One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 343: Shirahoshi’s Awakening, People Who Attack

Bai Xing didn't understand.

Why even though the leaders of both sides have decided to reconcile, the people below are unwilling to agree.

"It's a very simple question, kid."

Brett said with a smile, "Human beings are very simple creatures, and they often only act for their own benefit."

"Of course we cannot deny that among them there are outstanding figures who abandon personal interests and strive for greater goals."

"But for the vast majority of people, they have only one motive, and that is for profit. Who would be willing to do something that does not benefit them at all?"

Bai Xing blinked blankly, somewhat confused.

"I understand!"

Nana raised her right hand happily, "Brother Brett, you are saying that this war can benefit these guys, so they are unwilling to stop, right?"

"smart kid."

Brett glanced at Nana approvingly, "The more important reason is that when many people benefit from the same thing, they have formed a group."

"At this time, if someone wants to betray this group and do something that harms the interests of everyone, then of course they will be attacked by everyone."

They want to be kings not because they have the bloodline to be kings by birth, but because everyone admits that they are willing to regard them as kings.

This is essentially a contract.

When the king can satisfy the interests of the powerful people in the country, then he is the king. When he cannot, he can only be abandoned.

"So, now you understand, Shirahoshi,"

Brett said, "When it goes against their common interests, even their closest partners will suffer misfortune. In this case, do you still think they can understand each other and live in peace?"

The little princess fell silent.

Brett rubbed the little princess's head and said softly, "I don't want you to be unable to trust humans. There are also many good people among humans, many amazing guys who are even willing to abandon their own interests for the sake of justice!"

"We can't hope that everyone is willing to give up their own interests and be great people, right? For more people, they will only fight for their own interests."

Unfortunately, the rise of Fishman Island has harmed the interests of many people.

Even many people here are the ones who truly lead the progress of this world.

The little princess was stunned.

His little mind was already lost in thoughts.

Along the way, she saw many humans she had never seen before.

Good, evil, upright, despicable.

Mom always said that all humans should not be regarded as enemies.

Brother Brett said that we cannot treat all humans as friends.

Is this the truth? Because there are good people and bad people among humans.

No, it’s not a simple division of good guys and bad guys.

It should be like Brother Brett said, people who take different actions for different interests...

How can such people understand each other and live in peace?

"Brother Brett, I don't understand..."

The little princess only felt that her mind was in a mess, and she looked at Brett with a sad face.

"No need to worry so much,"

Brett smiled and said, "Fighting for your own interests is not a bad thing, right?"

"Just like I am willing to fight for Fish-Man Island, because Fish-Man Island is my hometown, the place where I grew up, and protecting this island is my interest. Doesn't Shirahoshi not want to protect Fish-Man Island?"


Nana also nodded repeatedly, "I want to protect my mother, my sisters, and Brother Brett. This is my interest, right?"

Want to protect me?

Brett chuckled, then you have to keep working hard, Nana.

"However, if you want to harm innocent people for your own benefit, this is something that cannot be allowed, right?" Brett said.


The little princess nodded heavily.

How can you hurt innocent people because of your own affairs?

"So when we encounter a guy like this who wants to invade us, what we have to do is to fight back mercilessly."

Brett said with a smile, "The fundamental interests of both parties are in conflict, so how to reconcile them? All we can do is to eliminate him."

The little princess pursed her lips.

wipe out.

Such words are a bit too cruel for her.

"Oh! I finally understand!"

Nana looked as if she had just woken up from a dream. She winked and said to Brett, "Brother Brett, you have spent so much effort just to make Bai Xing understand that not everyone can understand each other. Sometimes You have to use force, right?”

Brett smiled. He wasn't exactly a fool.

"So Bai Xing, what do you think?"

Brett looked at the little princess.

"...I, I understand."

The little princess nodded slightly hesitantly.

The experience of this country today indeed made her feel a lot.

Brett did teach her a truth, even people can't understand each other, let alone humans and mermaids.

"Okay, okay, we all understand the truth,"

Nana said anxiously, "What I'm more concerned about now is, how can Brother Brett stop the war in this country?"

"It's a simple thing."

Brett smiled and turned to look at the pale leaders of the two forces.


Nana looked a little suspicious.

"Like, that's all it takes."

Brett cleared his throat, and then he said, "If I find out that you are still continuing the war in the future, then I will wipe out all the ruling classes on both sides."

His tone was very low, not like he was joking at all.

The bodies of the leaders of both forces were trembling at the same time.




They nodded simultaneously.

Bai Xing's mouth opened slightly.

This is also serious and there is no intention of lying at all.

"Is this enough?"

Nana blinked.

"It's that simple."

Brett smiled, "Although the conflict of interests between them cannot be adjusted, if there is a strong external force, it is not impossible to forcibly help them eliminate the conflict."

I am this powerful external force.

For these guys, there is no limit to how strong they can be.

If nothing else, these guys probably won't have the guts to continue the war after this.

Although it is only treating the symptoms and not the root cause, there is not much time to waste here now.

"Then, let's go back."

Brett said.

But Brett had just flown into the sky with his two children and was about to return to the sea.


He turned his head.

A cloud in the distant sky is approaching rapidly.

There is a familiar atmosphere among the clouds.

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