One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 321 Prince Loki loves but cannot get it

Laura was completely stunned now.

Does her mother mean for her to marry the man in front of her?

It’s impossible, the body shapes are too different!

This Prince Loki is more than ten times her size.

How is it possible to marry him?

Laura looked at the bouquet of flowers handed to her by Prince Loki with a dazed expression.

Brett already sighed slightly.

It seems that even Prince Loki's love affair in this world line can only end miserably in the end.

"Hey, Laura,"

Miss Laura's hesitation made her mother very dissatisfied. Charlotte Lingling frowned and said, "I have never taught you to be so rude."

"Oh, ok, ok mom!"

Laura’s body trembled, as if she was waking up from a dream.

Yes, her own will is not the key now.

She quickly took the bouquet of flowers from Prince Loki's hand.

She could only hug her with both hands, after all, the bouquet of flowers was as big as her own.


Laura's face was completely covered by the bouquet of flowers. Prince Loki couldn't even see her appearance. He could only hear her voice, "I like it very much."

Although the voice sounded a bit buzzing, Prince Loki didn't pay much attention to it. He just said happily, "As long as you like it, these are the flowers I got up early to pick for you!"

Brett shook his head slightly.

Now that you have realized that you can please the girl first, why not think carefully about whether this bouquet of flowers is suitable?

"Mom, mom, isn't this great?"

Charlotte Lingling laughed, "It seems they will get along very happily in the future!"

His Majesty the Giant King twitched the corner of his mouth. He looked at his silly son and then at Laura.

With a slight snort, the Giant King said to his silly son, "Then take the little girl to visit the city and show her a good look at our country."

Prince Loki looked at his old father in surprise, then looked down at Laura, "Can you?"


Charlotte Lingling laughed and said, "You are going to get married in the future, so let's cultivate your relationship now."

With the consent of both parents, Prince Loki gained some confidence. He carefully lowered his body and said to Laura, "Then, Miss Laura, would you like to go shopping with me?"

Laura was silent for a moment, and then said, "Of course, of course."

"Very good!"

Prince Loki beamed with joy, "Then please come with me and let me lead you!"

Laura left with him.

"Let young people handle matters among themselves,"

The Giant King chuckled, then looked down at Brett, "As for us, Brett, are we ready?"

Brett smiled and said, "Any time."


The Giant King laughed loudly, "I have been looking forward to this day for a long time!"

“I have become stronger than last time, you guy, don’t take it lightly!


The battle is about to begin.

"Oh? Do you want to fight?"

Charlotte Lingling's eyes lit up, this might be a good opportunity.

"Then can you let me also participate?"


The Giant King looked at Charlotte Lingling up and down, and then sneered, "I am only willing to fight against stronger guys!"

"Is that so?"

Charlotte Lingling's smile became a little stiff.

Is this bastard looking down on himself?

Does he think Brett is stronger than him?

But now was not the time to fall out. Charlotte Lingling didn't say anything after all, but calmly followed Brett and the two to the fighting venue.

Brett stood opposite the Giant King, who had already taken out his huge weapon.


The king of the giant clan said loudly, "I didn't know that you were an ability user the last time we fought!"

"Don't hold back this time! Give me your best shot!"

"That's it."

Brett nodded, "Then I won't be polite."

His body was elongating, and the fiery red dragon was already floating in the sky in an instant.


How amazing! "

The Giant King looked up at Bright floating in the sky and exclaimed, "This kind of power can be seen with the naked eye!"

Charlotte Lingling's expression became a little weird.

After all, she was the one who personally gave Kaido the fruit in the form of the blue dragon, the animal-type fish fruit, and the phantom beast type.

"Be prepared for failure, Your Majesty."

Brett's voice spread loudly in the sky.

"Hahahaha! Stop looking down on others, Brett!"

The Giant King clenched the weapon in his hand and laughed excitedly, "You won't know who wins until you fight!"

Brett grinned, "Hot breath!


The blazing flames came down, and the battle began.

While the battle here was starting in full swing, on the other side, Prince Loki and Lola, who were on a blind date, were also wandering around in the royal city of the Giant Kingdom.

The last time they met, Prince Loki, who behaved quite generously in front of Brett, was very reserved at this time.

He couldn’t even speak clearly in front of Laura, and he was a little stammering.

It can be seen that he really likes this girl.

But Laura's attitude was much colder. Basically, she would only reply when Prince Loki said something.

The so-called love is like this. No matter how much one party pays, if the other party doesn't feel it, it will be in vain after all.

Gradually, Prince Loki realized that compared to his enthusiasm, Miss Laura seemed a little too cold? Did she have no expectations for this blind date?

Therefore, the somewhat disappointed Prince Loki finally suggested that he should stop shopping and go back first.

Laura readily agreed.

The two returned to the palace of the giants together, and happened to see the giant king with a bruised nose and face loudly praising Brett's power.

"Hahahaha, it's just like a joke, you are too strong!"

Although his body was covered with traces of trauma, His Majesty the Giant King didn't care at all, and even had a bright smile on his face.

So Loki knew that the battle his father had been looking forward to for a long time ended in failure.

"It's nothing. Your Majesty the King, your strength is also extraordinary."

Brett acted very modestly, and then he turned to look at Loki and the two, "So, Prince Loki, have you properly taken Miss Laura around the city?"

Prince Loki looked a little depressed and depressed, but he still forced a happy smile and said, "Not bad."

Although he has tried very hard to hide it, which one of everyone present is the fool?

The Giant King shook his head helplessly.

As for Charlotte Lingling, her expression had become very gloomy.

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