One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 359: An unexpected start but a tail end

In this case, the situation would be a bit bad!

Kaido knocked back the red-haired man with a hard blow, and then he turned to look at Charlotte Lingling who was lying next to Katakuri's feet and couldn't help but grit his teeth secretly.

Lingling, you idiot, why did you fail so easily!

You really left me such a big mess!

Even if your bastard son will not participate in the subsequent battle, how can I defeat these two bastards Red Hair and Hawkeye alone!

Although Kaido thinks highly of himself, he does not think that he can defeat two masters of the same level by himself.

So what should you do now?

Kaido fell silent.

"Oh! That's amazing. Did you win so quickly?"

The redhead laughed, "That's amazing, Katakuri!"

Although Charlotte Lingling was indeed exhausted, it was not easy to take her down so easily.

Even a tired monster is still a monster!

"In this case, the situation now has been completely reversed."

An interesting smile appeared on the corner of Hawkeye's mouth, and he looked at Kaido, "So, what will be the next development?"

"damn it!"

Kaido gritted his teeth.


He suddenly shouted, looking at Charlotte Lingling not far away, "Don't blame me for being unloyal!"

After shouting like this, the clouds spread out from his body, rolled up his body, and flew into the sky in an instant, heading towards the distant coast.

"Bastard boy!

Charlotte Lingling, who was very weak because of the Sea Tower Stone, looked at Kaido flying high into the sky and cursed.

It was obviously you bastard who asked me to help, but now that I am in trouble, you ran away without hesitation!

"Eh? Did you run away?"

The red-haired man blinked, "I thought Kaido would fight us to the end based on his character."

"This guy is not a fool. There is no need to continue fighting with no chance of winning."

Hawkeye scoffed.

Different from the arrogant and rough image rumored at sea, the real Kaido is much more cunning.

If you choose to continue fighting, you will definitely lose.

It would be better to keep the green hills and not worry about running out of firewood.

Kaido quickly escaped from the battlefield and flew to the coast.

"Mr. Kaido, what on earth is going on? What was that overbearing look just now!?"

The Beast Pirates, who were also exhausted and had separated from the red-haired pirates into two wary sides, immediately flapped their wings and flew up to ask loudly.

The sudden appearance of the powerful Overlord just now really startled him.

After all, that domineering streak started a conflict with Charlotte Lingling, and Charlotte Lingling was their ally.

"gone back."

Without saying a word, Kaido released the clouds, rolled up all his subordinates, and then flew into the sky with them.

"So, the final result is failure?"

Doflamingo said tiredly.

"The boy from Katakuri betrayed Lingling and appeared as a key force to change the battlefield when everyone was exhausted," Kaido said.

"Is that so?"

What else could Doflamingo say? He could only sigh helplessly, "No one could have expected that such a situation would happen."

"It's going to be really lively now. Two new emperors have appeared in one go!"

"This is the so-called new era!"

The members of the red-haired pirates didn't react at all, they just watched quietly as the beasts pirates left.

"Anyway, it's over now, right?"

Jesus collapsed on the ground with his limbs spread out, "Ah, I didn't expect that I could persist in such a fierce battle!"

"After this, no one will dare to trouble us."

Beckman forced himself to sit on the beach, lit a cigarette for himself, and started puffing away.

This time it was Kaido and Charlotte Lingling who were repelled by them.

After this time, no one will be able to question their title of Pirate Emperor.

Then there will be very few people in this world who dare to have any thoughts towards them.

"How's it going Captain?"

Lackey Lu asked, who also collapsed on the ground.

"Who knows,"

Beckman slowly blew out a smoke ring, "Probably chatting happily."

The center of the island.

"Hahaha, no matter what, I really want to thank you for your help this time, Katakuri."

The red-haired man lay on the ground without any disguise, looking up at the sky with a smile.

Beside him, Hawkeye was sitting cross-legged, paying attention to his appearance.

"No need, maybe I should say thank you to you."

Katakuri maintained his awakening and used rice cakes to catch Charlotte Lingling, "Without you, it would not be easy for me to achieve my goal."

If the previous fierce battle had not weakened my mother, then I would never have been able to defeat her head-on.

Katakuri knew this very well.

Even if he has mastered the technique of domineering color entanglement, his mother can also master this technique and is extremely skilled.

How could he win over his mother when his basic qualities were overwhelmingly unfavorable?

At most, he could barely maintain an undefeated situation with his mother by relying on his knowledge of the future.

"Hahahaha, then we can help each other."

The red-haired man laughed boldly, "So, Katakuri, do you want to come to the banquet?"


Katakuri shook his head, "The news of this battle will probably spread to the sea soon. I have to return to Ten Thousand Kingdoms to maintain the situation."

"That's it."

The red-haired man sat up and nodded with a smile, "Then let's do it next time. Anyway, we are already friends, right?"

Katakuri smiled, then turned and left with his brothers and sisters.

"Ah! It's finally over!"

The red-haired person stretched, "We have to hold the grandest banquet to celebrate! Mihawk, you shouldn't be in a hurry to leave."

The corner of Hawkeye's mouth curled up slightly, "It would not be bad to end a hearty battle with a banquet."

"If there is a banquet, can I also participate?"

Laughter came from one side.

Red Hair and Hawkeye turned to look at the same time, and saw a certain guy falling slowly from the sky.

Hawkeye suddenly widened his eyes, his eyes full of surprise.


The red-haired man's eyes lit up, and he said with the same surprise, "Britt! You are here!"

"Of course, even though I can't appear directly on the battlefield, of course I don't want to miss this exciting battle."

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