In the sky, Brett was flying forward.

He had transformed into a dragon-like state, his legs were wrapped in dazzling lightning, and he stepped on the clouds and kept shooting forward.

Tezoro was swept up by the clouds released by Bright, and was dragged through the air by him.

"It's so fast!"

Tezolo looked down, and the clouds continued to disappear from his field of vision.

"Britt, if you retire and work in a logistics company yourself, you should be able to make a fortune!"

"However, this ability is exactly the same as Kaido's."

Tezuolo smiled happily, "Sooner or later that guy will come to your door."

"It's what I asked for."

Brett said casually.

When he was thinking of driving the Beast Pirates away from Wano and taking Hades, it would be great if Kaido was willing to come and beat him up himself.

"Oh, you are so arrogant, you guy."

Taizolo snorted, "Do you think you have a chance to win?"

"Now, no matter who my opponent is, I will never lose."

Brett chuckled.

Apart from the mysterious Lord Yinmu, Brett didn't think there was anyone in the world who could defeat him.

Things were different now. He was no longer the same Brett who had no choice but to rely on others to survive in the government laboratory.


Tezoro smacked his lips, but said nothing.

He knew that Brett had never been in the habit of bragging.

Since Brett said so, he can definitely do it.

"And you, Tezzolo,"

Brett smiled and asked, "How's your domineering training going?"

I have already taught this guy the advanced domineering skills, but I haven't seen Taizuo Luo take action for a long time, and I don't know how far he has cultivated his weapon color.

"Anyway, I won't let you down."

Taizolo said casually, "Don't worry, I will never hold you back."

"So much the better."

Brett laughed and sped up.

Tezzolo is a very proud man.

He was never willing to simply become his vassal, and Brett knew this very well.

This is the first half of the Grand Line, in an area called the Paradise Sea. A naval warship is moving quickly through the wind and waves.

“Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn!


A short and fat man on the deck was cursing continuously, "Why doesn't that guy Kaido go to Fish-Man Island and kill that damn Brett!"

Behind him, the rear admiral responsible for escorting this guy rolled his eyes.

What an idiot.

How dare Kaido go to Fishman Island to fight Fishman Brett?

Of course that guy is a monster, but Brett is also a monster.

In the deep sea, no one in this world can defeat the fish-man Brett.

Such a fool is actually the king of a country. It really makes people feel sad for that country.

Mr. Major General sighed in his heart. From the daily words and deeds of this man named Wapol, we can know what a cruel and violent person he is.

But there is nothing he can do. He is only a rear admiral at the Navy Headquarters and cannot interfere in the internal affairs of the participating countries.

Not only could they not interfere with him, but now they even had to respectfully send this man back to his country.

The more senior you are in a position, the more you understand the reality of the government, and sometimes you will doubt whether what you are doing is justice.

Mr. Major General has many thoughts in his mind.

Then, suddenly.


A strong wind fell from the sky.

The entire naval warship was shaking in an instant, the decks and sides were cracking, the sails were even torn apart, and the whole ship seemed to be falling apart.

The sea surface boiled even more, and fine and intense lines continued to spread on the sea surface. The sea water was jumping, splashing up to several meters and dozens of meters high as if it had lost gravity.

The battleship and the sea have suffered such impacts, especially the people on board.

The navy soldiers who were responsible for protecting the ships immediately rolled their eyes and passed out.

Wapol was even earlier than them, and fell to the ground foaming at the mouth. He rolled to the corner like a watermelon and hit the side of the ship.

The only person who responded slightly to this was the most powerful person on the ship, the Rear Admiral from the Navy Headquarters.

He raised his head in horror, opened his mouth, and was about to say something.

Then, his body was also shaken violently, and his eyes had lost their vitality. He fell to the ground on his back, and when his head hit the deck, it made a winter sound.

A few seconds later, Bright landed in the sky with Tezoro.

"Hey, hey, you guy!"

The flame cloud surrounding Taizuoluo dissipated, and Taizuoluo rubbed his head and exclaimed, "Isn't the overlord color too strong?"

Even though he didn't use his overlord color towards him, he still felt full of pressure!

"well enough."

Brett chuckled, stretched out his right hand, and the clouds rolled out, directly rolling up Wapol who was lying in the corner.

"It's done, let's go back." Brett said.

"So soon? I thought there would be at least a fight."

Tezuolo was a little disappointed. These navy were really weak. Why not let a general escort them?

"Speaking of which," he looked at Wapol, who was wrapped in clouds, "is this guy useful?"

"His abilities are interesting."

Brett released the clouds again, rolled up Tezoro, and then flew into the sky with the two of them.

While flying, Bright introduced Wapol's abilities to Tezolo.

"Swallowing fruit? The ability to swallow items and then combine them at will?"

Tezoro frowned, "Devil Fruit is indeed the most amazing power in the world! This guy's ability is really suitable for use in factories."


Brett chuckled.

After the two left for a long time, they were on a naval warship drifting alone on the sea due to damage to the sail.

The rear admiral, who knew a little bit about what happened but still lost consciousness early, finally opened his eyes in horror.

He stood up and pulled out the long knife from his waist to guard.

But whether on the deck or inside the cabin, it was extremely peaceful.

The major general looked around the deck carefully, and then entered the cabin to explore.

The end result was that nothing was found.


The Major General breathed a sigh of relief.

A monster definitely came just now.

But fortunately, no damage was caused, and even the supplies were still well placed in the cabin.

So, where did such a monster come from?

Mr. Major General woke up a few of his subordinates, and then they searched the ship carefully, and finally understood what was missing.

"King Wapol is missing!"

Mr. Major General's face turned pale.

It was over, his political life was over.

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