One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 295 Fire Dragon Torch

The huge naval battleship was bitten in half right in the middle, the front and rear sections soared into the air, and then crashed down towards the sea.

The expressions of the sailors on the ship changed drastically at the same time.

So what happened?

Before they could figure out what was going on, the strong feeling of weightlessness had already engulfed them.

"This is!


However, not everyone fell into chaos. At least the supreme commander of this fleet, Admiral Akainu, immediately turned his attention to the attacker after a brief moment of shock.

The long dragon, covered with fiery red scales, rose from the bottom of the sea and flew directly into the sky after crashing the battleship.



Akainu hissed and roared.

In the sky, Brett spun his body and lowered his head, "We meet again, General Akainu!"

Compared with launching an attack swaggering from the sky, it is of course much more efficient to suddenly attack them from the sea when they are not prepared.

At this time, it’s time to sigh for how clean and neat the previous action was.

If there had been a little delay, the communication from Aokiji's fleet would have reached Akainu long ago.

It would be very difficult to launch a surprise attack in that situation.

Fortunately, you don't have to worry about that kind of thing now.

Neither Akainu nor Kizaru had any expectations.




Brett roared his filial piety.

This time, the overbearing domineering power was reserved and suppressed from the sky, covering the entire fleet in an instant.

The elite navy soldiers were shaken in an instant. Although they were not unconscious, they almost all lost their ability to fight.

There is no other way. If we don't hold back now, then the soldiers on the battleship that was smashed just now will probably sink to the bottom of the sea in a coma.

"Really, it's too scary, isn't it?"

Bright yellow light condensed on Bright's side. Kizaru sighed slowly, but he quickly pulled out the lightsaber and slashed towards Bright's waist.

As a user with the Shining Fruit ability who can fly, a crisis like the sinking of a mere warship would certainly not prevent Kizaru from fighting.

"Leave this guy to me!"

A figure ejected from Brett's back.

It's Zefa.

As the machine's right arm rotates and the piston rotates, the coke is transformed into powerful force.

Zefa punched.


His fist collided with Kizaru's lightsaber, causing a violent explosion.

"Oh, Teacher Zefa..."

In the smoke caused by the explosion, Kizaru smiled slowly and said, "It's a new arm. You have to be careful this time, don't get cut off by me again."

"You can come and give it a try!"

Zefa's body was rolled up by the flame cloud, allowing him to float in the air, but apart from that, Bright did not exert any force on the clouds in other directions, so Zefa could freely float and move in the sky. .

He stepped on the air casually, and his body flew forward like an arrow from a string.

On Brett's side, his opponents have also jumped up.


General Akainu was filled with rage.

These two guys actually dared to come to the door themselves.

Even just the two of them!

Don't take them seriously at all! It’s too arrogant!

The magma shot down from Akainu's back, and the reaction force coupled with the power brought by the moon step made Akainu fly upwards.

"Big fire!


A huge fist of magma came towards me.

"Ha ha."

Brett smiled.

If you want to play with fire, then play with fire.

"Fire Dragon Torch!"

Brett opened his mouth, and fire flowed from his mouth.

The dazzling golden flame covered his entire body almost instantly, and then expanded.

The blazing fire enveloped him. The flame was extremely viscous and looked like flowing magma. Brett seemed to be wearing a piece of flaming armor.

This is the ultimate move used by Kaido-sensei when fighting against the Straw Hat Junior.

As an esper with the same ability as Kaido, Bright can of course replicate this move effortlessly.

Brett slammed into the oncoming magma fist.

The front half of the burning bright yellow fire dragon's body was covered with a layer of darkness at this moment, and black lightning spread in all directions.

The viscous flames really have a form, so of course they can also be entangled with domineering energy.

The huge fist of magma was smashed into pieces in an instant, and even the magma was directly evaporated.

Even the magma cannot withstand the temperature of Fire Dragon Brett.



Akainu's eyes widened as the huge fire dragon falling from the sky crashed into him like a comet falling from the sky.



All Akainu could do was throw one final powerful punch.

The fist of magma hit the fire dragon's body without causing any ripples. Even if it was covered with domineering energy, Brett could not easily evaporate it, but at most it would make Brett feel a lot of pain in his forehead.

After all, Brett is more domineering!



Then, Akainu was knocked hard.

Powerful domineering, powerful impact, super high temperature, the three combined attacks directly made Akainu scream in agony.

Even though he is a user with advanced abilities of magma and burning fruit, it seems that he will be incinerated by Bright's flames at this time, and his whole person will be evaporated.


Kizaru, who was having a passionate encounter with Zefa in the sky, couldn't help but exclaimed.

Brett hit the water directly.

He was holding Akainu, who was wrapped in flames, and of course he could only be knocked headlong into the sea water.

"Hey! No way!"

Kizaru was really frightened this time.

Brett can ignore the sea water, but Sakaski can't.

If it really fell into the sea, the battle would be over.

"What a joke!"

However, Akainu is Akainu after all, and the strength of the Navy Headquarters Admiral is still guaranteed.

Even though he was burned in agony, he still roared angrily.

Then, the volcano erupted!

"Go back here!


Brett felt a strong resistance, causing his falling body to stop suddenly.

Then, relying on this power, Akainu shot downwards. Just as he was about to fall into the sea, magma erupted, and his body flew upwards diagonally.


Akainu gritted his teeth as he ejected backwards with difficulty and finally landed on the deck of a warship.

It's a bit funny to say that he, a rockberry fruit user, was covered in burns at this time.

The skin in many places was burned and ulcerated, and the flesh and blood were turning black.

"This bastard!


Akainu gritted his teeth.

"Give up resistance, General Akainu."

A fire dragon swam in the sky, "My ability is your superior."

"Stop talking nonsense to me!


Akainu shot up.

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