One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 316: Experiment to Control the Demon King

All eyes were focused on Uta.

Everyone is waiting for Uta's answer.

Needless to say, the red-haired pirates and Taizoro, the members of AllStars certainly don't want to miss one person in their team, and it is Uta who is crucial during the live broadcast.

After all, Princess Otohime was invincible live, but her voice during the broadcast did not have the same charm as Uta.

Only the red-haired Brett and Otohime had calm expressions. They were just waiting for Uta's answer quietly.

"It must be coming back to us, right?"

Lucky Lu said loudly, "Everyone misses you so much, so come back quickly, our princess!"

"That's right!"

The pirates of the red-haired pirate group laughed loudly, "Without Uta, I feel like something is missing every time I sing!"

"Hey, Captain, what are you saying?"

Sniper Jesus looked dissatisfied at their smiling captain, "Don't you want Uta to come back?"

Now that everything has been cleared up, there is no need to continue to let Uta wander outside.

"Green Gourd Sword Fairy"

The red-haired man smiled, and then he looked at Uta, "So, Uta, do you want to come back?"

"May I?"

Uta's eyes were shining, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was so touching.

"Of course!"

Jesus Bu couldn't wait to say, "There's always a place for you on the boat! You are the only musician on our boat!"

"Hey! That's too hurtful to say!"

Benk Punch, the current musician on the ship, could not help complaining, and Monkey Star, the monkey lying on his neck, screamed loudly.

Although I do think that their musical attainments are not as good as Uta's, I can't just ignore their existence.

Uta didn't pay attention to Jesus Bu's words. She just looked at the red hair quietly.


Lucky Lu pulled the captain's cloak hard, "Say something!"

The redhead smiled brightly and said, "There is always room for our musicians on the ship."


Little sister Uta lowered her head, her shoulders were shaking slightly, and no one could see her expression.

Then, she put her hands behind her back, raised her head, and her bright smile caught everyone's eyes,

"Since five years ago, I have been waiting for this moment every day, waiting to return to the Redfors, return to Shanks and everyone, and adventure with everyone!"

"Now I finally have the time to wait!"

Tezoro sighed when he heard this.

Although I had expected this for a long time, when I actually heard Uta say this, I was still very disappointed.

"There's no need to be disappointed."

Brett smiled.


Tezoro was stunned.


"I have really been waiting for this day for a long time,"

Uta sighed, and then she smiled playfully, "But, I refuse!"


Lucky Lu's eyes widened, and the chicken drumstick in his hand suddenly lost its aroma, "Why? Uta!"

"Yes, why? Uta!"

Jesus Bu was also puzzled and asked quickly, "Wouldn't it be great to come back and take adventures with everyone like before?"

"I really want to have adventures with everyone like in the past!"

Uta said seriously, "Let's go see all kinds of scenery in the world and get to know all kinds of interesting people!"

"But, not now!"

She looked at the redhead, "Shanks! I told you a long time ago, my dream! I want to be the world's number one singer!"

"I remember it very clearly."

The redhead smiled and nodded.

"If I leave with everyone, I will have a great time, but in that case I will be further and further away from my dream!"

"Clear it up for me, you stupid uncles!"

The little girl put her hands on her hips and said angrily, "I want my singing to be popular all over the world, and I don't just want to sing for you!"

"That's too much, Uta..."

Lucky Lu said in frustration, "Sure enough, she was cuter when she was a child."

"Why is this happening!"

Jesus Bu even collapsed and covered his head with his hands and shouted, "I will go crazy if I can't hear Uta's singing anymore. How can there be no musicians on the ship!"

"Hey! So I said everything!"

Musician Benk Punch said with a dark face, "You bastards, don't go too far!"

Although he also likes Uta very much, he can't even be expelled from existence!

"Shut up, you idiots!"

At this time, Vice Captain Beckman stood up and scolded the screaming crew members. He smiled and said, "Isn't this great? Our little princess has grown up."

Only children will always cling to their parents. When they grow up, they should go out on their own.


Uta sniffed.

She grew up in the red-haired pirates.

Shanks is her father. He is always reliable at critical moments, but usually he is always joking and careless.

Beckman is like a mother, always so attentive and considerate.

"That's it."

The red-haired man also smiled and said, "I understand, then just go ahead and do what you want to do, Uta, and become the world's number one singer!"


Uta nodded heavily, "When that day comes, Shanks will come pick me up again!"

"Then it's an appointment?"

"Well, we've made an appointment!"

The father and daughter looked at each other and smiled.

Tezuolo also smiled in relief.

Fortunately, okay, Uta stayed.

"Then, Tezoro, I have to ask you for the next step!"

The redhead bowed slightly towards Tezolo.

Taizolo waved his hands repeatedly, "No need, no need, this is what I'm looking forward to!"

"No need to despair, fools,"

The red-haired man looked back and smiled at his frustrated companions, "Now just look forward to Uta's performance!"

"That's right! Come on, Uta, if you do, you will soon become the number one singer in the world!"

Lucky Lu's mood suddenly became high again.

Jesus Bu even put his arms around him, "We will always support you from now on!"

The banquet continued.

The red hair chatted with Princess Otohime, and the two were exchanging some interesting things about Uta's daily life.

Unconsciously, he mentioned some embarrassing things, causing little sister Uta to protest loudly.

When the banquet was about to end, Apu thought of something and suddenly said, "By the way, if Uta sings that song again now, will he still summon that monster?"

The originally high atmosphere was now suffocated.

Brett rolled his eyes, is now the time to talk about this? What a guy who can't read the atmosphere.

"This is indeed a problem."

Tezolo also nodded, "Uta should have memorized the music score by now, right?"

Uta nodded, she was no longer the same person she was when she was a child.

"Then wouldn't it be dangerous if you accidentally hum it?!"

Taizolo said, "In this case, it's better to try to control him. In the end, it's just a product of the fruit's ability, isn't it?"


Brett nodded, this was what he expected from the beginning, "Then let's try it again while we are still here."

In this situation, even if the Demon King is summoned again, he won't be able to cause any trouble.

"What do you think? Shanks?" Brett asked.

Shanks was silent for a moment, then he nodded slightly.

"You can give it a try."

"I see."

Uta took a deep breath, "Then let's give it a try!"

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