One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 357 Katakuri’s Power

The expression on Katakuri's face was very calm.

Even though he personally declared at this time that he would betray his mother and the leader of the Charlotte family, the monster who was called the Pirate Emperor in awe, Charlotte Lingling.


Even at this juncture, even though the current situation was very unfavorable for them, Kaido couldn't help but laugh.

"I have really taught a group of good children. Now I feel balanced in my heart."

Kaido's tone was full of sarcasm.

After all, it was only his daughter who was rebellious before, and the rest, whether they were the sons recognized by Whitebeard or the children born to Charlotte Lingling, were all very obedient.

"It looks like it's good news for us."

Hawkeye held up the big knife and said calmly.

Since Katakuri and his brothers and sisters are not here to help Charlotte Lingling, it is of course good news for them.

"That seems to be the case."

The redhead chuckled softly.

Hawkeye noticed something was wrong, why didn't this bastard look surprised?

Charlotte Lingling's children would betray her. Surely this is not something that can be guessed casually, right?

"Redhead, you guy-" Hawkeye raised his eyebrows,

Could it be that you knew about this a long time ago?


The red-haired man just smiled and did not answer directly.

At this time, except for Hawkeye, no one paid attention to his reaction. Charlotte Lingling's face was already livid, veins burst out on her forehead, and she clenched her teeth so hard that the fat on her face was shaking.

She looked as ferocious as a ferocious witch in a fairy tale.

"Katakuri, what are you talking about? Did I hear you wrong? Tell me again!"

"Mom, I'm sorry, but your time to rule the family has come to an end."

So Katakuri said, "Next, I will protect all my brothers and sisters."

"You bastard!

Charlotte Lingling roared immediately. Her domineering energy, which had been exhausted, seemed to be restored due to her anger. Her violent energy instantly turned into a hurricane, heading directly towards Katakuri and her brothers and sisters. They swept away.

Katakuri took a step forward and waved the trident in his hand casually. The red light in his eyes flashed, and the same amazing energy surged.

Two powerful momentums collided in the air, and as the black lightning jumped, the ground was directly shattered, and a large number of stones and soil flew into the air as if they had lost gravity.

"Oh! What an amazing domineering color!"

The red-haired man couldn't help but his eyes lit up and he said in admiration, "Sure enough, Katakuri is a very powerful man!"

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Hawkeye nodded with the same deep understanding, "This level of domineering beauty is not something ordinary people can possess."

Overlord-colored Haki is different from Armed-colored Haki and Wisdom-colored Haki. This is an ability that cannot be made stronger through subjective practice. It can only become stronger as the user becomes stronger.

In other words, the more powerful a guy is, the more powerful his overlord color will be.

Different from the overlord color entanglement using skills, this simple collision of the two overlord colors is the best way to see the difference between strength and weakness.

At least from now on, Katakuri's courage is not inferior to Charlotte Lingling.


Charlotte Lingling quickly restrained her domineering look. After all, she had suffered too much damage in the previous battle. She said sternly,

"Okay, you bastard, do you think you can sneak in and knock me over with just a little strength?"

She looked at the sons and daughters following Katakuri, "Assholes, if you change your mind now, then I can barely consider forgiving you!"


Charlotte Lingling's response was only silence. Those children who were originally respectful in front of her and did not dare to show any resistance to any of her orders were all silent at this time without exception.

"No more testing with words, Mom,"

Katakuri said, "There is only one reason why everyone will follow me here, and that is to usher in a new dawn for the family."

“Dawn? Mom, mom!

Charlotte Lingling suddenly laughed loudly, "Really? You compare me to the dark night hanging over the family! Then don't blame me for being rude!"

Her eyes suddenly sharpened, "Give me your soul!

screamed the strongest woman in the world.

The lasting soul fruit of Charlotte Lingling can not only give souls, but also take away souls.

As long as there is any timidity towards her, Charlotte Lingling can capture the other person's soul in an instant.

The leaders of the Charlotte family were very aware of her abilities, and their expressions could not help but change slightly.

How could he overcome his fear of her in such a short period of time after surviving in his mother's shadow for decades?


"That's so naive, Mom."

Katakuri's expression remained unchanged. Since he had decided to betray his mother, of course he had already planned for this kind of thing.

Then Charlotte Lingling saw his sons and daughters taking out earplugs from their pockets and stuffing them into their ears.

As long as her soul incantation cannot be heard, the ability is useless.

Although you can't mute her, you just need to put on earplugs, right?


Charlotte Lingling's teeth were almost broken.

These bastards are really well prepared, so her abilities won't work.

"I have no intention of getting involved in your fight."

Katakuri looked around the battlefield, focusing on Kaido and the red-haired man. He said, "I just want to resolve the matter between us and my mother. I hope you won't interfere with me."

"Of course there is no problem at all on my side."

The red-haired man laughed and said, "It's better to say that you helped me share a big trouble, and I'm very grateful to you. Are you interested in having a drink after the battle is over?"

"Uh-huh-huh, Lingling, it seems like she's being looked down upon."

Kaido laughed loudly, "Does your good son think he's got you?"


Roaring angrily, Charlotte Lingling's anger finally couldn't be suppressed.

The red-haired Hawkeye and the secret treasure of the final island were completely forgotten at this time.

Charlotte Lingling just wanted her good son to pay the price.

Even though she was very weak, when Charlotte Lingling exploded with physical strength under the surge of anger, her fat body was still as fast as lightning.

Just the next moment, the huge long knife had already crashed towards Katakuri.



Dark lightning suddenly jumped on Katakuri's trident.


When Charlotte Lingling's expression changed, the trident had already stabbed towards her.

"Nutuan stabs!


Along with the violent sound, the broadsword flew in the air.

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