One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 350 Katakuri decides to take action

What you need to get to the final island are four road signs and historical texts.

Only by finding these four red historical texts can we find the location of the final island.

But of course, stones alone are not enough.

The characters carved on the stone are ancient characters that have been lost in this era.

It is not easy to decipher them.

Brett had already obtained a rubbing of a road sign in Zuowu, and earlier when he went to Wano Country, he had obtained the piece from Kaido's hand.

In addition, there is a rubbing of the historical text of the road sign that originally existed on Fish-Man Island and was secretly collected by the Ryugu City government.

Brett now has three targets in his hands.

The last thing left was the piece in Charlotte Lingling's hand.

To be honest, this isn't anything too difficult.

Now the Charlotte family is no longer an insurmountable barrier for Brett.

Several years have passed, and Brett is no longer the same Brett who was worried about Charlotte Lingling's tea party invitation, and worked hard just to prevent Charlotte Lingling from attacking Fish-Man Island.

With the power now in hand, it is not difficult to defeat the Charlotte family, or defeat Charlotte Lingling.

But the stone alone was not enough. Brett also needed someone to translate the words on the stone for him.

Fortunately, this is not a difficult thing for Brett.

Although the world government has been vigorously hunting down all the scholars who understand ancient writing and explore the blanks of eight hundred years ago, there are almost no people in the world who understand ancient writing.

But as far as Brett knew, he could find at least two people who could translate the historical text for him.

One is the former general of Wano who is still playing the role of Tengu in Wano, Kozuki Sukiyaki, the old father of Kozuki Oden.

Although the old man was a waste, he became disheartened after Kozuki Oden was killed and hid himself from worldly affairs, but after all, the ancient writings passed down by the Kozuki family should not be forgotten.

In addition to these guys, the other remaining person is of course the only survivor of O'Hara, the former country of scholars, and a member of the protagonist group in the original work, Nicole Robin.

Speaking of which, it seems that this woman entered the Grand Line from the Western Sea this year.

Then shortly afterwards he was invited by Crocodile to join the Baroque Studio.

So people interpreting road signs need not worry.

Let’s find a way to get the last stone first.

As long as we can reach the final island, we can figure out the trump card in the government's hand.

More importantly, the reason why the government wants to hide it for a hundred years is because something must have happened during this period that the government is extremely afraid of being exposed. Once exposed, it will definitely cause damage to the government's reputation. Huge blow.

So, should we take advantage of the current opportunity of Kaido and Red Hair to fight against the Charlotte family?

This is indeed the best opportunity.

After all, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling have now sided with the World Government, and they are in the same boat in fighting against themselves.

However, if the noise is too big, the government will definitely notice it, and in that case, it may directly evolve into the final decisive battle.

It doesn't seem very rational to start a war with the government before the two Hades are obtained.

So, how about getting the last stone through Katakuri first?

Brett thought so.

Anyway, let’s go to the Final Island to take a look.

At least we must first understand what kind of power the government has in its hands, and have a good idea of ​​its opponents.

Brett took out his phone and called Katakuri.

If you want to get the last stone, you don't have to have a showdown with Charlotte Lingling. You just need to ask a good friend to get it.

His good friend Katakuri is only interested in protecting his brothers and sisters, and has no interest in the position of the Pirate King. He will not begrudge the stone.

The call is connected.


Katakuri's voice was as calm as ever, "Is it about the war between Kaido and Red Hair? Then your call came at the right time."


Brett raised his eyebrows, "So, your mother is also planning to get involved?"

"The battle between Kaido and Red Hair is very exciting,"

Katakuri said, "The Beasts Pirates alone can no longer defeat the Red Hair Pirates. Just before, he contacted his mother and wanted to cooperate with her to deal with the Red Hair."

"Kaido said that Red Hair is a member of the Pirate King's crew. He knows the location of the Final Island. If he can be caught, then there will be no need to work hard to collect stones. Mom is tempted."

"Is that so?"

Brett sighed.

I still underestimated Kaido's lower limit.

This man is indeed pursuing a fair one-on-one battle, but he is not resistant to using some means.

What I probably want to do is to strategically calculate the red-haired pirates, and then let him end it in a one-on-one duel with the red-haired pirates.


Katakuri said, "Will you take action?"

"Shanks is my friend, so I can't just sit back and watch."

Brett didn't hide anything and said straightforwardly.

Shanks is indeed very powerful, but there is absolutely no way he can be a match for Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.

Just like what I told Tezolo before, I have to intervene.

I just didn't expect it to come so quickly.

Was Kaido anxious after seeing the redhead being called the new emperor?

"If that's the case, then, Brett,"

Katakuri's voice lowered, and he said in a deep voice, "We can start taking action."


Brett sat up straight and asked hurriedly, "Katakuri, what do you mean?"

\u0026quot;The time has come,\u0026quot;

Katakuri said, "The time has come to overthrow mother's rule."

Brett was slightly startled, and then his eyebrows relaxed, "Is that so?"

Now that Katakuri has decided to take action, it means that he feels that he has enough strength to protect the family even after breaking away from Charlotte Lingling, right?

This is really the best news.

"Katakuri, are you sure?"

Brett said seriously, "Once you start taking action, there is no way to go back."

"I never thought I would regret it."

The location was a corner of Ten Thousand Kingdoms. Katakuri, who hid himself in the darkness, said calmly, "Anyway, I will contact my brothers and sisters next, and then find the best one in the next war." Chance."

"All right,"

Brett's voice came from the phone in his hand, "I will cooperate with you."

"That's it."

Katakuri hung up the phone.


He breathed a slow sigh of relief. Although he had already made his decision, he still felt tremendous pressure when he was really ready to take action.

There was another reason why Katakuri was willing to rebel against his mother.

He felt that if he continued to fight with Brett, the Charlotte family would suffer great misfortune.

That guy Brett is a monster in the true sense of the word.

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