One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 330 Traveling with Bai Xing

Bai Xing is a very good child.

Of course there is no doubt about this.

Kind, sincere, and even his timid character has improved due to going to school in the past few years, and he has almost all the qualities that a good child should have.

Any parent would feel very happy if they had such a child.

But not Shirahoshi.

As Neptune, Shirahoshi cannot just do this.


The little princess of Fishman Island blinked her eyes in confusion. She said in confusion, "Brother Brett, do you want me to control the Sea Kings to fight?"

"Although it's shameful, it should also be very difficult for you,"

In the palace of Ryugu City, Brett said to the little princess solemnly, "But Shirahoshi, your power is absolutely indispensable!"

If you want to defeat the World Government, then the power of Aquaman will of course be an indispensable key part.


Neptune sitting aside was a little confused. Bai Xing was only nine years old now. Is it too early to tell her this now?

Brett knew what Neptune was thinking, but he wanted to say that it was already late.

The world has been completely changed beyond recognition because of his arrival, and it is no longer possible to use the original comic plot to speculate on the future development of the world.

Brett can guarantee that as long as the government can seize the opportunity, the final decisive battle will break out immediately.

Although I feel sorry for Bai Xing to say this, under current circumstances, there is not much time left for her to grow up.

"But why war?"

Little Princess Bai Xing was puzzled, "Why don't we all get along well together?"

A nine-year-old child doesn't know anything anymore.

Bai Xing had read in the textbook that the so-called war meant killing each other.

That is, many people will lose their lives.

A kind child doesn't want to see something like this happen.

"Mom said that as long as the people at sea understand our Fish-Man Island, they will be able to live in peace with us!"

Her Royal Highness the Princess said swornly.

That's why I say that the little princess not only inherited Princess Otohime's knowledge and appearance, but also inherited Otohime's beliefs in terms of personality.

Although many years have passed, Princess Otohime has never given up on her dream.

Rather, if she gave up so easily, she wouldn't be Princess Otohime.

She also hopes that fish people and humans will understand each other and bring peace.

The reason why I participated in the audition and now I am the lead singer of All Stars is because of this.

She hopes that she can become a benchmark so that humans can better understand the fish-men and fish-men and the fish-man island.

And now this kind of thinking also makes the little princess who has mastered the power of the Sea King have the same idea as her.

This was the most frustrating thing for Brett.

Neptune was also helpless about this.

In fact Otohime doesn't go out of her way to pass on her beliefs to her children.

But as a mother who is loved by her children, of course the children will inevitably take on her color.

"If the world is really that simple, then of course I don't want to spend a lot of time,"

Brett sighed and looked at the ignorant little princess, "But unfortunately, this world is not as beautiful as you imagined, Princess White Star."


Brett turned around and said, he looked at you wrong, his expression and tone were very solemn.

"Huh? What?"

Neptune was a little confused.

"I want to take Bai Xing out for a trip." Brett said.

"Get out? No problem,"

King Neptune nodded clearly, "Where are you going? Fishman Street or somewhere else?"


Brett shook his head, and then he said seriously, "I want to take her to the new world."

"Oh, it's the new world——"

Neptune's calm expression suddenly froze, and then his eyes almost flew out of his sockets, "Britt! You said the new world! Are you serious!"

That's a new world!

There is no such thing as the most chaotic sea area in the world.

Even if Brett is one of the strongest people in the world, even Neptune believes that there is no need to add this one to the list.

But Bai Xing is only nine years old, she is still a child.

He doesn't understand anything, has no ability to protect himself, and is no different from other ordinary children except for his huge size——

Well, there is a difference.

Shirahoshi can now also use the Haki of Observation and Color, and has awakened the ability to summon the Neptunes.

But after all, she is just a child. Wouldn't it be too dangerous to take her to the new world now?

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Brett turned back and met the eyes of the still confused little princess, "I want to take Bai Xing to see the real world."

"So, King Neptune finally agreed to you?"

At the Mermaid Cafe, Boss Xia Li was lazily writing and drawing on paper and asked without raising her head.

"It took me a lot of time and effort."

Brett smiled, "But it's okay, the result is good."

"But is that really a good thing?"

Charlie put down the pen in her hand and raised her head to look at Brett, "When you were nine years old, you still had a runny nose and were running all over the streets of Fishman Street. You wanted to stuff it when you saw anything that looked like food. Put it in your mouth and taste it.”

"Don't let me think about this kind of thing again."

Brett waved his hand. This kind of memory was a bit too cruel for a reborn person.

Then he sighed, "I know that children should do what children should do. Bai Xing should have grown up happily with his friends."

Brett has always disliked those so-called sensible, precocious children.

It would be nice for children to act like children.

"But now I'm afraid we don't have much time left."

With himself as a variable, the problem the government is facing now may be more serious than when the Straw Hat junior defeated Kaido two years later in the original work.

So what will they do?

Will Lord Yin Mu's action of extinguishing the lights be delayed until then?

Although I am very sorry for Her Royal Highness, but now that her ability has been awakened, there is no reason to continue to hesitate.

"If there's anything you want to do, just do it, Brett."

A hand was placed on Brett's hand. It was a little cold, but very soft.

Brett raised his head and met Charlie's eyes, "After all, I have already made a prophecy, right?"


Charlie had already predicted it.

All actions will only lead to a bright future.

"makes sense."

Then, let’s take Princess Shirahoshi out for a spin.

"By the way, let Nana go with us."

The little princess is a girl after all.

"Nana? She will definitely be very happy."

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