it because my ability is incomplete?"

The agent immediately thought of another thing, "In fact, doctor, that guy didn't even lose the ability to swim!"

"As expected!"

Vegapunk nodded clearly, "That fruit has some flaws in its ability."

Can this also be considered an omission?

People with abilities can swim. Is this a deficiency?

Doctor, are you sure this is not optimization?

"Doctor," the agent asked expectantly, "can that fruit continue to be reproduced?"


Vegapunk nodded matter-of-factly.


The agent was overjoyed.

"But you must capture Kaido again."

Vegapunk smiled and said, "After all, I no longer have his blood factor here."

"And I can't guarantee that it will succeed. That fruit can only be said to be a coincidence. Hahaha, that boy is so lucky!"

The agent fell silent.

How to catch Kaido now?

Moreover, Bright's luck is not what the government wants to see.

"Doctor, another order from the Five Old Stars."

"I hope you can further improve the murloc potion, preferably so that the user can actually fight in the water like a murloc!"

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