One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 363 The target is Nicole Robin

Brett left All Nations and returned to Fishman Island. After Katakuri handed him the rubbings of the final target, the historical text, he had already collected the four road signs.

Next, he only needs to find someone who can help him translate ancient texts, and then he can obtain the location of the final island, so that he can find the legendary secret treasure and become the new Pirate King.

Oh no.

Let’s forget about One Piece and all that.

Junior Brother Straw Hat said that One Piece is the freest person in the world, but what Brett desires is not individual freedom.

As Brett embarked on the road back to Fish-Man Island, news about the melee between the three emperors that took place on the deserted island in the New World finally spread throughout the world.

The process of this war has been watched by everyone in the world. The peak showdown between the new pirate emperor and the original emperor, everyone is looking forward to who will be the final winner in the end.

But when the results of the war really emerged, people in the world were still dumbfounded and extremely stunned.

"Did Charlotte Lingling actually join that war? So that red-haired guy turned out to be facing the siege of two emperors!"

"How could it be? Doesn't the red-haired one also have Hawkeye as a helping hand? That monster's strength is not inferior to Charlotte Lingling!"

"Who could have imagined in advance that the war between the Red-haired Pirates and the Beast Pirates would eventually evolve to such a scale?"

"But in the end it was the redhead who won."

"It can only be said that Kaido is a little unlucky. That Katakuri guy happened to rebel against Charlotte Lingling at this time!"

"In this case, that Katakuri guy has completely usurped Charlotte Lingling's inheritance, and the position of Pirate Emperor has been changed!"

"The new world is really becoming more and more chaotic."

People can only sigh like this.

The already chaotic new world now has a new emperor and an old emperor.

What will that chaotic sea look like next?

It's hard for people to guess.

Just when the great changes in the new world were making the whole world boil, Brett had also returned to Fish-Man Island, and he called Brother Jinbei and Tezoro.

"So now that Katakuri guy has really succeeded?"

Taizolo couldn't wait to say after meeting him just now, "Hahahaha, that guy is really amazing, I knew he could do it. In this way, there will be three pirate emperors on our side, right?"

"That's right."

Brett nodded slightly.

"Wait a minute, Brett," Jinbei's eyes widened in surprise, "You and that Katakuri guy—"

I have never heard of this matter.

"Oh yes, I haven't had time to tell you about this yet."

Brett smiled awkwardly, "Anyway, brother Jinbei, you only need to know that Katakuri is my friend, and it is enough that the Charlotte family is also our partner."


Jinbe pursed his lips and nodded slightly.

His heart was beating loudly. This guy Brett had really done something incredible again without saying a word.

"So, why did you call us here?"

Taizoro asked in anticipation, "After Charlotte Lingling, is it finally Kaido's turn!"

"Great, I've wanted to take action against that guy for a long time. After all, that bastard Doflamingo is still under his command!"

Yes, Doflamingo, the old enemy of Bright and Tezoro, is now in the Beast Pirates.

"Don't worry, there is one more important thing to do before that."

Brett said solemnly, "I have now collected four historical texts of road signs, and then I am going to the final island."


Tezoro and Jinbe were stunned at the same time.

The eyes of both of them seemed to be unable to blink, and their faces were completely frozen, as if their bodies had turned into sculptures at the same time.


"No way?"

Taizolo slapped the table with his hand, couldn't help but stood up with a bang, and exclaimed in disbelief, "Britt, are you kidding!


Even Jinbei, who had always been calm, couldn't help showing a look of panic at this time. He quickly asked, "Britt, are you telling the truth?"

It's not that the two of them are making a fuss, in fact they both know what it means to find the four historical texts of road signs.

That means the final island, that means the great secret treasure, that means all the secrets in the world!

"How can I still joke at this time?"

Brett shook his head and said seriously, "Of course it's true."

"It's actually true!"

Tezoro excitedly waved his fist and walked around the office restlessly, "Britt! You are really amazing. Next time, you will become the Pirate King!" "

"I have no interest in One Piece, I just want to go to the Final Island to see it."

Brett smiled and said, "Go and see what happened eight hundred years ago, and what kind of history the government has erased from this world."

Of course, the more important thing is to find out what Mr. Yin Mu's trump card is and find out what his trump card is. After all, if you know yourself and your enemy, you can win a hundred battles.

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"The only thing missing now is someone who can interpret the historical text for me." Brett said seriously.

"Ancient writing is indeed a troublesome thing."

The excited smile on Jinbei's face subsided slightly, and he said with deep understanding, "Since O'Hara was destroyed, there are indeed no people in the sea who study ancient writings."

"Then only that woman is left."

Tezolo said, "The last descendant of O'Hara, the son of the devil, Nico Robin."

"This woman must know how to interpret ancient texts."

"Dorag and the others are also looking for her, but they have not found any trace of her."

Brett said, "That's right. If her traces were so easily discovered, I'm afraid she would have been shot by the government long ago."

"But the only way is to work hard to find her, isn't it?" Tezuolo spread his hands helplessly.

No, there is actually a second person.

And it's much easier than finding Nico Robin. All you need to do is go to Wano Country again.

But Brett didn't like the Kozuki family, so he didn't want to go find the guy named Kozuki Sukiyaki.

Fortunately, at this point in time, finding Nicole Robin may not be as difficult as imagined, and it can even be said to be very simple.

After all, the woman in the original work entered the Grand Line a year ago, and has almost been invited by Crocodile to join Baroque Studio.

Isn't this an opportunity?

"I'm going to Alabasta."

"Eh? Why?!"

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