One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 302: The Great Recruitment

The negotiations finally came to fruition.

Mr. Zefa agreed to release the officers of major general and below together with the captured navy soldiers.

In exchange, the government will provide fifty demon-slaying order-level warships and supporting weapons and equipment, as well as gold worth 1.5 billion beli.

The neo navy can be considered a wave of fat this time.

Even their current manpower cannot fill the large fleet they are about to receive.

"Contact me after you have everything ready."

After leaving these last words, Mr. Zefa hung up the phone.

"Then we have to start recruiting troops."

Brett smiled.

With the support of the government and navy, the equipment is completely sufficient, but there are still too few people on Zefa's side.

Even though some people from the navy have been instigated to rebel, and even a few former disciples have been recruited, the manpower is still too low.

So far, the total number of neo navy is less than 5,000.

After the fifty demon-slaying order-level warships were in place, it was impossible to even launch them.

"This is no longer difficult."

Zefa smiled and said, "This battle has really made our name known. Many countries in the New World have already contacted us."

"They want to join the alliance I've formed just like the countries before them, and it should be easy to recruit a group of soldiers among them."


Brett nodded slightly.

We should really thank the World Government. This battle not only made Mr. Zefa famous, but also obtained a large ransom from the government.

Now, even if the franchise fees from the countries willing to join his command are not paid so quickly, it is still enough for Mr. Zefa to build a team.

"Anyway, be more careful in the future,"

Brett said seriously, "This time is just the beginning. After all, the navy is just the surface of the world government. They still have hidden power in their hands that can subvert everything."

"Of course I know."

Zefa nodded solemnly.

This is indeed an unprecedented victory, but it would be too naive to think that this can defeat the World Government.

To achieve final victory, it requires long-term and continuous efforts.

"Now that things here are over, I'll go back first."

Brett offered to say goodbye.

It has been several days since I left Fish-Man Island. Now the war here has ended, and all that is left is the final finishing stage.

Brett felt that he was of no use now, and the greatest help he could give Mr. Zefa was to return to Fish-Man Island to prevent the government from taking any rash action.


Zefa nodded, "I will also get my side on track as soon as possible."

"Be careful of the emperors," Bright warned, "especially Kaido. If you deal with him this time, he will never let it go."


When Brett said goodbye to Mr. Zefa, Mary Joa and the Five Old Stars also already knew the results of the negotiation.

"Damn Zefa, that bastard really didn't release Sakaski and the others so easily!"

The bearded five-old star cursed.

"If that guy chooses to compromise easily, then I'm worried that Sakaski and Kuzan have been instigated by him to rebel."

The blond Wulaoxing said solemnly, "It seems that it is impossible to rescue Sakaski and the others through negotiation."

This time, although a group of middle and low-level officers were rescued, tens of thousands of captured sailors were also brought back.

But all of them combined can't compare to either Sakaski or Kuzan.

Even the few lieutenant generals who have not been released are more important than them.

Strong people have such a status in this world.

"We have to think of another way."

The bearded Wulaoxing said, "We can only leave the pressure to the CP and let them find where Zefa is hiding and where Sakaski and Kuzan are imprisoned."

A large-scale frontal war can no longer be fought.

The Navy is seriously short of manpower, and its defense alone is already somewhat stretched.

Marshal Sengoku is stationed in Marineland, and hero Garp has to stay at G-1 base. These two bases are the gateways to defend Mariejoia, and no mistakes are allowed.

Therefore, Kizaru is the only one who can dispatch, and the navy can no longer use more power to attack Zefa and his neo navy.

Not to mention that even if you use your strength, you may not win.

Brett's existence puts tremendous pressure on the Navy and the World Government.

"I don't know how long it will take to wait for CP to succeed. We can't remain passive like this."

Wulaoxing, who was wearing a white robe and holding a sword, said loudly, "We have to find a way to expand the power of the navy!"

"What else can be done?"

The bearded Wu Laoxing said, "Recruit the Shichibukai?"

"No, this time we will not recruit the Shichibukai, but the navy!"

The sword-wielding Five Old Stars said, "There are so many vacant positions in the Navy, and eventually someone has to fill them!"

"Then just launch a big conscription around the world!"

"As long as they are strong enough and can maintain the most basic loyalty, then grant them appropriate naval positions!"

This extremely powerful speech shocked his colleagues.

"You mean, even a general..."

"It's best to recruit two generals! Otherwise, who will make up for the lack of strength due to Sakaski and Kuzan?"

The other five old stars were a little silent.

This would be too risky.

That is a naval admiral, the highest combat power of the world government! A high-ranking official in the true sense of the word!

If loyalty cannot be maintained, hastily awarding this position to others may have disastrous consequences.

"I think I can give it a try."

The bearded Wulaoxing said, "Peach Rabbit and Tea Dolphin are still lacking in strength and cannot shoulder the heavy responsibility of generals. So if we cannot rescue Sakaski and the others, will the general positions remain vacant?"

Although the navy in the previous era had only one general, Garp and Zefa were both equivalent to generals without the title of general.

This time it's different.

"so be it!"

The bearded Wulaoxing gritted his teeth and finally nodded heavily, "As of now, there is no better way!"

"Publish a recruitment notice to the whole world! As long as he is strong enough, the government can let him rise to the top in one step!


The Five Old Stars realized that this era has become gradually chaotic. If the government still wants to maintain its eight hundred years of rule, then they must make changes.

Not surprisingly, when this recruitment notice was published on the Internet, the whole world was shocked again.

One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

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