One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 285: Furious Kaido

In the Capital of Flowers, a sudden news broke the tranquility of the city.

"Guangyue, are they back?"

"There are still people in this family alive!"

"It is said that he is a samurai with a red sheath!"

"Hurry and go and see, right above the castle tower, they are going to publicly execute General Orochi!


The Black Carbon Orochi has ruled this country for more than ten years, but during this long period of time, the name Guangyue has never faded from the memories of the residents of this country.

There is no way, the rule of Black Carbon Orochi is too unpopular and too cruel.

Although the original Wano Country was not very developed and wealthy, it was at least peaceful and peaceful, and the people were enjoying themselves.

But after Kaido captured Wano and Black Carbon Orochi came to power, the country was transformed into a huge weapons factory.

The fields were abandoned, the rivers were polluted, the mountains and forests were burned, and all that was left was dilapidated and devastated.

People have become unable to live anymore, so how can they have any affection for the Black Carbon Serpent? It is really normal for people to miss the previous ruler.

Even if Black Carbon Orochi has been working hard to promote himself.

What kind of publicity can compare to your own personal experience?

It was under this circumstance that Guangyue came back.

In anticipation and anxiety, the people of the Flower City rushed towards the castle tower.

Then they saw the scene that they had been waiting for for who knows how long.

At the top of Tianshou Pavilion, the big curved branch presses on it.

Master Heitan was nailed to the tree trunk with a sword.

Next to the black charcoal snake, the short and fat warrior was raising his arms and shouting,

"The rule of the Black Carbon Orochi lasts until today! Mitsuki has never left! People of Wano Country, please wait a little longer!"

“Wait for us to come back and save this country!


The sharp blade once again penetrated the snake's heart.



The big snake was screaming.

Even if his ability can bring him back to life, Orochi, who has not experienced any serious combat training, has particularly low resistance to pain.

His screams alone even drowned out the comments of the people surrounding him below.

"Spare me, spare me! I will atone -"

The big snake was screaming.

But He Song didn't care at all and just took one of his lives again.

Gradually, the snake's screams turned into angry curses.

"damn it!

asshole! "

He shouted loudly, "You owe me everything! This country owes the Heitan family!"

His whole body was shaking with pain, but his tone was passionate,

“I just want to destroy this country and send everyone to hell!




Hesong couldn't hold back and chopped off the big snake's head with a sword.

Among the people below, people couldn't help but clenched their fists when they heard the big snake's voice.

"kill him."

Finally someone shouted in a low voice.

In just the blink of an eye, the sounds had gathered into an earth-shattering sound.

Everyone's face turned red, and everyone roared angrily.

kill him.

People were yelling and yelling, asking Hesong to quickly kill this monster that had plunged the entire country into purgatory.

Even though the Phantom Beast breed has rough skin and thick flesh, it is still powerless when facing a domineering master like He Song.

The screams of the big snake became more and more shrill, and the hardness just now completely disappeared.

He almost cried and begged for mercy.

The rebirths that come with the Yamata no Orochi fruit are not endless, and he will soon run out of them.

But of course, He Song didn't pay any attention to him, and just mechanically took away his life again and again.

"Mitsutsuki! Damn it!"

At the end, the big snake screamed like this.

He Song's blade crackled again, "Make no mistake, Orochi, this time, it is this country's revenge on you!"

The big snake's head flew out again, but this time, Hesong waited for a long time, and he finally did not resurrect.

"Finally dead!"

At the edge of the castle tower's terrace, Yamato said in relief, "I thought this guy was really unkillable!"

"There is no person in the world who cannot be killed. People who are killed will die."

Brett chuckled.

"It's such a pity. If only we could drive away the bastard father in one go!" Yamato was very disappointed.

These are really the words of a filial daughter.

"Please be patient a little longer, the time is not yet ripe."

If Brett is willing, he can actually start preparing to capture Hades now.

With the help of him and Fishman Island, plus the power of Yamato and the old members of the Kozuki family, it is enough to defeat the Beast Pirates.

However, Brett wanted more than just Hades, he also wanted Wano as an ally.

For this reason, he felt that Yamato should be made stronger, strong enough to protect the country when he is not around.

"I will try to become stronger!"

Yamato showed off the muscles on her arms confidently, "Whether it's the entanglement of the overlord color or the advanced use of the domineering color of the armed color, I will master it for you to see!"

This woman was Brett's chosen ally, so there was no need to hide anything. Brett taught her all the advanced domineering techniques.

There is no doubt that Yamato is talented. In the process of challenging Kaido countless times, she mastered the use of Overlord Color Coil.

"Since the big snake is dead, let's start the second step."

Brett said.

If you want Kaido to come back, you have to put some pressure on him.

A certain sea area in the New World.

The large fleet of the Beast Pirates is riding the wind and waves forward.

Then at this time, a phone call from Wano suddenly disrupted their schedule.

"What did you say!"

The violent momentum instantly spread from the large ship in the center, and dark lightning began to radiate in all directions.

The sea surface was boiling, and the pirates on the surrounding ships fainted.

The monster's anger swept across the sea like a natural disaster.

"You said that bastard Brett showed up in Wano Country!"

On the deck, Quinn, who was holding a phone bug, exclaimed repeatedly, "Together with that idiot Yamato and the remnants of the Kozuki family, we killed that loser Orochi! Now we are heading towards Onigashima!"

"Mr. Kaido, what should we do now?"

Jin, who had always been calm, couldn't help but sound a little anxious at this time, "If you let it go, I don't know what Wano will become like."

"Damn boy!"

Accompanied by the monster's roar, the giant green dragon rose into the sky.

The house-stealing plan was successfully accomplished.

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