One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 252: Shocking Sea, Angry Kaido

Every time during the World Conference, people on the sea pay most attention to newspaper news.

No way, every issue raised at the world conference can have a huge impact on at least one country.

There are many issues covering an entire sea area and even having an impact on the whole world.

Every world conference will undoubtedly bring great changes to the entire world. Anyone who pays a little attention to the situation in the sea will never miss any government news this week.

Then, on this day, people finally got the big news they had been waiting for.

But it is not about the World Conference itself.

On this day, when people got the newspaper and opened it in anticipation of some big news today, they saw a photo on the front page of the newspaper without exception.

A picture of a dragon with teeth and claws.

"Is it Kaido?"

This is the first thought of everyone on the sea who sees this photo.

Then quickly they denied it.

Because everyone who knows Kaido's abilities knows that Kaido is cyan after turning into a dragon, but the dragon in this picture is red.

"Brite himself! The secret of the Deep Sea Emperor!


This news introduces in detail the identity of the man known as the Emperor of the Deep Sea, the fish-man Brett.

To this day, Brett's name is so well-known in this sea. No matter where in the sea, there are very few people who don't know his name.

But people at sea know very little about his specific experiences.

Not many people even know that Brett was once a pirate.

In today's newspapers, Brett's experiences from childhood to adulthood are described in detail.

As a hybrid of human and fishman, he was abandoned on Fishman Island since childhood and grew up under the care of a man named Fisher Tiger, and later joined the Sun Pirates formed by that man.

Later, when the Sun Pirates were attacked by the navy, they were arrested and imprisoned. Jinbe was forgiven because he became a Shichibukai, and was released back to Fishman Island.

Then there is the story of his rise to prosperity.

In fact, these are not the key points. Although many people in the sea do not know it, everyone who should know it also knows it.

The point is, the newspaper said that the red dragon in the picture was Brett himself.

The text in the newspaper stated that during the World Conference, Fishman Island was attacked by pirates, so King Neptune and Brett wanted to leave early.

But the problem is that the bubble boat traveling to and from the sea was damaged, and they were unable to return to Qinghai for a while.

Then, the anxious Brett used his ability for the first time.

He turned into a red dragon!

This is really something that few people in the sea know.

"No way? Is it a similar ability to Kaido!"

"No! It can't be said that they are similar anymore. Except for the different colors, they are almost exactly the same!"

"Didn't you see it in the newspaper? Brett also has the ability to control clouds to roll up objects, summon strong winds, spit out flames, and release thunder. Can Kaido do the same?"

"What stupid and ignorant guy is saying! These are all abilities that Kaido should have!"

The whole sea was in an uproar instantly.

This is amazing!

Who would have thought that the fish-man Brett is actually a user with abilities, which has never been revealed before!

And his abilities are actually so close to Kaido!

The newspaper also hinted implicitly that this fruit may be a replica of Kaido!

A replica of a devil fruit!

When has there ever been anything like this in the world?

Has Fishman Island mastered such technology?

People can't help but think so.

But for people at sea, this is actually not the most shocking thing.

Another thing that is equally shocking is——

"Wait a minute, if that guy Brett is an esper, how does he manage to move in the deep sea?"

Yes, people with abilities are obviously cursed by the sea and cannot move in the water at all, right?

But why does Brett still retain the ability of fish people to move in the water?

Fish-Man Island is not as closed as it used to be. Humans often see Brett moving in the water on Fish-Man Island!

How did he do it?

"Could it be that that guy has mastered the method to overcome the curse of the sea!"

Both are unprecedented! It almost completely subverts people's long-standing concept of devil fruits!

The sea exploded instantly.

Almost at the same time as the news was released, Bright received a call from a good friend.

"Britt, what on earth is going on!"

Taizolo, who was currently working on his idol group, said in a very urgent tone, "You guy never told me that you are actually a person with abilities!"

"Isn't it not too late to know now?"

Brett also had a headache.

To be fair, he certainly didn't want the news to spread across the sea.

But the problem is that the government guys, in addition to Morgans, have contacted almost every major newspaper in the sea.

Even if Morgans can be stopped, can other newspapers be stopped?

So we can only let it be.

But it doesn't matter now, what if this secret is exposed?

Coveted by careerists?

The world government is not afraid of him anymore. What else on the sea can make Brett afraid?

"So, what's going on with your guy's ability? Is it really the same ability as Kaido?"

Tezoro was very curious about this.

"That's what you think." Brett said casually.

"It's so perfunctory, you bastard!"

Tezoro complained, and then he gloated, "But Kaido will definitely not give up. How could he allow someone to have the same ability as him?"

"never mind,"

Brett said, "Does Kaido still dare to come to Fish-Man Island to cause trouble? Besides, he has already broken up with the government. Compared with them, the Beast Pirates are nothing."


Tezoro, who was about to ask Brett why he was able to overcome the sea water, was stunned for a moment, and then he was shocked, "I have never heard of this! What happened at the World Conference!"

"Yeah, I haven't told you about this yet."

"You bastard! Explain it to me in detail from beginning to end!"

When Brett was explaining the ins and outs of the World Conference to Tezoro, he was in another place in the world, Wano Country, Ghost Island.

"Hey, hey, hey! Clouds! Heat! Thunder! Strong wind! Aren't these all the abilities you have, Boss Kaido!"

Some fat man screamed with a newspaper in his hand.

"damn it!


At the same time, the monster was roaring, "Vegapunk!"

I can't spare him! "

"Is that that time?"

The man wrapped in a black leather jacket and leather trousers spoke with a solemn voice.

He recalled the moment when he first met the man he wanted to follow for the rest of his life.

“I’m going to kill that bastard Brett!


The monster turned into a dragon and rose into the sky.

"Mr. Kaido! Calm down! That guy is on Fish-Man Island!" Your latest reading progress detected is "Sending my sister to register for high school..."

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