One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 278 Zefa’s actions

Pirate Island, Beehive.

"Kaido, you guy, don't bully others too much!"

Wang Zhi, who had a bloody head and a bloody head, gritted his teeth and roared towards the sky.

Monsters were circling in the sky, clouds were surrounding him, and strong winds were surrounding him.

"I can return the money to you, but don't push yourself too far!"

Who would have thought that the treasure on that ship actually belonged to Kaido!

Before I could be happy for a long time, this monster dropped from the sky and came to my door.

Although this monster is a descendant of the Rocks Pirates, it is not something he can compete with in terms of strength.

Wang Zhi gritted his teeth.

It is really the greatest humiliation to let the pirates vomit out the treasure they grabbed.

But now I have to give in to this situation.

"Uh-huh-huh! Of course I have to get my money back, but now that I'm here, let's solve another thing by the way!"

The long blue dragon was cruising in the sky. The monster lowered its head and looked down at Wang Zhi, who had an angry look on his face.

"This place was the former territory of Captain Rocks. Do you deserve to occupy it? I didn't bother to talk to you before, but now, it's time for you idiot to understand how much you weigh!"

Rocks, that man is a strong man that Kaido also recognizes in his heart!

Does the idiot in front of him deserve to inherit the legacy he left behind?

"Kaido! You guy!"

Wang Zhi gritted his teeth, "Don't be too arrogant for me. Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

"Uh-huh-huh! Come on then!"

Monsters fell from the sky.

Fishman Island.

Brett is reading the newspaper.

"There was a fierce battle between Kaido and Wang Zhi on Beehive Island?"

Brett raised an eyebrow.

What happened again?

Hadn't Wang Zhi and Kaido always been in peace with each other before this? Why did they suddenly start fighting?

And in the end, Wang Zhi was beaten violently by Kaido and was directly expelled from Beehive Island.

Could it be that Beehive Island was actually always under Kaido's control in the original work, but was only later taken away by Blackbeard?

Brett muttered.

When he traveled through time, the plot had not yet unfolded to the Beehive Island chapter, and he did not know the specific situation of that island.

But this matter has nothing to do with him.

Brett didn't care at all whether Wang Zhi was dead or alive, and who owned Beehive Island.

Unless there is an ancient weapon underground on that island like Wano Country.

Now I still want to care about how Taizuoluo's movie is going. This is the only real thing in the recent period.

The guy that Brett didn't care about at this time, the big pirate king who occupied the pirate island hive not long ago, escaped to an island in the sea.

After landing in the town on the island and looting everything, the group began to rest temporarily on the coast.

"That bastard!

I will never spare him! "

Wang Zhi's body was wrapped in thick bandages, and there were not many subordinates still following him left.

After all, the opponent at that time was Kaido. It was already good to be able to escape with difficulty. What more could you ask for?

"Who are you!"

Wang Zhi stood up like a frightened bird.

After seeing clearly the visitor's attire, he actually breathed a sigh of relief.

Not being a member of the Beast Pirates, I would have thought that Kaido guy was so entangled.


Wang Zhi snorted coldly, the characteristics of this look were too obvious, "Why, my rejection last time made you hold a grudge. Now you want to take advantage of my downfall to take revenge?"

"Don't get me wrong, this time we still appear in front of you with good intentions."

The agent from the World Government said calmly, "Maybe you need our help now."

Wang Zhi sneered.

"I'm afraid it won't be easy to live happily in the new world after offending the Beasts Pirates."

The visitor said, "But it doesn't matter. If you become a collaborator of the government, even the Beast Pirates will no longer be a problem for you."

"How about, do you want to become the new Shichibukai?"

Wang Zhi's eyes were solemn.

"New Shichibukai?"

Brett was reading the newspaper again.

The situation at sea changes really fast.

Wang Zhi was fighting fiercely with Kaido two days ago, and now he suddenly became the new Shichibukai.

There is no such scene in the original work.

Or is it that Wang Zhi would have become a Shichibukai in the original historical trajectory, but was later removed for some reason?

But no matter what, Brett was still a little wary.

In a short period of time, the government recruited two new Shichibukai, and they were both very powerful ones.

It was hard for Brett not to think this was for him.

Not only is he expanding his power, the government is not falling behind at all.

It's amazing.

The country of peace.

"Uh-huh-huh! It's interesting! It means I've been completely tricked by you, right?"

A certain monster finally reacted after seeing the news.

"You misunderstood, Kaido,"

The agent sent to communicate with Kaido said calmly, "It's just that the government feels that Wang Zhi, who is now in decline, is very suitable to become the new Shichibukai."

"You also know that the government needs more power to deal with Brett."


Kaido's tone became deeper, and everyone who heard his voice could hear his anger.

"I can reveal some information about Brett to you here. Believe me, Kaido, that guy is much scarier than you think."

The agent said.

"Oh? Uh-huh-huh, so what do those five stinky old men from Wulaoxing want to say!"


A certain country in the early part of the new world.

"Hahahaha! Hand over all the treasures to me!


Jumping off the pirate ship that was docked at the port, the arrogant pirate captain waved the scimitar in his hand.

At the port, panicked people screamed and ran in all directions.

This country is not a member of the World Government, so even if they are attacked by pirates, they have no one to call for help.

Although the flag of the Charlotte family is indeed flying at the port, this flag has no deterrent effect when encountering bold pirates.

After all, unlike the navy, which has troops stationed all over the world and can rush to the aid of various participating countries at any time, the Charlotte family is far away.

"Hahahaha! Cry! Shout!"

The pirate captain waved his scimitar and laughed, "You can cry for your misfortune!"

"Stop it!


It was at this time that a figure came across the sky.


The pirate captain turned around angrily, wanting to see who dared to disturb him.

Then the next moment, he didn't even see the person clearly. A cold hand had already grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

At this time, he finally saw the person's face clearly.

The originally red face turned pale due to fear.

The man's cloak fluttered behind him.

There is a pattern on the cloak, which is a seagull pattern similar to the navy's flag, but this seagull is penetrated from top to bottom by a sharp sword.

"Justice is guarded by our NEO Navy!"

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